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I have a small problem!


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Yes, I've been back here for two days, and I'm already causing a ruckus. Ah, just like the good old days!


Anyway, here's my dilemma. I submitted a bio for a new character, and then upon perusing the Warder bios, realized that I still have a character listed as a trainee. That character is Juntao Rishania. I had forgotten about him!


So, I wondered how I should proceed. Can I bring Juntao back into the fold, or do I need to start fresh with a new character?


I would dearly like some council so that I might avoid having the proverbial egg on my face. That crap stinks when it goes bad!

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You can have up to three characters per division, so how you want to proceed is mostly up to you.  It shouldn't be too difficult to bring back your old trainee, but you're entirely allowed to start fresh with a new one.  You can probably even do both, although I'll leave the specifics of how to bring back an old trainee to someone who is actually staff over here.


I wouldn't worry, though.  Whichever way you decide to go with it won't be the "wrong" way, since you're allowed more than one character per division now. :)

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If you want to bring back your old trainee just email the mistress of trainees at warders.mot@gmail.com and tell her you'd like to start again so she knows.  Since you are a trainee it's highly unlikely you need to update your bio to explain your absense, just start where you left off.



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Bios goes to: warders.bios@gmail.com

Trainee stuff goes to warders.mot@gmail.com

RP stuff should go to warders.rps@gmail.com (but not sure anyone is checking this one)

All other Staff related stuff goes to warders.staff@gmail.com


So Jehaine you are doing correctly sending all new bios to bios email address.  He is not submitting a bio he is resurrecting an old character which needs to go to the MoT or DL depending on what type of character it is.  But they are the same person so it doesn't matter in this particular circumstance.

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*grins and laughs at her lack of 's'* Sorry to confuse you guys :p What Mat said is correct. *nod nod*


Talavin is busy but he is checking both RP and the Bio email and I think devon checks the RP email as well.

The MoT and the Staff roll into one for me now :) So I don't have to check two of them ;D

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HaHaHaHaHa!! *holds her sides and laughs* As if anyone would listen to you!! Your a grown man and you allowed yourself to be tied up my a half broken girls!!! *presses her hands against her ribs and laughs until it hurts*  ;) :-*

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