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So the 360 is improving on the WII


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I don't know how many of you geek it out and watched the E3 coverage on G4 but yesterday Microsoft had their news conference.  Let me start by saying that the demo for GoW 2 looks awesome.  I was also impressed by the demo for Fable 2 which allows people to play coop in their own worlds. 


Anyway, I am talking about the new avatar system coming this fall.  Yep, your dashboard is about to see a drastic change.  Thing MS vista layout and instead of photo as a gamertag, you will have a avatar which is basically a Mii.  When I first saw them announce this I rolled my eyes and thought about how unoriginal they were.  But they take it a two steps further which is why Live is much better than anything out there for networking with friends.  In your dashboard, you can join up with friends.. well up to a party of 8.  Instead of only being able to chat with one person at once, you can chat to your whole party.  You can join their party and automatically join their game.  You can share your photos with your party.  If you downloaded a movie, you can watch the movie (that is on your console only) with your whole party (oh they don't need to pay for it).  If you are a netflix user, you can queue up videos to watch on your Xbox (not sure if you can watch these with your friends).  With your avatar, you can also play in scheduled online gameshows like 1 vs 100 for real prizes. 


Here is an article for more info.





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I'm hoping that Sony steps up and tries to make a deal with Netflix, theres no reason both consoles can't use it. + the sony is marketted as a Media & Gaming machine, where as 360 is marketted as a gaming machine. ;)

(Though, it does seem as if sony is going to go 100% first party on the whole 'stream movies online', like netflix thing, and they 'might' have a good selection.... But I'd still like to be able to use netflix!)


But yea, that dashboard thing, watching movies with friends, sharing photos, is a ripped off version of the Wii's 'mii', and Sony's Home.

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It is totally ripping it off... and improving it.  Home hasn't even debuted yet. 


I watched the nintendo conference and man was that boring.  Every game is dealing with Mii's and the woman was annoying.


Sony looks to have the same problem it always has had... lack of games.  I mean yeah... they have Resistance 2 which looks nice and near the end they announced God Of War 3.  Other than that, there press conference seemed dull and unpolished.  Oh and that DC Universe... I am not sure what to make of that.  Is it City of Heroes for the console?  I guess, so that could be good as well. 


Microsoft seemed the big winner this time around. 

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M$ improving home?

Who are you trying to kid?

Its a fricken Mii Version of home!

It isn't improving anything really, its just taking the concept, and dumbing down the graphics.


DC Universe is not CoH for the console, its an entirely different game.

CoH/CoV does not have Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, ECT. You know, due to copyright laws.


M$ had Gears of War 2, and the new 'panzy' dashboard/mii/home system.


Sony has Resistance 2, Killzone 2, GoW3, Fallout 3 (Multiplat?), Prince of Persia, MAG, The Agency, inFAMOUS, and HOME if it ever comes out. ;) And I'm sure I'm forgetting half a dozen RPGs, and Shooters that aren't on the 'must buy' list. Cause you know, I'd rather play any one of those titles then Gears 2. ;)


But hey, at least we can agree that nintendo was just pathetic.

I mean, they are trying to say they are releaseing games that aren't mario? ;)

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Umm... I thought FF13 coming to the sexbox was major as well.  That will really put the hurt on PS. 


MS had Fallout 3, Fable 2, GoW2, Resident Evil 5, 4 new Square Enix titles including FF13, some Arcade hits that don't look that great, and Netflix coming to their live service which is already superior to any other console.


Don't get me wrong, I want the PS3 to do well as I own both and would like to play both interchangably. 


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Umm... I thought FF13 coming to the sexbox was major as well.  That will really put the hurt on PS. 


MS had Fallout 3, Fable 2, GoW2, Resident Evil 5, 4 new Square Enix titles including FF13, some Arcade hits that don't look that great, and Netflix coming to their live service which is already superior to any other console.


Don't get me wrong, I want the PS3 to do well as I own both and would like to play both interchangably. 



Fallout 3/RE5/FFXIII are all multi-plat now. (360 version off FXIII IS going to have to be Multi-Disk)


It doesn't matter that FFXIII is going to the 360 now, Most of the xbots out there, don't even like JRPGS.

But you know, FF Versus 13 is still exclusive to the PS3. (Grahpically, its better to ;) )

Ps3's version of the 'arcade' has games that are actually worth it.

Curse: Blood Siren Is one that comes to the top of my head.


Netflix probably went to 360, because M$ paid them 10mil.

Netflix instant watch feature is very nice, However there selection is ussually shit. Theres a few diamonds in the ruff, but finding them is a pain.


Check out the PS3's video service.

I think you'll be suprised at all the studios they have under there wings. ;)

I mean, I can get teh entire Rocky series! Aliens 2 & 4, and the avp movies...

Now if only they allowed you to pay one lump sum per month to watch (stream) all of em.

But I guess being able to buy the movies and have them on my ps3 or psp is an advantage.



lol, getting a bit defensive there aren't you? :p

No, not really. Your probably reading to much 'emotion' that isn't there in the post.

I'm simply disagreeing that M$ stole the show.

Did you even WATCH the Sony confrence?

Little Big Planet completely rocked all other confrences. ;)

Nintendo just plain sucked,

and M$ was on the 'meh' side, with the only suprise being FFXIII, which is a blow to sony, but after you look at Microsofts player base... Well its halo fans...

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I did watch the PS conference.  I do not seem to get the appeal to Little Big Planet.


I never played Halo or Halo 2 and only bought Halo 3 because of the hype.  I thought the game was... ok... and actually no longer own it.  So it is hard to say I am a Halo fan. 


MS played many demos to hype their games which I appreciated more than seeing teaser trailers.  PS wasn't bad, I just enjoyed the MS better.  In my opinion it stole the show.

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Just checked up gametrailers to see what Little Big Planet is. Looks pretty cool, very cute animations. Still can't tell what it's suppose to be about though. For me, games need to have a good story mode and I haven't been able to find out what the story is for LBP, or even if it has a story. Granted, some games don't need em (ie Sims, Spore), so hopefully it can pull it off.


I did see the sales figures presentation with using this game. Was very fun and I give Sony props for promoting a game at the same time as doing the presentation, and doing it well.

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Just checked up gametrailers to see what Little Big Planet is. Looks pretty cool, very cute animations. Still can't tell what it's suppose to be about though. For me, games need to have a good story mode and I haven't been able to find out what the story is for LBP, or even if it has a story. Granted, some games don't need em (ie Sims, Spore), so hopefully it can pull it off.


I did see the sales figures presentation with using this game. Was very fun and I give Sony props for promoting a game at the same time as doing the presentation, and doing it well.


I agree, LBP isn't my 'type' of game.

Its basically whats called a sandbox.

And not just a 'sand box shooter' type game, (its not even a shooter), but one where you 'create' random levels to play through.

Basically think a semi-3d side scrolling game, where you can make your own levels. Make your own content, ect.

Its a rental for me, that will decide if I buy it or not. But that presentation alone I thought kicked Micrsofts presentation. :P


Sony may not have had many 'game demos', they only had 2 (LBP & Resistance 2).

But the Sony confrence was somewhere around 90 minutes, where the 360 was little over 6 minutes.

And there confrence wasn't just about the PS3, but the also the PsP & Ps2!


Btw, if you didn't know.

They are making a new 'slimmer' slim Ps2. This is what they were talking about when opening the markets up to south america.


Also, its kinda Ironic?

That when Nintendo showed there sales figures, the DS was #1 in all fields (handhelds & consoles)

And the PsP was 2nd.

Outselling the 360. ;)

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I stopped reading this thread after a couple posts.  I mean, c'mon guys, you can't act like this in public.  What if I want to bring a girl back here? You can't just be hanging around arguing the merits of video gaming systems.  Then she's gonna think I'm a dork.  Or at least the kind of person who's going to call her the next day.  Which of course I'm not. 


Then that misunderstanding is going to lead to even more trouble for me personally.  Which is really all I care about. 


Besides, everybody already knows the 360 is waaaaay better than the PS3.  No need to rile up poor Sin. You know how sensative he gets.  Of course, I go where Final Fantasy goes.  So if it plays better on the PS3 than Xbox I'll switch my loyalty in a heartbeat.  I'd kill my whole family if FF told me to.  Which it hasn't yet thank goodness, because then who would I borrow money from when I needed some crack?






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I prefer DS over PSP, but that's because I know the good games on DS and have no clue on PSP games. Wouldn't mind getting both though.


Uhh, well if your an RPG fan you'll find a bunch of RPGS on the psp (You know, aside from that thing called 'pokemon'. :P

It does have FF1&2, Tactics (Which the DS also has), but nintendo is most likely getting more of the FF's since, you know, 1-6 were on the nintendo. :P But it does have FF7:Crisis Core, which in and of its self is a reason to buy the psp... I did, 2 months prior. ;)

If you've ever played Disgaea, its got that.

Its got a bunch of dax/ratchet games.

God of War, and a bunch of good games that you quite frankly wouldn't have suspected the PsP to have. You would really need to go online and find all the games they have, to see there collection, cause quite frankly. Stores seem to sell only the shit titles.


One of the DS's advantages is, nintendo basically has every handheld developer behind them. Sony just 'jumped into' the handheld market, like microsoft just 'jumped into' the console market after sony had already dominated for 2 generations. ;)


But I'll say this much.

DS has alot of games, most are shite.

PSP has a alot fewer games incompared to the DS, but if the DS had 50% shite games, the psp has about 45% shite games. But the library is much smaller.

Aside from games, PSP can play UMDs, more movie formats then the PS3, can now buy movies off the PSN and put them on your PSP, can put music & pictures on it, and go on the internet.

Now if only I could find that digital camera add-on for the PSP... (Yea, did you knwo the psp didn't come with that camera!? I always thought it was apart of the thing! It also doesn't have a built in mic. which I thought it did, so you need to buy a special headset to use Skype on the psp... Oh, yea I forgot, the psp is basically a phone now, since it uses skype, which you know, makes it better then the Iphone. ;)

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See, I'm not sure if I like that. It just seems at times like it's trying to do a bit of everything instead of focusing on what it's meant to do.



Oh, and 75% of internet post statistics are made up on the spot. :P

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See, I'm not sure if I like that. It just seems at times like it's trying to do a bit of everything instead of focusing on what it's meant to do.



Oh, and 75% of internet post statistics are made up on the spot. :P


If people only cared about a console that played games, then they wouldn't have been so 'negative' about the ps3's inability to play music on your HDD in game. (aka an example of a common arguement 360 guys make to say the 360 is better then the ps3) just like they are now saying the 360 is better than the ps3 because of it being able to use netflix.

Consoles/handelds being used only for gaming, limits what it can do. Being able to watch a movie, play music, make phone calls, or play a game allows it to be used for many, many purposes other than just 'gaming', it allows it to 'thrive'. The DS's ultimate flaw is, it can only be 'used' for video games really.

Its like that 'iphone' arguement.

Why take an Ipod, a cellphone, a digital camera, ect, when the Iphone does all of it in one piece of hardware? ;)

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Well I don't like the iPhone so... (well to be fair, I don't like iCrap in general)


Yea, I don't like it either (not spending that kinda money for something the PSP does better + real games).

But you can't deny the success that is the iphone. ;)

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