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Trial: Healing and Defense


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Cari wasn't completely aware of what was going on as the strange man carried her to the infirmary, or rather that's where she assumed she was going either that or the brig, but either way she hadn't accomplished what she had intended and now she was going to have to deal with both consequences, a healing and her death afterward.  Only in Tar Valon would justice be more profound than letting the murderer die by her own hands, only in the yards would this actually have happened.  Justice was not her own death but a trial to convict her of it. 


As he ran through the halls of the Tower Cari thought she caught of glimpse of Raeyn.  Her former Aes Sedai, a friend but she didn't really think it was her, Cari wasn't conscious much and it could have been a dream.  Her own blood was leaving her body and there was very little she thought was real.  She imagined Alex, and Demus and even Yearn, the kids.  Even each of her own personalities took on physical shape in her state of blood loss.


In the infirmary they strapped her down and removed the dagger then started performing their strengths, healing.  Cari shuddered at the thought of the OP touching her but the pain and the healing pretty much made her pass out. 



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Strolling down the hallway, Raeyn mused on her most recent meeting with her counterpart in the Red Ajah, Zarinen.  Of course, the woman had no idea that Raeyn knew her position as the Highest, but what she didn't know benefited both of Raeyn's Ajahs in their business.


Still, it was prudent that a Sister Raeyn had an established history with was running the Reds... even if that woman was somewhat madder than she had been in the past.  Regardless of that fact, it had been a fine conversation, and the Brown Sister felt that both parties were happy with the end result.  So it was with good spirits that Raeyn made her way sedately down the corridors of the Tower.  She was enjoying herself, and very happy to actually have <i>any</i> time to be leisurely!


She was crossing the Tower's main antechamber when something drew her up short.  Stopping quickly, she allowed her attention to be diverted by a Warder carrying a smaller person deeper into the Tower.  A gasp almost escaped her lips - that was Matalina, her former Warder!


<i>"No, no.. it's Cari now, not Matalina,"</i> she thought to herself as she waited a moment before following.  She continued to walk at a sedate pace, and allowed herself to assume a mask of deep thought in order to prevent others from stopping her to speak.  While she GREATLY disliked that stereotype against her Ajah and its Sisters, she had to admit to herself that it was a useful tool on occasion.


It wasn't too long before she realized where the Warder, <i>"Kyn or something, I think; one of the Green's Warders,</i> was carrying the prostrate form.  Nodding to herself, she drifted into an adjacent corridor and picked up her pace.


Normally, she avoided the Yellow Ajah like the plague, but she had a great need to go into their nest this day.  In her head, Raeyn shot a small prayer of thanks to the Great Lord that she had been around the Yellow quarters a fair amount lately to talk with her fellow Black, Eqwina, about matters in the Hall of the Tower.  And because of that, no one looked twice when she knocked on Eqwina's door and dashed in as soon as the First Weaver opened the door.


"Eqwina," she started, pausing for a second to open herself to Saidar and weave a ward against eavesdropping, "We appear to have a problem."  Striding towards an available chair, Raeyn plopped down. She had heard the stories about all the murders in and around the Warders Yard recently, and seeing her friend being carried into the Tower had told her almost immediately who was the responsible party.


Taking a deep breath, Raeyn explained everything she could about the ongoing matters.  Her former Warder's insanity, the multiple personalities, the trail of murders around the Yards.  "You'll probably be getting called down to the Infirmary soon to check on her, I would think," Raeyn said in conclusion, "And we can expect there to be a trial of sorts.  I think that we might have to use our pull to be a part of that trial, and see if we can get her freed."

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Normally by this time of the day Eqwina would have her correspondences done and would be well into her Ajah reports, but today she’d not even begun and the sun was already starting its decent in the sky. She still sat where she’d been the night before when the sun went down; In a large arm chair by the fire with an untouched book in her lap. It was unlike her at yet it happened all too often of late. She was restless, unaccustomed to this much time tied to once place, but when the Great Lord commanded she obeyed.


Setting the unopened book down on the side table Eqwina got up and washed her face and changed out of yesterday’s silks. Looking into the mirror she eyes looked a little tight, but that is all there was to say that she hadn’t slept. Part of lack of focus was restlessness but she knew another part came from the nightmares. They started again and seemed to have come back ten fold. Not since she’d still been bonded to Isha and held in the Black Tower had she had such violent dreams.


Barely a quarter hour had passed from the time she’d dressed until there was a knock on her door. Sending up a small prayer that it wasn’t a bleating Accepted for worse yet a Novice she opened the door. The face she saw was not a surprise but certainly the last she wanted to see with a headache starting for form behind her eyes.

“Hello Raeyn, please…come in.” Without asking Eqwina poured two cups of tea and handed one to her Brown Ajah counterpart. The story she unfolded was interesting, but the part of her that was inherently Yellow was distracted by thoughts of studying the girl’s affliction of the mind. It was not an art that many practiced these days, but Eqwina had special interest there.


Raeyn’s words snapped her back to the here and now she began to put her mind to work on the problem at hand. “Yes, you are right, this is a problem.” The side of her mouth quirked into a small smile, so Raeyn’s former warder had been the cause of the recent ruckus in the Tower..very interesting. “I will do what I can for her of course.” Glancing at the clock above her mantle then looking back at Raeyn she smiled again. “It should not take much to make them see reason, and of course my word and yours with both hold considerable sway.” As much as she hated being so tied to the Tower, being a Sitter did offer interesting and often times convenient opportunities.


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Raeyn nodded and rose from her seat, "You can always claim to know that I have an interest in murders and murderers or something; I'm sure you can think something up to make it seem most reasonable to get me down to investigate your charge."


Heading for the door, she turned back to the Yellow Sister, "At least, I can only guess you'll be heading down to the infirmary soon?"  A curt nod in reply, which Raeyn returned a touch more politely, "Excellent.  I think that, perhaps, we should meet again to discuss where to go from here.  If you would like, perhaps we can meet in one of the more isolated gardens for a chat later?  I'll leave that up to you; you know how to get a note to me if you need to."  She was, of course, referring to the secret hiding places the Black Sisters used around the Tower to drop notes to each other; she had no doubts that Eqwina would make use of such for this, which was technically work of their true Ajah.


Dropping the ward, Raeyn dipped herself in a curtsy before departing; she might not like this woman that much, but she was the one the Chosen had placed over her.  And in matters of the Heart, the proper courtesies must be observed.

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Eqwina had already implied as much, but still she nodded when Raeyn asked if she’d be going to the infirmary soon. As if she would ignore such an important task!  Acknowledging her curtsy with the same stiff nod, Eqwina waited until the door was firmly shut before she began to take action. Taking out two sheets of paper she scribbled hasty, coded messages on each and sealed them with a dark lump of wax. Tucking them away into her belt pouch she gathered her skirts and began the short walk from the Yellow Ajah Quarters to the Infirmary.


Before she even reached the doors a young novice came hurrying out so fast she almost knocked down the tiny Aes Sedai. A quick flow of air halted the girl in her tracks and made her eyes bulge. “I don’t care how important you think your task was child, that’s no reason to run through the tower like a bull in a china shop” The young red head started to open her mouth, but another flow of air landed on her bottom, shutting her mouth with a click. “Run to the Mistress of Novices and tell her what you’ve done.”


Stepping into the bright white of the infirmary she saw a cluster of Sisters around a bed, and a large Warder she thought she recognized. The flows of air binding the girl to the bed were no shock, not after the murders she’d committed, but the fact that she was still not awake was of some note. “What’s going on here?” The other Yellows in attendance took a step back to give Eqwina more room, and one spoke up telling what they knew.


“I should have been called the second she arrived!” she barked. Her full lips were drawn into a thin line and her eyes were daggers. “I am to be informed of every major case from here one out, as soon as it happens.” Ignoring the shuffling feet and abashed looks Eqwina gently took a seat on the edge of the bed and stared down at Cari. It was hard to picture this young woman as the mass murderer who had terrorized Tar Valon, but then she didn’t look capable of murder herself.


Laying two fingers gently on the girls head she delved, then careful the added flows of spirit to probe at the girls brain, searching…Eqwina eyes focused hard on the young woman as she searched with Saidar. Several minutes passed in silence while she weaved, until finally she stood up and let go of the source. “It’s safe enough to move her, though I would not let unbind her. She’s more dangerous than you may have realized.” Not many Yellow’s studied diseases of the mind, but Eqwina had made a study of it and knew more than any other Yellow still living. When she spoke on the topic people took her words as fact. “I may need to see her again, but for now I will leave her in your care.” She eyed the Tower Guard and after a few more instructions headed out into the hallways.


Taking the long way around she passed by the Brown Ajah Quarters and left a note behind a tapestry of a woman, a queen perhaps, studying a book written by Aes Sedai. One the Brown Ajah would find such a thing interesting she mused as she made her way to the least used of all the private Ajah Gardens. Sitting down by the bubbling fountain Eqwina pulled out her small notepad and began to take notes on what she’d found in Cari. If she was lucky Raeyn would not be too long in arriving.


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  • 2 weeks later...


After leaving Eqwina’s chambers, Raeyn wasn’t that sure what to do with herself.  <i>“If I go down to the Library, I’ll end up getting cornered by someone or another for hours.  If I go back to my chambers, I’ll probably end up getting distracted by some bit of Ajah work or another,” </i> she mused with a frown as she strode down the corridor, <i>”And I don’t even know how long Eqwina will be with Matalina, erm.. Cari.  It could be minutes, it could be hours, and I don’t want to keep her waiting.” </i>


Down another spiraling ramp, down another hallway, and suddenly her nose decided her, <i>”Oh yes, almost lunchtime.  I can stop for a bite, and then check the normal spot.  If the message isn’t there by then, I can go gamble on not getting cornered in the Library!” </i>  Pleased with her decision, she assumed a thoughtful mask and found herself a corner table to enjoy her repast in.




With her appetite sated, Raeyn made her way up and across towards her rarely-used chambers in the Tower proper.  The corridor was clear before her, and a quick glance back showed it clear behind.  Smiling, she approached the tapestry of  Queen Esmerelde of Shiota reading a treatise on the War of Power as written by scholars in the courts of Coremanda.  Checking the hallway again quickly, she reached behind it, and found a note waiting.  <i>“Good,” </i> she thought to herself, turning the corner to enter the Tower-bound Brown quarters properly, <i>”At least I didn’t have to wait that long after all.” </i> 


She smiled, and entered her sparsely-used Tower chambers.  Once inside, she quickly opened the note and scanned the contents.  Nodding to herself, she crossed to the fireplace and opened herself up to <i>Saidar</i>.  Channeling a fine flow of Fire, she quickly set the note alight before laying it inside the fireplace, where it quickly burnt to nothing.  Nodding again, she began the trek to where Eqwina indicated they should meet.




Raeyn found Eqwina sitting alongside a fountain in one of the more secluded Tower gardens.  Curtsying slightly, Raeyn eyed the notepad questioningly as she made herself comfortable alongside her fellow Black Sister.  “I take it your findings were much as I said, then?”




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Carefully wiping the excess ink of her pen she capped the small jar and set them, and the notebook off to the side. Making sure it was just out of Raeyn’s reach, not that she thought that a sister would really steal from her, but then again who could say what Black Ajah would do.


“I take it your findings were much as I said, then?” Raeyn’s voice was expectant, if not over eager. Taking a moment to adjust her skirts and gather her thoughts she reached over to pat the woman’s head. “Yes, it was just as you said. Cari is a..troubled..young woman.” Her sharp eyes watched for any reactions in the other woman, just as she was sure Raeyn was watching her. Their alliance was forced, and this new found closeness was purely temporary. They would never be more than cautious companions.


“It is well for us that not many Sister’s make a study of the mind. It is widely believed that healing is of little use in that vain. I on the other hand have devoted the last several years to the study and have found some interesting things. That being said it should not be hard to have myself appointed to her defense. After all who better to defend the insane than a woman who was bonded to one.” There had been rumors after Eqwina’s return to the Tower that the time in the Black Tower had addled her brain, and more sprang up as the news of her Asha’man’s death spread. “and of course made it her life’s work to find a cure.”


She’d been able to lay most of the rumors to rest, but every now and again she saw a novice pointed her out, or an Accepted who flinched at her gaze. “As for you..its well known that we are ..”friends”..” her tongue fairly curdled with the word. “ but I remember an old book I read once about the criminally insane, it had some interesting facts and statistics. I am sure it was not the only like it. Perhaps you have read others of those? If not I can pass along what I know so there is information to legitimize our claim.”

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<i>”Patronizing child!” </i> Raeyn thought furiously as Eqwina reached over and patted her on the head, <i>“As if I were some pet of hers!  But then, we cannot pick our Sisters…”</i>


Taking a slow, calming breath, she kept her face smooth and fixed in a mildly curious expression.  Long years as a Sister gave her better facial control than almost anyone else in the Tower, and she used it to her advantage as often as possible.  Why, she sometimes felt as if the emotion she portrayed, most times, were exactly what she wanted whomever she was speaking with to read.  Not that <i>anyone</i> in the Tower was quite that adept, no matter what they thought of themselves, but it never hurt to have a little confidence in oneself.


As for Eqwina, it was well ‘known’ in the Tower that they were friends.  Of course, this was the furthest thing from the truth; they both mutually disliked each other, and were quite content with that on a personal level; there was too much bad blood between the Ajahs they headed openly for it to be otherwise.  Still, the pretension to friendship had served them well in the past, and seemed that it would serve well in the near future too…


Tapping her chin briefly as in thought, Raeyn replied slowly, “Yes… I have read a fair number of texts pertaining to the subject at hand.  I think, however, it would be best if I pretend ignorance of the ongoing… troubles… until such time that you are approached by whomever the Yard has appointed to organize the trial.  I think it obvious that they will come to you for evidence, as the Yellow currently presiding over M… the prisoner.”  Nodding to herself in satisfaction, she rose, “At that time, you could, perhaps, ‘recall’ a conversation you have had with me in the past,” she paused to smile, “And recommend me as a resource for defense of the aforementioned.  That is, if that suits you?”


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Jasine had his folder of notes copied from Kyn's investigation and several sheets of blank paper to take new notes on.  He tucked them under his arm as he strode up the Tower steps.  He wore his crimson Tower Guard cloak, pinned together at his neck with the heart-shaped pin Thera had given him the day he asked her to wed him.  He bowed and nodded to the Guards at the door of the Tower.  Though they too must still be on edge from the murders and the capture of the girl, they let him through the doors with a nod.  Perhaps the tensely pent-up stress of not knowing who among them could be a murderer had finally passed for the Yards, and the suspicion and fear that had marked every interaction for the past little while was over now.


He made his way to the infirmary and spoke with one of the Accepted that was on duty in the main room.  The girl - No, woman, this Accepted is likely older than you are, Jase - wanted to get the yellow sister that was in the office, on duty in the Infirmary now, but Jasine asked her to wait.  He spoke to her briefly, asking who was here when Cari came in and who had seen to her.  Who cured her wounds and did anyone do any deep delving.  The Accepted answered his questions but quickly grew flustered with the detail he asked for.  She finally succeeded in begging off and asking to get one of the Aes Sedai and Jasine capitulated.  The Accepted led him to an office in the Infirmary that the Yellow sisters used whenever they were on duty down here and she entered alone before returning and bidding him entry.


The Yellow Sedai was not as much help as he'd hoped.  She knew very little about afflictions of the mind and evidence of them, it wasn't her specialty.  Eqwina Sedai apparently was, and Eqwina Sedai had seen Cari and would likely know more.  Jasine looked pensive a moment, trying to remember why he knew the name Eqwina Sedai.  Perhaps it would come to him once he met with her directly.  He wrote a few more notes and then thanked the Yellow Sister.  He didn't know if it would be impolite to request that an Aes Sedai meet with him, or if he should put in a petition to meet with her as a commoner might with the Amyrlin.


He called the Accepted back over and queried her to take a note to Eqwina Sedai.  The note wasn't of immediate urgency - it wouldn't do to start off his dealings with this woman by offending her - but he did need to see her as soon as it was her convenience to do so.  He thought for several minutes and then decided to stay as he finished updating his notes, sitting at a desk in the Infirmary.  If Eqwina Sedai was not available by the time he had finished taking the jotted ideas and thoughts and facts and turning them into a more coherent prose, he'd just send a second note stating where he could be found in the Yards.



Jasine al'Thorin

Trying to put the pieces together

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Keeping the smile, tiny as it was, plastered to her face was a chore, but if by nothing but pure strength of will she maintained the grin. Her fingers moved slowly over her skirts, smoothing out wrinkles that didn’t exist, but her face remained the perfect image of contented calm.


The internal struggles Raeyn seemed to be having over Cari was no real surprise, but the slips she continually made were. It was a small crack but perhaps it was something she could use in future dealings. Even the smallest of cracks could become large breaks if stretched properly. “I believe I could recall such a conversation, a thing I remember just in time of course.”


Stranding slowly Eqwina smoothed her skirts and forced her grin a tad wider. It had only been for a few moments, but having Raeyn standing over her was torturous. Once again her height grated as she tipped her head up slightly to meet the other woman’s gaze.


“I think we are done here, yes? I want to get back down to the infirmary to make note of what I learned and see if I can find out who is leading this trial.”


Nodding to the Brown and finally allowing her smile to fad she turned to go and heard a faint rustle from behind the fountain. Almost in the same breath she and Raeyn stopped and turned back to where they’d just been. After a quick glance at the fountain their eyes locked and volumes were spoken and decided without a sound.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Saeric was hopelessly lost. There were simply too many gardens in the Tower and he could not be bothered to map them for how often he went there...which was seldom. On light feet, he took turn after turn down stone pathways, seemingly passing the same rosebush every five minutes. He was supposed to be meeting Thera somewhere, but she likely left thinking he had snubbed her. He was likely in for a penance of some sort, as well. A couple laps around Tar Valon or something torturous like that.


He turned another corner beside a patch of lilies and then saw two people standing afar. Maybe they could give him some directions out of here. As he got closer, he noticed they were Aes Sedai. He stepped to the side so they couldn't see him, as it was very rude to interrupt an Aes Sedai's conversation. But.... his curiosity got the best of him and he inched closer through the plants and flowers, using his Warder training to keep as silent as possible. He got within hearing range without notice and he listened from near a small fountain. He couldn't make much sense out of it. It seemed like the way they usually spoke, nothing double meanings and hidden messages. But even this seemed a bit...odd. The shorter of the two went to move. It was at that time that a bee decided to sting him on the neck, causing him to squirm and twitch a bit. He froze as the two looked right where he was in the bushes. They saw him and he was sure they would be less forgiving than Thera. He slowly stood up, head down, to face the Aes Sedai. He couldn't say that he didn't mean to, when he obviously went there on purpose.


"Pardon me, Aes Sedai. I got lost in the gardens and hoped you could give me directions. I didn't mean to eavesdrop and I didn't understand what you said." He said with as much innocence as possible. He really didn't like lying to Aes Sedai, but it might lessen the blow...he hoped.


Saeric Talvus

Kill away! ^^

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A young man followed right on the heels of the rustling noise; looking abashed and guilty. He seemed an unlikely spy, a young trainee who still looked clumsy enough not to be allowed with a sword, and yet he had been where no trainee should.


“Lost you say?” Eqwina asked, hardly making it sound a question at all. For someone new to the Tower it was quite possible, but she doubted it from the way his eyes shifted as he spoke. Few people made good liars, and the young were always the worst. “I assume that you have someplace else to be?” she waited for his nod and arched her eyebrow when she heard he was on his way to Thera. “Then it seems strange that with someplace to be you would take the time to stop and listen, in the bushes, to our conversation. I know the Mistress Thera does not look lightly on tardiness. So either you have lied to me about not wanting to eavesdrop or you’ve lied to me about a meeting with Mistress Thera.” Crossing her arms beneath her chest she eyed the boy with the cool composure famous among Aes Sedai. She didn’t expect him to have an answer, but she gave the young trainee a chance to plead his case.


Several minutes passed and Eqwina could hear Raeyn’s foot tapping impatiently beneath her skirts. Her own foot wanted to twitch with irritation, but she managed to hold her calm long enough for the boy to mutter and apology.


“It’s good to know that you repent for your lies, but of course you know that it will not be enough? Come along with us, we may as well be about this so I can get on with my day.” Eqwina cut her eyes to Raeyn motioning for her to lead the way, with the boy between them they led him deeper into the Tower.


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