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THANK YOU KINSTERS!! *tackles the Twinmistress*


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Guess what I got today? You can't guess. I bet you can't. Ok, maybe you can too guess....


I got a TWINNIE mail today!! *dances*


Now, to be honest, I don't really think I deserve this as I only joined the whole Nano thingy with 10 days left and I only wrote for 6 hours and only got 13.7k words. But MAN!!! Twin, honey, you spoil us rotten!


I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Loving my socks!!! I'm gonna wear them on my hands watching tele. They're fluffy and warm and cuddly and all kinds of fantastic! Red with bordeau stripes and just too great for words!!


And a bag full of sweets!! and one hell of a fantastic looking letter of support and enouragement! And all this in the name of the entire Kin.


Guess who is going to win 'nicest DM member' this year again? ;D Gawd, Twinnielove, you are really too much hon! *snugglesmoochies* Thank you so much!! :D :D :D :D

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*giggles and smoochies and hugs mystikiss!*


You are most welcome AND deserving Myst!  I'm serious about that too!  Kinster's have always supported the NaNo participants...just becuase you started late doesn't make you any less of one!  ;)

AND you achieved a really good chunk of words for only participating ten days...LOL!


*bounces*  Those socks are AWESOME!  I think I have a pair in every color!!  Live in the darn things!


*preens*  I was rather proud of my letter!  Not bad for a computer stuppid person to create!!!


*blushes* I don't know about nicest Mystie..there are a lot of wonderful, caring people at DM! But i't glad you think so!!  AND...I think you are one of the nicest here..no matter how much you try to be miss evil...


Thank you for the beautiful card!  I was so surprised when it arrived the other day!!!  It's right here on the table..*grins and chuckles*  I love the foriegn language...it just makes it super special somehow...*hugs*


Twinmistress?  oooh now I like that!  Never had that name before!!!!!

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LOL  Thought you all might be wondering just what this is that Mystie is talking about!  Well May and I joined forces on the Twinnie Task Force to support our Nano writers and send them real life things!


May sent all of them cards...and then we came up with several 'items' to encourage and support them!


Here is the list!





We are so proud of our fellow Kinster’s who have accepted the challenge of NaNoWriMo 2008!  Each of you are amazing and talented people!  We hope that you make it to the 50,000 word goal and to help you we thought these little things might help!!!


~Candy Kisses:

You are LOVED!


To light your fire when you feel burned out!


To help you on those days you don’t feel so smart!


To give you a burst of energy!


Take some time to laugh!


To keep you from drowning when problems come up!


To remind you not to pick on yourself when time to write is short!


To remind you to be flexible!

~Chewing Gum:

Stick to it!  You can DO IT!

~Notebook and Pen:

Jot down ideas!  There is always next year!

~Hot Chocolate and Tea & Lemonade:

Take  a moment to gather your thoughts!


Just because chocolate is good always!


While these hug your feet, know that we are sending you hugs of encouragement and love you!!!!!

~Your Kin Family


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