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SO..what did Santa Claus leave under your Tree????


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:D  Hi my Kinster's!!  Merry Christmas!  Hope your day was just wonderful and wonderfilled!!!  and that you've had good, relaxing days after too!! 


Mine has been terrific!!  Just a quick drop in here to say hi and stuff..and just dying to know what y'all got!?!?!?!  Bill goes back on the road sunday night..so i'll be back around then!


Get ready!!  I got a new camera!! WOOHOO!  Now i'll deluge you with pictures!! LOL  Actually I was spoiled pretty much with many wonderful things!!  Books to read, a pebble Ipod, Holiday Barbie a new little stuffed labrador puppy to hug and a lovely china tea set for two!  Don't worry..I'm sure a picture will show up of it one day!!  LOL!


*hugs everyone, passes around leftover christmas cookies...and waits to hear your news*

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I got silk long-sleeved undershirt and a silk camisole-undershirt, 2 little LED flashlights (one for the car and one for my camping kit), money for "green earrings," a french press coffee maker and 2 quarts each of my favourite dishes that my ex-husband cooks (mmm-mmm)-chicken marco polo and beef burgundy.


I hope everyone got their hearts desire, or at least  enough new socks and undies for the next year.  :)

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*claps and grins* 


That sounds wonderful Ursula!!  Wow..those little LED lights are bright!  I gave Bill one and was surprised when he turned it on!! LOL  AND the one he got has one of those laser red light pointer's on it...makes a GREAT dog toy!  LOL  poor sven!  Bill had the puppy chasing that little red light all over the place! It's great!


Umm.but what is a French press coffee maker?

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Mostly my gifts were here well before Christmas.  I convinced my wife to let me get a new bowling ball in Sept.  Then I convinced my Mom to get me a new rolling bowling bag(carries 4 balls).  Finally in Oct my MiL got me a ticket package to the local NHL hockey team(Would have missed half the season if I didn't get it till Xmas).  :D


Ither than that got a few new games. 

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*laughs* SO DID I DANYA! Seriously, DH bought me the 3000 pack with Ratchet, National Treasure2 and a download card for echochrome (you've gotta go download that one from the Playstation Network... it does weird things to your brain...). Then my parents bought be Crisis Core! :D


I also got the last 4 Sookie Stackhouse books, The Tales of Beadle Bard, Bersinger (which I hadn't bought OR read yet...), and a $200 gift card to Barnes & Noble!


That's not even mentioning all the crafts Twinny gave me for Advent and the gift card to Build A Bear she sent me, too! :D

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I got a green mug from Jeremy and ipod headphones. From my parents I got to china dolls as I collect them, an angel (collect those also), an awesome vanilla candle, a plant kit, and I know there was something else but I can't remember it. *G* My brother got me a monopoly world edition for a family gift. His parents got me Book 3 from the WOT in hardback, new leather gloves, necklace and earrings, three green throw pillows, a chenille green blanket, a book on scrapbooking, a scrapbooking kit, hand lotion, eyeliner, a magnettic green writing pad, a magnetic green journal, and a bunch of stocking stuffers. His brother got us a big tin of popcorn. While in Cali I got a metal rose from his grandparents, a loaf of friendship bread, a can of special olives, and a jar of homemade pickles. Ohhh and Nephie sent me some scrapbook stuff, and Rasheta sent me King and I.

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Glad to help.  It' is to be expected though.....as my wife likes to remind me, a woman's brain actually shrinks during pregnancy and remains shrunk for up to a year.   ;D


I just had a strong urge to punch you  :P ;D


Ohhhhhh I remembered last night, which is tarded cause I spent most of the day watching it while I posted. Last season of Charmed on DVD. *dances*


that and season 6 are teh best ones!!!  ;D



*laughs* SO DID I DANYA! Seriously, DH bought me the 3000 pack with Ratchet, National Treasure2 and a download card for echochrome (you've gotta go download that one from the Playstation Network... it does weird things to your brain...). Then my parents bought be Crisis Core! :D


ooh, definately gonna check that out!! I've started a FFVII marathon. playing the original game right now  ;D

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Glad to help.  It' is to be expected though.....as my wife likes to remind me, a woman's brain actually shrinks during pregnancy and remains shrunk for up to a year.   ;D


I just had a strong urge to punch you  :P ;D



Ummm, but it was meant to be helpful....she did just have a baby earlier this year.  :P

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