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Murder: Victim #3


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Dawn came too soon, and it was time for sleep, tomorrow would be a busy night.  The shadow maintained firm control.  It could feel the others trying to pull at it.  But it laughed at their merger attempts.  "I am in control now."  It was not about to let loose the glorious feeling of being alive.  Even while it slept it had control.  It was alive!


Darkness came and as soon as the shadows were dark enough the shadow set out.  The Warder's Yards were ripe for the plucking.  There were always places that Tower Guards went in order to get away, where they thought no one else knew.  Cari knew where many places were, former Mistress of Trainees, knew alot about where she was going.  It was a good thing that she had changed so much over the past 10 years.  Her death had been good to her.  The shadow cackled inside her head.


Cari was exhausted from trying to rip control back, but it was useless, they were all just along for the ride.  The shadow crept into the darkest areas of the barracks.  The rec room was busy but there were other places to look for lone victims. 


The shadow heard a bump against a door it was sliding by, from Cari's memories it was a closet.  A small girl stepped out with her make up a mess.  The shadow smiled and after the door closed it opened it.  The man inside looked wide eyed and with mouth open in mid sentence.  Before he could protest, the shadow ran it's dagger over the man's throat.  A gurgling yell came from it but it was muffled by the door.  The shadow grinned at the sight and the smile grew as the smell of fresh blood reached it's nose. 


It turned and moved and Cari's cloak got caught on a nail.  The shadow pulled and tugged and ripped a piece away as it made it's way back into the shadows and out of the barracks.  The next kill would be outside...

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Perivar sat on his bunk reading the small book of poems that Kabria had given him.  He had read it over and over again so that he was able to recite several of the poems verbatim.  The candle light flickered then went out.  "Bloody candle!" he cursed it for going out.  Perivar turned to his bunk mate "Jake you have an extra candle?  Mine is spent!"  Jake replied that he did not.  Perivar wanted to keep reading so he told Jake that he was going to the supply closet to get another. 


The supply closet was down the hallway closer to the front door.  Perivar was reciting one of the poems thinking about his love.  He wondered where she was, was she thinking of him?  As he neared the closet he noticed that the door was already open.  Maybe someone accidentally left it open or someone else was getting supplies.  The closet held all manner of supplies.  Soap, candles, linens, pillows, and blankets a number of things lined the shelves. 


Perivar was feeling giddy so he crept up close to the closet.  If someone was in there he was going to scare them.  He jumped into the doorway of the closet and shouted as he entered the closet.  He jumped back at the horror he saw trying to draw the sword that was not there.  There was no need, staring back at him with eyes glazed over was one of the Tower Guards.  He was certain that he was dead, the eyes told the truth of it though he felt the man's neck while he watched his chest to see if it would rise.  He did not detect a pulse and the man's chest did not rise.


He poked his head out into the hallway.  A glance in each direction showed no signs of anyone.  Perivar shouted for Jake who came running down the hall half dressed with his sword in his hand.  Jake gasped then shook his head at the sight.  Perivar closed the door then spoke "You guard the door, don't let anyone pass.  Be alert, whoever did this could be anywhere."  His first thought was to report it.  Aside from confirming the man was dead he did nothing to disturb the scene. 


Perivar bounded from the barracks in search of Master Kynwric.  They had received warning earlier today that their had been murders committed last night.  Master Kynwric was leading the investigation and they would told to report all matters to him.  Perivar spotted the man and shouted as he approached "Master Kynwric!"..."Master Kynwric!" Perivar slid to a stop in front of the man who eyed him the question plain on his face "Another murder, In the Lions Company barracks.  One of the Tower Guards, I found his body is in the supply closet.  Jake is guarding the door."  Light what was happening, murders in Tar Valon let alone in the yard were not common.



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Kynwric turned as he heard his voice being shouted and he knew what was about. "Alright lad, let's see what we have this time." Kyn was walking briskly towards the barracks and when he went inside he saw Jake standing there. "I want a list of everyone you've seen in this room for the last day, and a list of everyone they've seen as well. now step aside so I can see."


When Jake stepped to the side Kyn looked at the door and doorframe for any clues. Then he opened the door and the first thing he noticed was the scrap of cloth hanging from a nail. "Hmmm..." He took the scarp and tucked into a pouch before crouching to examine the body... "Knife would again, very similar weapon, possibly the same..." he ran his fingers over the man's face. "Makeup?" He then looked at the man's hands, no weapons, they were still in their scabbards and he found strands of long hair tangled in the fingers and nails. "Interesting..."

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