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An Ogier Visit

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*turns a bit red*


Loriena's right about me being a former DWG, and i still pretty much consider myself as such. but as for the siege machines and the forging there hasnt been much activity. we just dont have many builders interested in that anymore. the real active builders include me and lor but that's about it.




One of the misconceptions of the new Stedding system is that of one's Stedding affiliation limiting one's activites to only that Stedding. We think some people may have felt they would be too restricted under the Stedding system. Not true. Speakers may build and brew, Builders may brew and sing, and of course Brewers may build and recite poems. All Ogier may do these things, if they so desire. *nods*   


*Claps*  Very good, Tig!  I hope Mother sees this when she gets home from Florida.


Thanks for the wonderfully informative posts, guys!  Loreina, I like your idea of having a "neutral ground" for people of all Orgs to congregate.  Some people might already consider places like the General Discussion board and Fiddlesticks to be like that, though.  What kinds of activities would we all do on the neutral ground that would distinguish it from such places?


this is where i come in!


ok the general idea of this "neutral ground" is to be a kind of melting pot to get members from different orgs to expose to one another and promote org relations. we all know that some relations between the orgs are either non-existant or close to it.


the "neutral ground" would have an area that we can come together to trade stuff like siggies, or other services like picture finding or information gatherer. this marketplace would use a type of "cash card" system to make things interesting. to earn cash credit you would have to sell somthing like a siggie or perform a service. this in turn can be used to buy the same.


another segment is a competition ground. here members of multiple orgs can get together for competions and games like mafia or trivia. here people can get together and set up games without having to worry about inactivity or not enough people in the org you belong to. and we all can see the advantages to that.


and then we have a area where it's just a discussion area where people can just talk about anything forum appropriate.


then the coup-de-gra of the entire project is a meeting room where only org leaders/high rank org members can come together to set up inter-org projects or activities like raids. no more playing PM tag and filling up the PM box.


that's the idea, and we were going to call it "the Citadel" and have a large multi org construction team setting it up. what do you guy's think.


I think that it sounds good Winds, but all of the things you are talking about are things that are already happening on other boards... *yawns* sorry, it's late and all.. and there is the additional problem that adding more boards will leave it that much more spread out and difficult to keep up with. Our Child boards even have child boards, and here in the Tower most of us struggle to make sure we get to all the Ajahs and the main boards and the Lair and then our private boards and *yawns again*... I don't have the time or energy to spread myself even more then that.



Sorry Blackbird I tried to stay up. :( *drains last of Ale and starts to doze off*


That's true enough. But that's sort of the point. They're happening on several boards in different places. When they could maybe be put on one board in one place. Theoretically. Well, it was just an idea. If you never ask, you never get, right?  ;) :) *yawns* You're right about it being late! *sleeps*

Guest nephitess

*waves to the Ogier*


Glad you have come to visit!!!


*snuggles them all*


*Wandering through the WT grounds, Sam finds the gathering of Ogier and the crowd that has come to see them.*


Hello all, I am Sam, Master Builder of Stedding Lantoine.  I do try to avoid any type of prose, but I could offer repair work to any of your esteemed buildings here.  ;)


*climbs out of the Hot Tub* Thank you Moose, I'll have an Old Fashioned, please. One for the road so to speak.  ;)


Nephi! *hugs* Hope you're feeling better! Summer colds are a real pain. *nods*


Sam! Welcome! *looks around* I guess things are in pretty good shape here; no one's placed any orders. Maybe they're all out on secret Ajah missions.  ;D


We'll be packing up the Portable Hot Tub soon. We'll be journeying to the Black Tower tomorrow.  :)


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