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cadsuane-aint she the dead person?

a pale tanned lover

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No that is Morraine. Min had a vision that without her Rand would fail... and since she thinks morraine is dead she is all confused. It is the only vision of hers that she thinks hasn't come true.


if u read what was wrote, and how everybody hated her, isnt she the dead woman that rand would die without?


The individual that was referenced to by Min's viewing was most definitely Moiraine.  She didnt even know Cads at that point.  :P


and since when was morriane mentioned(sorry bout spelling) if min seen her she would have known, sorry but only one person dead in this case and it aint morraine





Did you forget that the veiwing was referenced to not long after Moiraine 'died'.  We dont think she's dead, because we have all the clues.  Min?  Oh I think not.


So, while Cads is definitely a legend among Aes Sedai, there is nothing to say that Min would know who she was.


Trolls, hehe, I was thinkging the same thing, I just didnt want to say it.  *shrugs*  The whole thing is quite funny either way.


Unfortunately it is. Min's viewing was not that a person dead and gone would be vital to Rand's success, it was that Moiraine, whom min thought to be dead and gone, was vital to Rand's success. The dead and gone bit was added by Min from her own subjective opinion--which we know as fact--the vision was something she saw Moiraine doing, and thus when Moiraine died she thought the vision failed her, but as we know Moiraine is not dead.


And we know it was indeed Moiraine because of when Min mentions the vision--she sees Caraline who looks like Moiraine and her breath hitches for a moment, then she realises that it isn't Caraline, and thinks herself a fool for having hope over that vision.


Finally, Min never knew Cadsuane existed, much less that she was thought to be dead. Her first experience of Cadsuane was a full flesh and blood person.


I think Rox got it right with the trolls.  Big hairy beasts that like to trample in the bushes.  *shrug*


Under bridges, too.  And apparently on certain famous mountains.


Min never had a viewing that Rand needed a dead woman to win. She had a viewing that Morraine was needed for Rand to win. Min thinks that Morraine is dead. When Min mentions that none of her visions have ever failed except the dead woman that Rand needs to win, she is thinking about Morraine. Min has never had a vision that Rand needs a dead woman to win. That is likely where you are becoming confused. She had a vision that morraine was needed and she never completed that task before dying (Min thinks that Morraine is dead).


Okay thats the same thing repeated in 3 - 4 different ways, but it should answer what you are after.


http://www.encyclopaedia-wot.org/ general chapter notes etc. There is no reference of what you are mentioning. You have the feedback of 6 or so people on this thread that you are wrong, and it would be more than just my assumptions.


http://www.darkfriends.net/wheel/4_prophecy/4.2_min-view.html a list of all of Min's veiwings. There are none that reference rand needing a dead woman.


RAND: "He would almost certainly fail without a woman who was dead and gone..."  is the line you are talking about. This is not a viewing, but a reference a previous viewing she had.


MOIRAINE: "it was not as if she had really expected Moiraine to turn up alive. Moiraine was the only viewing of hers that had ever failed."

again nota  viewing, but it mentions again that the viewing that failed her was of morraine.




ok thats backs my arguement even more, everyone seems to have jumped on the bandwagon with this, lets face it there is no evidence of what her view of moiraine was about(could have been getting married to thom((likely!)) and cadsuane was long gone and everyone thought she was dead.

cadsuane was long gone and everyone thought she was dead.
Did Min? Given that she had never met her, nor heard of her, so far as we are aware, until she shows up. Certainly we don't have those viewings referenced until after Cadsuane has appeared. So a bit odd to call a woman undeniably very much alive and kicking dead and gone, especially when Min should be well aware of the fact that said dead woman is alive. Moiraine on the other hand, is believed dead by Min, and a viewing of hers had failed about Moiraine, and Rand will fail without a woman who is dead, which Min believes Moiraine to be but she doesn't believe Cadsuane to be. Hence the higher likelihood of Moiraine being the person referred to.


*Best Quirrel impersonation* TROLL in the thread! Just thought you ought to know...*faints*


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