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Just a heads up


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Last week and partially into this week I had Jury Duty.  Needless to say my work backed up, so now I am really really behind.  Instead of getting the chance to catch up, when I returned I got slammed with more work on top of my usual workload.  So if I am in an RP with you I promise to get to it but it may take me a few days to catch up.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Waiting more than 24 for hours for an RP…Unacceptable!!! You are fired!! *writes the seperation letter*  ;)


Its no problem hun..this is a busy time for everyone. Just don't work yourself too hard.


*sits down to wait for her Warder to return*  ;)Maybe I should take up needle point? ::)

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Waiting more than 24 for hours for an RP…Unacceptable!!! You are fired!! *writes the seperation letter*  ;)


Its no problem hun..this is a busy time for everyone. Just don't work yourself too hard.


*sits down to wait for her Warder to return*  ;)Maybe I should take up needle point? ::)


You doing needle point! *roflmao* *catches breath* *laughs harder* 


Ooh I have to remember to PM you, I had a question to ask you before I post in the "Be Gone Aes Sedai" RP.

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Maybe I should take up needle point? ::)


*A window in the Red Quarters is flung open, and kilolitre of icy cold water is dropped on a Warder Trainee's head, abruptly cutting off his shrieks. Larindhra's head appears.*


Oh ... hi there Eqwina  :D

Hmmm ... I would by no means claim to be an expert, but isn't needle point usually done on some kind of cloth, not human skin? Oh well ... whatever keeps you entertained, dear.

*Eyes the generic Warder Trainee sternly* Suck it up, boy - it'll toughen you up.

*Beams vaguely at Eqwina, then disappears again*


*pops back out and waves to Sieve* Welcome back!  ;D

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*looks down at the lopsided rose in the poor boys flesh and grimaces* Okay..so there are some skills that I will just never have :P *tosses the "needle point work" off a cliff*  8)


*tackles her Warder and covers him with pink bows* You look so pretty!! *pets fondly* Welcome Back hun! :-*

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