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Loraine Sedai, Master Kynwric, Mistress Thera and her merry band of trainees


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I am so lost... 4 pages people! Since last night...


So, I agree with Eqwina. *nods*


Whatever that is.

OH come one guys!! Don't stop now! I want this thread to be as long as the IC one *winks*


Eqwina wants you to spam the thread, Kyn. ;D

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Okay, so here we go:


First- can this count as Advanced Survival? I already have a road trip thread going :D


Second- The big reason why I think it should only be one req is because even though it's super long, it's still one plotline, with the same characters interacting with the same characters.


Third- I'm too lazy to go back and quote this, but someone said that it would be a shame if this was a wasted thread. There is no such thing as a wasted thread- this thread is huge for character developement. Also, you have to realize that you all aren't even TG yet. Your raising is going to take a while, concidering it's a mass raising with tons of people.

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Sorry this doesn't count for spam, I am usually a top notch spammer.


Third- I'm too lazy to go back and quote this, but someone said that it would be a shame if this was a wasted thread. There is no such thing as a wasted thread- this thread is huge for character developement.


I said that kind of sort of.  I said it was a shame to waste it in that it wasn't filling a Req.  In the next sentence though I said that at least it was fun and good for character development.


Also, you have to realize that you all aren't even TG yet. Your raising is going to take a while, concidering it's a mass raising with tons of people.


I'm sorry but I don't understand your point.  I have no idea what that has to do with anything.  Technically Arath was not TG when we left either so what does that have to do with anything.  We could have done our TG ceremony already though we are waiting so everyone can participate.  That being said timelines are all messed up anyway, they are so twisted so who is to say where it falls in each characters training.  Maybe I missed your point altogether.

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Sorry, I'm tired must have forgotten to put the next sentence ;D


The TG Ceremony is WS 6-7, and because you can't skip it, you can't do anything for advancement until you get that done. So before we start talking about TG Reqs lets talk about actually getting to that TG Ceremony.


Sorry if my post seemed conceted (because when I look over it, it kinda does ;) )

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You underestimate the power of will we can have. :D  Once Melenis has her Final Steps sent in, there's nothing else left before the raising, and it could get put up within a day. 


I also think Advanced Survival would be a better place to put the second half of this thread.  I can't imagine anything more unimaginable than a group of us trying to single-handedly take on the White Cloaks and save the Aes Sedai-to-be from horrible fates.  The Road Trip just seems a much easier req to get otherwise.

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Sorry, I'm tired must have forgotten to put the next sentence ;D


The TG Ceremony is WS 6-7, and because you can't skip it, you can't do anything for advancement until you get that done. So before we start talking about TG Reqs lets talk about actually getting to that TG Ceremony.


Sorry if my post seemed conceted (because when I look over it, it kinda does ;) )


Yeah no problem it's all good.  It is the downfall of written forms of communication.


You are right about the TG ceremony that is why we are trying to get it done.  The good news is as Jehaine said above, the final steps for Melenis have been submitted so once they are approved we are ready to go.

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Sieve -


Generally, you're going to need permission from another Division if you have intent to kill any of their people (PC or otherwise), or if you want to do something cooperative in general.  It's a bit different if it's yourself and your Aes Sedai, or you and like.. one other person that you're friendly with in that div, but if it's on any grander scale than that, it never hurts to check :)

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After thinking about it I think we decided that we weren't going to ask the CotL simply because we are making up these NPC's simply to be story fodder. They aren't actually integral to anything, they don't belong to anyone. Simply put, they are nobodies.


It would be like letting the Freelanders know when you involved a few inn keepers, tavern maids etc when writing them into a story.


Not to mention adding more beauracracy...

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Yeah, but the bureaucracy isn't nearly as bad as it used to be, thankfully.  I think that if you wanted to use some CotL and someone poked Nurit on MSN and asked, she'd be able to give an answer fairly quickly ;)

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Well, it's not the involvement of the characters so much as the invovlement of the entire Div- we're portraying the CotL in a bad light, involving a secret plot to kidnap girls who can channel, giving them some sort of way to detect people who can channel... that stuff is kinda high up.

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