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I'm suffering from a cold right now. When I went to the store they didn't have any of the good cold medicine because that stuff could be used to make crystal meth, and I was to lazy to go to the pharmacy.


So do any of you have any good home remedies that you use to get through a summer cold?


...u can try to walk on your hands after having eaten french fries dipped in choc... LOL


that may work ! :lol:



or simple have a wee bit of rest and a mug of tea !


I'm not a big fan of tea. But when I get the flu I drink water mixed with Real Lemon Juice.


And I've tried walking on my hands before, the congestion moves down into my sinuses and I can't breath.


u sure ?


*scraches her head*


i was certain that it could work...or maybe it was the way to cure stomac ache?!? :?



i'm really not good at healing !





but don't drink anything too cold ! :wink:

Guest Majsju

A whisky is never wrong :D


Steam. Hot showers, sticking your head under a towel over a hot pot of water (be careful here and take the pot off the stove before you do the towel part -- no flaming towels!), a humidifier if you have one (most people don't), hot tea, soup. If you hate the taste of tea and don't mind sweet, hubbie's mom adds tang (other powdered fruit drink would probably work, tang just has vitamin C too) to tea and it ends up tasting not awful (I hate camomile tea, but it tastes nice with tang in it). I also like hot apple juice. Avoid really cold drinks unless you have a really sore throat and are willing to suffer stuffy head to get a slightly soothed throat (honey based lozenges work better). Avoid most milk products since they can make you feel phlemmy, though I've never had problems with cheese when sick. Putting a really warm washcloth over your eyes and nose for 15 minutes or so can also help congestion. Some people also like saline nose drops or sprays, but I can't stand putting liquid up my nose when it already feels nasty enough. Some people also have luck with zinc/vitamin C/echinacea, but they don't work for everyone. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) for muscle aches or fever, but may also help with pressure-pain from bad sinus congestion. Other than that, get lots of rest and lots of fluids.


Good luck!



she who only knows this stuff cause pregnant ladies can't take anything good for colds


i like to use a vapor rub and drink lots of water... well, i drink lots of water anyway, but it is one of the best expectorants and with no side effects. don't want you to get loopy. chicken soup or chicken noodle soup is good since that is easy to get down, easy to heat and can be split and saved. plus the steam will help clear you up.


and my dad used to give us a sort of hot toddy. whiskey, lemon juice and lots of honey. a couple of sips should clear you up for a couple of hours...but that one can make you a little loopy after a bit. especially if you are really young(read eight years old.). but it's good to get to sleep.


if you remove your head or another limb, i find that is usually quite distracting and you forget about the cold, you could even make a day of it :twisted:


This is what works for me, since getting a coherent and practical routine together when stuffy in the head is next to impossible. If you can still post in full sentences you may not need this kind of approach, but here it is anyway:


Take panadol.

Hot showers are good.

Get some eucalyptus stuff and sniff it (important: do not snort, your nostrils will burn).

Crawl into bed with hot water bottle or cat.

Proclaim your hatred for the world and every living creature in it as you try to ignore the feeling of having your face full of gloop and your throat full of sawdust.

Tuck your head under.

Groan pitifully.

Try to sleep.

Emerge occasionally for soup, shower, painkiller, and reheating of hot water bottle/cat.

Continue until you feel human again.


My sympathies :(


it was a guess by eyeing it measurement sort of thing, but about a shot of whiskey a two teaspoons of honey and a large sqeeze of lemon juice, taken about like cough syrup...


i'm not saying it didn't work, but this is from the same man whose remedy for cutting teeth was hot damn (cinnamon schnapps).


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