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The Darkness Comes Home Rp


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Yeah no killing her Accepted. :P Selenessin dying would be very bad for Perivar since he is supposed to "watch" after her.  Definately go with plan "B" where she makes it back to the Tower in one piece.  ;)


If you need to sacrifice anyone let a few of the Tower Guards meet their demise.  That might help Melenis's next RP, the whole having to deal with losing people under her command angle.  Just a thought...

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*arches her eyebrow at Kynwric* You know, I've never let you have it in RP form before... might be interesting... *smirks*


And what do you mean by frazzled? Elegant and exhausted, perhaps. Covered in blood and chest hurting from pushing her limits with oaths, most definitely. *grins* Isn't that how a Green is supposed to come home?




On topic edit I know, ya'll can stop gawking now...


Can anyone give me a quick sketch of what we've got planned between this point and the Erinin? I just don't want to step on a toe and get yelled at... ;)

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