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If I'm not mistaken, Moria was the Sitter in Salidar who brought the news of the destruction of Shadar Logoth before the Hall.


Are you sure it's Moria? I thought it was Moira?


In case you didn't know, I'm freakishly good with remembering names. ;D


From the looks of it I'm like the only one that loved every book lol. I read the books and never joined any forums for them or anything until i was completely done and so many people complained about the length and the number of books and such and I just love it. Yeah theres lots of chars, detail, etc but idk its all really great. I guess i was just so into the story and the characters nothing really bothered me that much but I think all of them are equal personally. I like how the story is stretched out and not rushed. *shrug*


  Hear! Hear! I would have to agree xPsychx, I have moments in the books that I don't like but I can't say I disliked an entire book. Yes, there are some books I like better than others, but I have liked every book.


I never said I didnt enjoy the story, or that I dont like the book in question - simply that I'm struggling with it. When I do read it, I am not bored by what I am reading, I just lack motivation to read about how many times Egwene's chair leg has folded under her today.


I can see where you are coming from but to be honest I don't know why but something about RJ's style made me never skip a paragraph. I've read Terry Goodkind, James Clemons, Koontz, and tons of other authors and usually during boring moments i'll jump but in RJ's writing I never did. Not entirely sure why but I guess it was his style or the story and how much I loved it.


I think I identified earlier in the thread why i'm finding it difficult. Firstly, I'm just not that interested in Egwene, simple fact. Secondly, I already know the big events that are to come to the end of the next book - I know Perrin frees Faile and how, I know about Semi, how she's caught, what she does to Rand etc


So now, I know WHERE I'm going, I'm just GETTING there. And because I know nothing else of major significance happens in the meantime, it's just a case of getting through all the dress-straightening, pregnant rants and channeler in-feuds in order to get to the good stuff...


Its a bit like going on holiday. If I didnt know where I was going, I'd be excited the whole journey, but when I know where the destination is, the travelling is just something I have to endure in order to get there....


    At least you know good things are going to come and when they do it'll make up for this time and who knows, the next time Egwene falls on her patootie you can have a chuckle. :)

Guest Dreadlord

If Im honest Knife of Dreams wasnt as good as I was hoping. I was expecting it to be Demandreds book, I was hoping he would come to the fore. Ive always  like him and wanted him to be a Forsaken that Rand had trouble catching. All the others before have died when Rand launches his attack on them; I wish Demandred had been Rands target and got away or something. And now, since its the last book we are waiting for, I very much doubt there will be enough room for him to do much unless my theory of him impersonating Rand at the Black Tower comes true.


The ones that stand out for me most are books 2-7 and the one with the Cleansing. EotW was OK but the  ending was a bit vague, but in general I liked it.


The ones that stand out for me most are books 2-7 and the one with the Cleansing. EotW was OK but the  ending was a bit vague, but in general I liked it.


Book 1 ending was a bit weird (weird voice, weird steps, Rand himself is weird) but it was really nice. I just love the first book.

  • 1 month later...


I think i've got my 2nd 9th wind. I've nearly finished book 10. Well, I say nearly finished it, I think there's 2 chapters left but you know what that means - about 300 pages  :D


Perrin has been to So Habor, Rand has met Logain and Tarna has revealed her thoughts to Pevara...


Come on...

Guest The Thin Inn Keeper

Come on...



I'm on reread 3 and...


Book 11:

More Valan Luca's Wonderful Traveling Show That You'd Secretly Like to See Destroyed You Know the One that Actually Only Travels 2 Leagues A Day and Is In Reality Quite Dull.

(Congratulations if you adhered to the punctuation and didn't pause for breath.)


- Sorry, I'm currently doing my time that is the pergatory of The Show (circa page 250).


On the plus side, Mat et al starting talking about getting Moraine out of her foxy limbo. Can't wait for that ... write faster damn you BS...



It's been a while old girl. How's tricks?


I'm fine thank you! How is the Lebanon?!


I found that with my lack of motivation to read the books, I also lost my motivation to read the pages, because half of the threads I couldnt even speculate on, let alone offer a response.


Life allowed me a few hours' peace last night though so I read quite a lot.


I am, however, assured by my mother that Book 11 is largely constituted by Egwene, which is the reason I couldnt push on with Book 10 in the first place  :D


On the plus side, I'm now out of 'vaguely remember reading this bit before' territory and into 'brand spanking new havent read these pages before' land  ;)


Hmm, actually, call me crazy, but the bits I have to plow through in Books 6 onwards have to do with Rand. Call me crazy, but eh, there you have it.


I don't even mind the whole Faile/Egwene thing (though I'd often as not just skip them altogether).


I just hope and pray that one day, Arganda will be killed by his own neatness... Preferably whilst failing stupendously to rescue Alliandre.


Dont tell me - give me something to cling on to... it's a reason to keep reading the Faile rescue...


Well, you can always pray that KOD changes in between rereads.  Perrin gets his wish, and the Pattern burns when he rescues Faile.  But it only burns the threads of Perrin, Faile, Aram, and Cha Faile.  :o


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