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Possible RP for N & A's


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I'm bored, the man is outta town and so I have time to think. :)


What do you all think about a discussion/debate meeting for N & A's with Sisters...or even one Sister from the Whites?


Either something structured or more of an impromptu gathering to challenge the ''children'' to think.


So, Let me know Your thoughts and I will make a list of Possible topics...feel free to add any you have.



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I'm ambivalent on the matter.  But then, I'm not awake either *hugs*


Though the first thing that comes to mind is a possible debate/discussion on the follies of the last couple of women to sit in the Amyrlin Seat.  For example, Lanfir not taking a Blue Keeper as was called for by compromise, as well as her relationship with the woman who filled the role.  One could probably include Sira's traveling in there (I missed most of this period, but I get the impression she wasn't at the Tower as much as an Amyrlin should be?), or Karana holding back knowledge on the Dragon Reborn.


That's just a thought, though, born of trying to think of something N&As would have to talk about in their classes anyways.



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The Follies of our Mothers - What in the Light was wrong with our former Mommies?? ;)


Black and White - Saidin and Saidar - Aes Sedai and Asha'man - should they work together or should we blow them all up (the men that is!!) :P


Seven Ajah's - Have we weakened the Tower by isolating ourselves within ourselves.


Mmmmkay....that's all my brain can come up with today...

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the staff been used sort of timeless, but isnt it generaly so that the other things that will otherwise majorly mess up things stay in the timeline, like ashies, dragon etc for intiates, and easily so because they wouldnt generaly ever need to interact with them as they generaly is pent up in the tower ;) so there is no need for the intermingling that would and could make it more complicated and odd then one thougth at at the time


one idea i sugested once for a rp for intiates, was sort of a staged da vinci puzle, using tasks solved already by the whites as such as clues or whatnot...that could be made quite interesting as well, as since *looks around* if we dont have any intiates in here that would partisipate, the tasks as such could also be somewhat genuine (some of them anyhow) challenging the writers, and tossing in a random factor in who does best or whatnot


and there could be some prize at the end, like cake or whatnot which really is something they dont get hold of often, and i remember we used to play with how satisfying it was ic if they earned some, or someone snuck them some ;) and sort of gave a perspective of the life for intiates as displayed in the books (ie its all in the little detail things, and utilising the info given in the books)

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Unless anyone has any objections, I'm going to post on Monday for N & A's who would be interested in joining this.


I'm probably going to flip a coin as to which topic will be discussed first.


Any of you Whites that would like to be involved, please let me know. I'm not sure if I will RP this as Tae or Thanelle...probably depends on which topic I decide on....or the mood I'm in come Monday  :D

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