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Hi, my name is Moe and I'm new in DM. Need something to do to kill some time  I've been reading the WOT series since 1996 0r 1997 I'm not sure, but I been through the whole series. Not really card gamer or gamer period just do my own thing which is pretty much anything that's fun.


Anyways; I'm tired of waiting for the last book! I mean damn!!! For a guy like me I'm 31 I've been reading this damn series like since I was 20 or something


Is it it weird? Yes a little. But I really haven't found a book or series that comes close to this monster that the late Robert Jordan has created.


P.s. I'm new to this as you'll find out really quick...I already posted my greetings in someone else's thread/topic...realized I probably should create my own!



:) Hi Moe! Don't worry about posting in the other thread; lots of people do that sort of thing. But do remember that this site is PG-13.  ;)

We're all a little tired of waiting, but we know RJ tried his best. And at least we are going to get the ending. I'm very thankful that he provided for that.

Have fun exploring DM! 


hey welcome, and yeah from what i know we can be gratefull he put his fans over himself, cause there was a time he wouldnt considered have someone else write it then himself and leave orders i read somewhere of have everything burned and wiped if he he didnt finish before he died...somewhere along the road he luckily changed it, and hopefully brandon will do a good job with it, though i wouldnt blamed em if it had put the deadline out even more..so i am just glad its on time


then again i am reading earths children a series that gives out 1-2 books a decade ...so i am used to waiting...if you like nature and history i recomend them...they are as deep as wot in a way, but instead of set in a fantasy world, the author play with how it would been in the days of cavemen advancing to walking up right and living more and more in half selfbuilt houses etc


the main char is ayla who is of the walking up race, but loose her family and get adopted by cavemen...her upbringing, and then her way back to her own people..very interesting in that its quite detail oriented down to the level of describing medicines, creation of hunting tools and other tools etc


so who know maybe you can find your other gigant there...not so much fantasy genre as historical contemplation but yeah |s|


Thanks Loreina, Raena and Littha; I appreciate all your kind welcome and advice. I must say this site is really intresting what with the different groups, organizations and clubs that it has. I personally I'm leaning towards the Aiel Org.


Anyways, I notice that you three are from very different backgrounds...Al USA (Alabama I assume), Sweden and DM (Denmark I assume). I'm originally from Somalia (I was born there) grew up in Kenya for about 8-9 years and then moved to Canada where I've been ever since. I love Sci Fi and Fantasy and the only thing I can compare to this series and the pull it has on me is as a young lad in Kenya reading CS Lewis and the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe series. It's a really intense feeling that I have about this WOT series. It's hard to describe...I mean I'm not a geek or anything but I might actually be tempted to dress in costume for these books (probabaly as Perrin or Mat maybe Rand) if it were ever to be made into a movie or something.


Anyways, like I said it's nice to find this site and others...I first came upon it when I heard my man died and a worte a condolence note on his blog...man this guy they picked better not mess it up by deviating from RJ's traditional penchant for describing the scenery and the battles and the girls :P


I also liked the pics from the Euro Trip that was niceee!


Tood bad there's nothing like that in Canada, and don't think anyone here in Toronto, Ontario or wherever actually reads RJ. From what I've seen they're all either in Europe, the US or Western Canada :(


Peace everyone.

Anyways, like I said it's nice to find this site and others...I first came upon it when I heard my man died and a worte a condolence note on his blog...man this guy they picked better not mess it up by deviating from RJ's traditional penchant for describing the scenery and the battles and the girls :P
Some of us got a chance to meet Sanderson at Dragon*Con. He really is a fan-turned-author, and he gets it. I have no doubts that he'll turn AMoL into a good final product.


Welcome, fellow newcomer!  ;D


:) You assume correctly, at least in my case! Wow, you've been around!  I'm retired military, from AL via England, Texas, Japan, and California, and some other short hops, back to AL.  ;D 

There's a thread somewhere in the Dragonmount meets area that deals with a Canadian Meet. You can add you're suggestions. *nods*  Lots of Canadians here at DM. In fact we have lots of Canadians in the US. *lol* My doctor is Canadian.  ;D He  likes our weather and water sports down here.


Welcome to DM!


Glad you are having a good look at DM. Maybe take one step further down from the Aiel ORG and look at the Band of the Red Hand! ;)


But whatever you do at DM, have fun! :)


If you have any questions about the Aiel org, feel free to ask me either here or in a PM. I'm one of the Head Wise Ones over there (leader of the Wise One faction) so I know a few thing about the Org.  :) Feel free to come and visit us also, even if you don't join. Though we would be glad to have you!


And like Loreina said, check out the Dragonmount Meets board if you haven't done so already.  :) 


I was born in Brampton, which is a part of the GTA, and there are a number of people from around Ontario here, though an amazingly small number of them are from Toronto. Myself, I'm currently up in Peterborough.


DM=Dragon Mount ;) ie it refers to this page


there is a lot of scandinavians, but so far mainly island suomi sweeden and norway, dont know if we got any danish people on DM


but yeah there is people from all over the world on this site, so i am sure if you dig deep enough you'll find someone


as for meetings it just needs someone to organise em in different areas, atm *points to my sig* we're trying to do one for the midwest


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