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The Official TWINNIE SOCK DAY!!!!


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*bounces, giggles and laughs*


Ok folks!!  IT's HERE!!  LOL  Many of you have gotten socks from me..and we joke about it being the "Twinnie Sock Club"..well we are going to make it official and celebrate SOCKS!!!





On Thursday, September 4th..that's next Thursday by the way...is the official day to wear your Twinnie Socks!  LOL  Mayleigh had a great idea too!  Take a picture of your pretty tootsies in thier socks and post them here!!


*smiles*  I would love this to happen!!  This day also just happens to be my birthday!  It would be so very cool to think of all my wonderful friends everywhere...wearing thier "twinnie" socks..and smiling when you wiggle your toes..knowing without a doubt that you are loved and cared about!!


and you know what? you can join in even if you don't have Twinnie socks!!  *grins*  just wear your favorite socks and have happy feet!!!


LOL  what do you think folks?  *grins and looks at everyone, eyes sparkling, bouncing on her toes*  can we pull off a sock day?

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Sorry I hadn't posted.  Getting myself to post these days is like pulling (my own?) teeth... >< ... lol...


I think it's an awesome idea!    :D  I will try to post something, but of course, our newest camera is slightly broken again and I'm not sure where Tom put it.  I may try with the webcam.  :)


Either way, I'll be here to celebrate the birthday of the nicest, bounciest person around!  *hugs*

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JHea I think thats a very cool idea..*noddity nodd nod*



*bouncetacklehugsmoochessnoopydancesgigglesbearhugs  Quis*


OH MY GOD!!  I LOVE YOUR SIG!!  LOL  I saved it just for me to have in my scrapbook!!!!







are ya wearing socks?  are your toes happy?  *giggles and wiggles toes*


I'm starting the day off in my "Oh la la" socks from France that Mystie sent me...updates during the day as they change...*grins from ear to ear*


oh this is fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Sorry I didn't get here on Thursday (I fell asleep after I got Peanut in bed... sorry!), but I did wear my socks Thursday night when I got home! :D I even took them to bed! :) And I didn't get pics, but... I'll fix that! Even Peanut's wearing socks today! So, we're making Saturday (today) Twinnie sock day at Lor's house! :D




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*grins and claps*


oh this was cool!  we will have to do this again...with a little more publicity and advance notice maybe...hmmmmm


*grins at May*  you even may have your own Twinnie socks by then!!!



*laughs and grins at Lor*  You know anytime you wear twinnie socks is a good thing sistermine!!

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I have Twinnie socks!!!  I'm wearing them now, and here's a picture.




I may be late for sock day, but I didn't have them on Sept 4.  Better late than never.  I absolutely love my socks, Twinnie, thank you SO much.  I love the color pink and cats are my absolute favorite.  You couldn't have done better with picking socks for me.  Thank you. <3

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