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*chuckles*  HI Gramps!!  *bounces and hugs*


hmm..not off the top of my head do I have any that meet "all of the above", although as for the last..



I'm utterly irresitable!!!  *giggles*


Ok Kinsters..any help for Gramps on some healthy, yummy CHristmas fare?

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My days of diving into the "delicious" stuff are behind me, I'm afraid.


I'll still drool over them and maybe sneak a quick nibble, but I have to adopt some healthier lifestyle choices if I want to avoid a repeat of the triple bypass stuff in a few years...and I thought not smoking sucked!!!  >:(


I'm expecting a real struggle in the kitchen.  I've always enjoyed food.  Now, it's my arch enemy.  Anybody got a carrot stick handy?  ::)

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When in doubt, go hit the masters of cooking! Foodtv.com! *laughs* I found a few recipes on here that sound yummy even though they're good for you (I'm of the opinion that those two things can't be in the same sentence, but I'm open to suggestions...). Here's the link to their "healthy eating" page: http://www.foodnetwork.com/healthy-eating/index.html



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Thank you very much.

I have the page bookmarked for study later.

My loving wife doesn't want me "sitting in front of that stupid computer clogging up my arteries again", so I have to ration my cyber-time.


Almost forgot:


Happy Holidays, everyone!!!

However you observe the upcoming season, may you enjoy true happiness that lasts well into the new year!!!




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How about some Indian curry? The butter chicken kind of thing is dreadful for you but there's healthy stuff as well to be had.


For vegetarian, try this:


1 Potato per person

1 handful of frozen peas per person

pinch of cumin per person

onions, capsicum and tomato to taste

a handful of fresh coriander

a tablespoon of ground almonds per person

unsweetened yoghurt, cream, or coconut cream depending on how willing to clog your arteries you are

chilli powder, ground ginger, garam masala, paparika, etc to taste



Basically, boil the rice (add some cumin if you're fancy). Chop the onions and capsicum and put them in the frying pan with the rest of the cumin. Slice the potatoes in the meantime. When the onions/capsicum are a bit brown lower the heat and add the potatoes and peas. Try not to brown the potatoes, but it's not a disaster if you do.


Put your spices and ground almonds (but not the coriander or cumin) in a bowl with the yoghurt, cream, or coconut cream. Yoghurt is the healthiest, but maybe the trickiest to cook with. Stir them all together and add to the frying pan. Let it reduce down until the potatoes are cooked and the peas are hot.


Finally, chop the coriander and add it to the curry.


If you do use yoghurt, this may help:




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I'm not familiar with cumin, capsicum or coriander but the rest sounds yummy.  All forms of cream are on the "bad" list...even cream soups such as mushroom, celery, potato, etc.  No wonder I had three clogged arteries...I love ALL of the "bad" stuff!  I used to hop up from the couch during a commercial and grab a couple of frozen hot dogs out of the freezer, rinse them off, and return to the couch to devour them...those days are TOTALLY gone!!!  :o


I'll probably end up eating more oriental/vegetarian type foods.  Nothing else meets the low fat, low carb, low cholesterol criteria...especially not frozen hot dogs!  ;D

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You can probably get coriander plants from the garden centre - it's worth it if you're going to cook a lot of Indian food, although if it's just the one meal you might just be able to get dried stuff from the supermarket.


It's best when it's fresh and chopped. Very aromatic.


Cumin and garam masala you might be able to get from the supermarket, but maybe you'll have to go to a specialty asian food store.


Capsicum you can probably get from the supermarket. You might know it by a different name.




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My fear is the "long run".


I know from past experience that I can be a good boy for a while.  But, then I get that one "good" blood workup and "ALAKAZAM"...I immediately transform back into an eating machine...afraid of nothing...the "SEE FOOD" diet returns.


Somehow, I have to convince my feeble brain that a healthy lifestyle is worth the effort.  :(

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