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But its my first day.....(Open)

Covai Seriba

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Ryusai scratched the back of his head as he made his towards what he hoped was the training grounds. To be honest, he still wasn't exactly sure how he had managed to make his way to Tar Valon, let alone be accepted into the warders, even if it was simply as a trainee. The last few weeks had been a blur, and he was looking forward to putting what he could remember of them behind him. All he knew at the moment was that Tar Valon stood for the Light, and that would do for now.


Stepping out of the way of some funny looking woman in white, Ryusai paused to look around. He knew the man at the bridge had told him to come this way and to just listen for the sound of swords. Maybe he had been too early. Running his fingers through his hair, Ryusai brushed his eyes clear as he looked up. He thought could see the sun starting to break above the walls but couldn't be sure. As it was he still didn't feel like he belonged here. A tavern boy in a city of legends?


A reflection of light drew his attention accross the yard. It looked like one of the merchant guards he has seen from time to time back at the Lazy Sow....only better dressed and scarier looking. Swallowing the knot forming in his throat, Ryusai paused for a moment before setting off in the direction they had headed off in. He figured if he was this bad with directions, he should just hope that swords lead to more swords.


OOC: Heya folks! First post with characer in this Division. Feel free to jump in.  ;D

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Kynwric had noted the boy standing in the grand gate leading to the tower, he was even a bit amused when the Accepted had almost run ove rhim in her excitement to be free of the Tower for a day. He watched her for a moment, wishing he had a freeday, but unfortunately he had other matters to attend to. the most pressing of which was preparing for a trial. He turned and headed deeper into the Tower, passing through the gates to the Warder's Yard.


When he turned the corner he noticed the boy still following him and paused just out of sight to see what he was about. Likely just a petitioner lost, but touble had been brewing recently here and Kyn was taking more precautions than normal. When the boy passed the place where he stood he reached out and lay a hand on his shoulder.

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OOC: Sorry, been off sick for a few days.


IC: Ryusai jumped out of his skin when he felt the hand on his shoulder, literally. Unfortunately the strong hand didn't even shift from Ryusai pushing against it, and he ending up being rather unceremoniously on his back looking up at the stranger. Picking himself up and dusting himself off, the best he could do was to try to keep his face from going red.


Swallowing the nervousness he felt under the man's watchful stare, Ryusai finally managed to talk instead of standing there like a wool-headfool. "Um..could you tell me which way it is to the warders yard? I'm supposed to be starting there today."


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The murders that had been the talk of the Tower for days, had taken a back seat to whispers of the trial. Many whispered that there could be no question of guilt, while others confided that they’d heard the girl was insane and was going to be sentenced to life with the Yellow’s as their lab rat. Each whisper was more absurd than the last, but Thera’s ears caught them all. At least twice each day trainee’s were sent to her because they’d been fighting over conflicting rumors.  It was becoming almost too much to bare; couple that with her lack of time with Jasine and Thera’s temper was honed to razor sharpness. Even her lover had taken to slipping home after she’d fallen asleep.


Sitting at her desk Thera was pouring over a stack of papers, signing the ones that required her signature and discarding the many suggestions she received from Sisters. Whether it was over how lenient she was or how strict, or recently the trial, they were all disregarded with the same unceremonious crumpling and tossing to the floor. She might be young, but she knew her job and did it well.


Tossing away another sheet she didn’t even both to look up as she beckoned the owner of the knock into her office. With her caramel colored eyes still glued to the page she motioned to one of her desk chairs without looking up. The letter was from her former Aes Sedai, a strange thing to find in a stack of her work, but it was its contents that kept her intrigued more than the writer. So much so that the person in her chair cleared their voice loudly, twice, before she noticed and set the paper down; running her fingers through her golden curls.


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Kynwric looked down at Ryusai and shook his head. "The Warders Yard? Starting? You?" Kyn kept watching as the boy lay there in the dust. "Well, get up. You're not going to learn a blessed thing laying in the street. Come on..." And he began to walk towards Thera's office. He paused and looked over his shoulder at the still prone form. "Boy, I said get up and follow me. Let that be your first lesson. Follow the bloody orders you're given. NOW!" And he again turned away towards Thera's.


When he arrived he paused at the door, which was open and cleared his throat. However, the letter in her hand apparently had more of her attention than normal and he cleared his throat again, louder. When Thera looked up. "Mistress Thera, this boy says he was to start here today. I think if he cleans up some he might, maybe learn how not to die one day." He stepped into the office as he spoke and gestured Ryuysai forward. "This is Thera Gaidin, Mistress of Trainees and the meanest woman I know." He winked at Thera from behind Ryusai's back.

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  • 2 months later...

Ryusai gazed around the room he was in. He wasn't exactly sure what surprised him more, the papers on the desk, or the fact there was a woman behind it. The man who brought him there seemed to right about the woman being mean. If not mean, then at least not in a good mood. The expression she wore seemed more to match the merchant guards when the came in to the inn at the start of a night than a woman with curly hair.


Scratching his head in confusion, Ryusai paused before turning to his guide. "Umm... I don't mean to be rude sir....but I said I'm here to start training with the warders. You know...." Ryusai found himself suddenly tripping over his own tounge under the hawklike gazes from each of them. Swallowing the lump forming in his throat, he figured he should blurt out the rest of it. After all, it wasn't like he really had anything left to loose.


"You know....swords and daggers and those funny cloaks and stuff. I'm sure its great being a scribe and all..." Ryusai started to feel his cheeks blush "..but I can barely read as it is. I'm not sure this is really the best place for me"



OOC: Sorry about the delayed response. Try not to hurt the new guy too hard ;)

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