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Who am i drawing? Gather 'round


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Hi there people. I got the idea of drawing some WoT characters and started making what i thought would be Tom. Turns out i might be wrong. As i was modelling the face it didn't feel "Tom" enough to me, but i sort of liked it anyway and I don't want to scrap it just yet.


Since this is my first topicpost outside newbieland I thought i would do the first thing everybody does when feeling lost in a new place. Ask for help.


So then, who is this guy?


Remember that he is just a raw model, not at all finished.


What is the first person that springs to you mind when seeing him? Would he be Tom if he had white hair, a big mustache and big bushy brows? Maybe he is one of the lesser known warders, only lacking some scars, a harder face and a cloak?


Please give me your ideas for persons, proportions, eyecolour, details, background... whatever comes to your mind, and we'll call this the first (unless there are some i don't know about)-

*drumroll* Dragonmount community artwork! :D


And if i'm just being stupid, please tell me, and i'll stop without making any more of this :)


(edit: spelling)

(edit 2: Swiched link for image to make it easier for you)


Thanks. I must say my ava has been getting a lot of love lately :)


If he is Lan, should he have a more square face and rougher upper torso/neck perhaps?

Guest TheDemigod

dude, awesome drawing

no idea who it is though

Guest Egwene

hmm... doesn't remind me of Lan.


The guy looks like someone who has seen a lot of hardship and is worn down by it. He looks how I would imagine Mat's father... though I guess he probably should have brown eyes to be him.


A really good character face. I'll be giving it some more thought....


Jimmith.. there is one website you might find useful..



I use it a lot for cross referencing.. If you look under the characters, one of the first things you get is what is known of their physical description...


Edit: reading the posts that came up inbetween... yes, the two rivers is definately a good place to put him.


If he had a topknot I'd think of Lord Agelmar from Fal Dara. Something about the face strikes me as someone who has seen allot of suffering and hardship but intends to go on anyway. Something you'd probably see allot of in the Borderlands.


I went a little way with the Buie thought




Slighly older, grumpier and more gnarled. Thoughts?


I like the Agelmar thought too. I'll look into that next, but that will have to be tomorrow.


(edit: spelling, forever spelling.)

(edit 2: swiched link for image)


I think he looks quite evil. The first name that came to my mind on seeing the first one was Padan Fain, back when he was the Dark One's slave.


Actually, Padan Fain was the first one that came to my mind when i realized it didn't look like Tom. I'd have to go more for the gothic (Single light source, hard shadows, mystic) look. Might be a good idea.


I've always pictured Tam as.. I don't know, more of a Bruce Willis looking fellow perhaps. Might be wrong :)


(Edit: On the note of gothic artwork. I remembered an old piece i made some years ago, rather crude, but still gives you the idea http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y268/Jimmith/counselors.jpg )



How about someone from the counsil back in two rivers?

I can definietly imagine him as Cenn Buie




Either that or a warder that has lost his AS to death, but somehow made it through without dying.


He has a look of loss, and hardship to him. Like he's been through a lot.


Well for me I don't think he looks sarcastic enough for Thom. If he was Thom he would need some kind of smirk.


His face isn't long enough for Tam (for me anyway).


If he was Cenn (for me) he would need a lot more wrinkles. Cenn's skin is suppose to look like wrinkled paper drawn tight over bone.


He does though look an awful lot like Padan Fain (minus the hair). If you gave him some dark grey hair I could see that.

Guest Froix



I'll have to say Cenn Buie.


I think the Agelmar version looks quite good actually




A more square and broader face, less wrinkles, brown eyes, bolder nose, topknot (it's knot finished.. oh the humanity..) and a slight five 'o clock shadow for that manly look.


What do you think? Should i work it through?


I still want to give Fain a try too though.

Guest Winespring Brother

When I saw the original I thought of Jaim, Vandene's warder.


Algemar is really a lot more solid and bluff if you ask me. Aging, but still an immovable bolder of a man.


Agelmar should be very buff, I agree. Keep in mind that i haven't done any work on the shoulders/neck region on him. That would give him a much bulkier feel as opposed to the rather slight shoulders and neck he has now.


(Edit: I did a qiuck mockup of bulkier Agelmar, fixed ears)



I never really got a "sense" of Jaem. He's just.. a man. But I'll look into it.


From the link Egwene was good enough to provide i find: "He is gray haired. He is all tendon and bone and looks as hard as old roots."

Might be a good idea.


Nah, not Tam. Two Rivers people don't have blue eyes.


Not Cenn either I think . He would look more grumpy & a bit on the sillier side.


Not Fain either. He would have a crueller mouth.


The second picture would be Lord Agelmar if you add a topknot I agree (the one with those deep groves bracketing his mouth). The last two don't look old enough for gray hair.


I agree somewhat, but (again from encyclopedia-wot) "He has a hard face with lines only at the corners of his eyes"

There are, of course, other steps to be taken when aging someone than just wrinkling them up, but keep in mind that this is not in any way a finished peice. It's just variations on the same face to see what fits best. When we come to some agreement as too who he looks the most like, I will finish it.

Guest Egwene

lol... amazing how you can so completely change the character of a face. The first one is a decent, honest sort of chap (Eamonds Fielder for me), the second... well... not someone I'd like to meet in a dark alley.. has definately got a cruel streak to him (Padan Fain... maybe slightly sharper beak-like nose)...


Those two are my favourites... the next two are less interesting as characters for me.


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