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Greetings and Salutations! I am an old/new guy!


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Hello hello!


Well, like my nifty title says, I'm a fairly old former member recently (as of today) returned to the Dragonmount universe. It's been a long time, and I'd like to get back into some roleplaying and suchlike. My name is Jay, because I know you were dying of curiosity.


I used to have a couple of characters here a few years ago, but I doubt anyone would recollect them now.


I've got me eye on a spot in the Warders group, so if anyone feels the need to lend a finger that points in the proper direction, I would be at least momentarily grateful. I suppose you could lend a finger of some other sort, but that just isn't very nice treatment of a newbie!

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Welcome back; I see you found your way down to the Warders on your own and jazz ;)


How long ago were you here?  Did you have a different handle in those days, or?  Just trying to see if I can place you, or if indeed I ever knew you ;)


Regardless, welcome back!

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Some of those seem possibly familiar... but then, names do tend to repeat themselves.  One of my Brown is a Raena, and there was a Rayne on the RP side who happened to share a birthday with me  :-X



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