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Well Met, Dragonmount

Tel Janin

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I am Tel Janin, called Grymm by some.


I've been reading RJ's work for nearly 25 years now, beginning with his pulp 'Conan' days.  I started the WoT series when it was first published in '91.  I've reread the series at least once every time a new book is published.


I'm a career military man, currently stationed in Germany.


I look forward to posting with everyone.

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Ditto what Ireond asked, if only to see if there's the off-chance you happen to know any of my friends and former co-workers out thaddaways.  I'm former Air Force, myself, and can think of at least one Airman and at least one soldier I know in varying parts of said country.


Anyhoo, welcome to our little madhouse :)

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I think I know <i>a</i> person there.  He'd be a SSgt, Russian linguist, sort of twitchy... names starts with a V.  Back at Medina, he was that guy with the brown station wagon covered in aerials.  There might be other people I know there, but that's the only one that comes to mind :)

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