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Asha'man Warders


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I can't believe I forgot about him...


And am I right in assuming that Rand was one of the five? It occurred to me that he might not have told Jahar about being bonded by Alanna or Elayne (and he clearly would have kept quiet about Min and Aviendha).

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Guest Dreadlord

Hmm, I didnt think everyone knew Rand was bonded to Alanna.


I love the way the bond affects her, Rands unhealing wound drives her mad yet Rand barely acknowledges it

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i'm also curious because the group from the Red Ajah shows up to bond Asha'man.  But at the same time, Rand has agreed that such and such number are allowed to be bonded to the Sisters under Egwene's rule.  Romanda agrees that solves the problem of bonding men who can channel, but what happens when everyone starts bonding each other?

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Seeing how they used Alaana in WH to find Rand, I would say that was a big clue.


They didn't actually use Alanna to find Rand in WH. Alanna herself tells Rand that Cadsuane found out where he was on her own and that when Alanna found out she was planning to go to him she'd had to beg to be allowed to come along.


I don't know. Maybe it was Rand--i suppose we should give RJ the benefit of the doubt and assume that he did something strange like including Rand there over the idea that he made a mistake--but Narishma including Rand there does seem strange.


And, I mean, wasn't the whole idea to repay for forcible bonding--in that mindset shouldn't the Aes Sedai owe the Asha'men someone for Alanna, rather than the other way round?


But still, it's strange.

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The reds didn't know about the deal with the SAS.


And Verin and Caudy didn't know Rand was in Far Madding.  Alaana just found out they were going there and wanted to come along.


And Narshima said there were six, but Eben died so it's five.


Rand is the fifth.

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And Verin and Caudy didn't know Rand was in Far Madding.  Alaana just found out they were going there and wanted to come along.


Cadsuane knew, and we don't know what Verin knew--it was just the others that didn't know, Alanna included.


And Narshima said there were six, but Eben died so it's five.


Rand is the fifth.


Narishma said there were five, but that Eben died and then there were four. Even with it just being four that still needs Rand to be a part of it--Karldin, Flinn, Narishma, Eben and Rand.

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