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Bonding an Aes Sedai?


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We've heard a little rumor over at the White Tower that the BT and WT are going to mix it up. I'm tentatively signed up for this, but I'm curious as to which Asha'man are going to be bonding us against our will.


Basically, I'm just looking to see if Shaneevae will match up with one of you fellows.....OOCly and ICly before I commit myself fully.


IC chemistry is of the utmost importance and I've never bonded previously. So, maybe we could all try to get to know each other a little bit.


I'll start.


My character is Shaneevae el'Edware of the Brown Ajah and is originally from Devon's Ride At this time of the main plot line, she is Head of the Brown Ajah, but really not very political. She is most likely to be found in her lab or out in nature catching specimens as she is the Tower's resident scientist. A zoologist to be exact, but she dabbles in all areas of science.


She is kind with relatively few enemies. While many aspects of her nature are stereotypically Brown, she was voted Most Untraditional Sister during last year's Wemmies. So, what makes her untraditional? She is quite a flirt and can be quite the social butterfly when her mind is not occupied by scientific matters. I often describe her mind in this fashion.....'thoughts bouncing around in her mind like an illumination being set off in a tin can'. In other words, her mind goes twenty different directions all at one time.


If you're concerned about her appearance, don't fret. She is considered to be quite pretty in an earthy sort of way and is a curvaceous handful.


Now, do tell us about yourself.

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Speaking as ADL and staff member, any Ashies who may be Bonding have not been chosen.


If your interested, post below and ben will choose out those Asha'men and I use that term referring to everyone, not simply those with the Ashy rank.


Sorry to rain on your thunder there Shan, but she's also right you have to be able to work with potential Bond mates well ICly and OOCly.



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I see no problems with that, again I had to make it clear to the children here :wink:


That they shouldn't be crawling over each other to get an Aes Sedai bonded to them. With that out of the way, a general get to know you thread is completely acceptable.

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Well, pending that someone doesn't kill me for this *makes sure Joc isn't around*


My character is Rion Anglemar, currently a Dedicated of the Black Tower. He is a minor noble from northern? (I can't remember exactly) near a village that doesn't have a name.


Basically he is the farthest away from the other's at the Farm that you can be. He is an extreme pacifist and is terrified of all kinds of violence. He is kind, being appaled at anything rude or mean and is almost incapable of hate or anger. Almost. He is very much a coward and during a battle is more likely to be found hiding under a desk than on the front lines unless he is being forced onto them. He learns how to fight because he has to and because he doesn't want to let Dash, his mentor, and the others aronud him down or dissapoint them.


He is an innocent in all terms of the word. He led a rather cloistered life when he was younger and is just now 'growing up' rather quickly. He is a scholar, I jokeingly refer to him as a Brown Ashaman, and reads constantly enjoying a good book much more than anyone's company, except for a few people. He studies basically everything, history much more often than others but reads about anything related to knowledge.


He is prone to walking around with his head in the clouds thinking about some random scholarly thing or his nose in a book and is frequently known to run into things because of it. Or something about the power, which he is fascinated with. He also has a rather dread fascination with Aes Sedai which has almost gotten him killed on one occasion by another Bter who took offence. What is the phrase, Lots of Book smarts but no street smarts would wrap Rion up pretty nicely.


His one flaw is he is starting to hear a rather dark and paranoid voice on occasion.


I think that is basically it, *nods*

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Very cool. Thank you ever so much, Rion. You do sound a bit like Shaneevae, but Shan is a bit more worldly and would probably eat Rion for supper. She can be a bit of a barracuda when it comes to men. :P


But I love who he is. Great character and he sounds mightily attractive to me.


*ducks thwap from Joc*


*bounces around* Anymore????

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Well, having organized this whole shebang, I get to (possibly) be in on both sides. So I'll give y'all the rundown on both of my characters, and then decide with the staff if one or both will be involved. :D


Muirenn is quite literally a legendary Red. She's over 300 years old, and probably knows more about politics, history, etiquette, and law than any three sisters--simply by virtue of her age. She is also *incredibly* arrogant, and in a sense, has the right to be. This does, however, lead to her believing that her way is the right way...even when it is not. Also due to age, she suffers from arthritis in her hands and fingers, so she tends to do a lot of mundane work with the Power that would otherwise not be usual for an Aes Sedai. Things such as opening doors and the like.


Appearance-wise, she is a Domani by birth, but has the blue eyes of the Alianin family, a very old and well established noble family in Arad Doman. She is tall and thin, more boney than the traditional 'willowy' Domani, with coppery skin and completely white hair.


And then on the other side we have Serge, Dedicated of the Black Tower. He's here, he's queer, get used to it. :P Currently the only openly gay PC at the BT, Serge is probably the very *worst* stereotype of a Green you can think of. He's flirty and has a tendency to sleep around...lots. At 24, he's still young enough to think that he should have a choice in most things, even when he doesn't. For a long time he had a block and was unable to channel unless the situation was completely beyond his control. Oh, did I mention he's a perfectionist and more than slightly vain? He takes great care with every detail of his appearance, from taking up to an hour trimming his Illianer beard or ensuring not a speck of dust is on his black coat. Worse, he is a fisherman's son from the perfumed quarter who thinks he should have been born a noble. Lots of arrogance there.


But some of his arrogance is justified. He's more than pretty. He will never have a 'ruggedly handsome' look. He is definitely pretty and he knows it. With his straw blonde hair and bright blue eyes, he's broken more than one heart when a girl was told about his...preferences.


Recently, much of his easygoing nature has been literally beaten out of him by Marden, the BT weaponsmaster, who is also his mentor. He is the epitome of one who is a lover and not a fighter, and is only just now accepting the fact that to be an Asha'man is to be a weapon. Anyone bonded to him will be in for quite an adventure. :)

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I put down my potential interest for this too...like Shan I haven't bonded before, though I find the whole instance of 'enforced bonding' something that would be wonderfully terrible for my character :)


Lavinya is a Gray, though she is about as far from your usual mediator as you can get. She is a Domani, with long fiery red hair, a wicked temper, and a roving eye for anything in pants - something which has gotten her into trouble with several Aes Sedai (yes, she has a habit of having flings with other people's promised's and warder). *gives Kael a pointed look* :wink:


She is terribly vain, arrogant, and fiesty...and would do her best to eat anyone who bonded her for breakfast...hence the interest in what would happen should she be forcibly bonded...she would chafe at the bit, and the loss of her independence...So it could be great fun!


It does depend on a few things though, more stating my potential interest. *Hopes for his sake Rion isn't found out* Now a clash between Jocelyn and someone bonded to Rion....that would be interesting :wink:

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There is the difference between Lavinya and Shaneevae. Shan would not use her feminine wiles on a man that had a woman. But if he were free, she move mountains with a bit of cleavage. :wink:


But I understand your heartache Lav. Sirayn still hates Shan. Something about seducing her only son. *shrugs*


And Joc, no worries with Shan. She wouldn't seduce Rion.


And Mur, as much fun as that sounds, it would be the frustrating end to Shan if she couldn't use her feminine wiles on Serge, but darn it would be funny.

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Guest Estel

alrighty...I'm part of both these Divisions and may or may not be participation with both chars (I'd actually prefer to use Isha in this RP and keep Estel in the sidelines...but its up to Dalikins)...


Isha: big, ugly, obsessive...ya that's Isha


kay, a little more in detail (acutally a lot more in detail as his bio desribes major parts of his personality):


-7' tall, 300 lbs, thinks he looks like a freak

-obsessed with killing the Shadow to avenge his father and himself (holds a personal grudge against Aginor) and is obsessed with his physical strength

-is bitter about the fact that he is weak in the One Power (part of the reason he's so obsessed with his physique)

-has a Shielding Talent

-at only 25 is as scarred as most vets who have spent their lives in the fields:

~scar twisting left side of mouth in perpetual sneer

~scar running across his forehead gouging out his left eye

~scar clipping off the tip of his right ear

~other less notable scars

-was raised in the Fal Daran court

-is a virgin (who would want to sleep with a monster like him)

-hears a voice in his head (nature of which is yet to be determined (I was supposed to talk to Muir and Dali about this?))

-is the grandson of Estel Sedai (he doesn't know this)

-could be most closely compared with a Green were he not a virgin

-Attack Leader

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Oh yeah, forgot to mention Lavy is a weak channeller, something which causes her no little amount of annoyance.


Hmm...Sirayn hates Lavinya too...something to do with her promised or something....*whistles*


*Simply smirks at Jocelyn*

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Wow, well this is a suprise how many of you can come over at once. *Double checks numbers* Okay, less then thirteen, its all good.


May as well throw my name in the ring as well.


Name: Covai Seriba

Sex: Yes please (Male :P)

Age: Mid twenties.

Height: 6"1

Build: Solid

Nationality: Andorian

Rank IC: Ex-Storm Leader, Now Asha'man.

Rank OOC: Staff, Co-keeper of the Inn's grog supply.


Personality: Laid back, verging on Bohemian (Which he actually for a while when Covai left the BT. Upon return he was reduced in rank from Storm Leader to Asha'man). He judges people on their actions, not their words and backgrounds.


Unconventional, and with an apparent disregard for rules and formality, Covai has long since come to grips with the fact the taint will eventually destroy his sense of sanity. Deciding he would rather burn brightly for the short time he is around, Covai lives life to the fullest, and won't bother putting up with things he doesn't like, or attitudes that try to drag him down. He is also extremely annoyed by people who have a self inflated sense of importance and believe their birth automatically makes them superior to others (Aes Sedai and nobles are two examples).


Despite all that, Covai takes his friendships very seriously and would sacrifice almost anything to help a friend. Whilst an Asha'man again, his word still carries much the same weight it used to, although it does lack the official 'authority' it used to have backing it. Its rare that Covai gets serious in a situation, but when he does, nothing will distract him until the situation is resolved.


History: Covai been around the Black Tower for years, back when it was still the farm, and built the orignal BT Inn. (Which has since been demolished and rebuilt into its current state). Orignally a farmboy from somewhere near Four Kings, Covai was picked up by Koras and Zybnek (Old names for those who remember them :P), taught how to drink and how not to pick up woman, and brought back, along with Dashiva to the farm.


Was Master of Training for a period of time, in charge of ensuring all new members to the BT learnt how to blow up other things and people instead of themselves. Covai is also a Dreamwalker, found by the Wolfkin in Tel'Aran'Rhiod, and went to study with them for a period of time as he is the Black Tower's first Dreamwalker.


Was raised to Storm Leader after the Battle for the Stone of Tear and along with the other heads of the BT, was the first to learn the lost talent of Travelling from Jarron. Is rather uncovential in battle, using imagination and skill rather than brute force in his weaves.




Hmm, thats about it for now. Gives you a fair idea about Covai :P

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Hey all, This again is anouther one of those 'once in a lifetime' things as i'm willing to put myself up for bonding again. ^_^ *ggls* I bribe with pudding and Brownies!


My Aes Sedai is Maegan Ryanne. She is a short warm hearted Cairhien, and a book worm. She is of the Red Ajah (and is a sitter actually) and is uncommonly friendly. And she has one draw back. She is legally blind. She can not see without specticles or channeling, but after spending Novice and Accptedhood without both she can still find her way around. Barely.


Basic Stats:

Name: Maegan Ryanne Sedai

Sex: Female

Age: 132 (abouts)

Appearances and such: (Best idea is "Faith" from Buffy for a reference)

Hair: Black with dark brown highlights, Slightly wavy to her shoulders. Usually tied back in a braid or in a bun that usually looks more like a rat's nest. But as of THE LAST STAND RP her hair was singed and will be a fair but shorter. i'll have a 'siggie piccie' up eventually.

Eyes: Dark Brown eyes with gold and silver flakes. In most light considered Black, but is sometimes thought to be green, or even dark blue in really bright light.

Skin: Fair, with a small beauty mark beside her nose, on the right.

Height: 5'3"

Voice: Pleasant and well intoned. She can capture anyone with her voice through stories or debate. But she can not sing a note!

Other: She has a very feminine body. She doesn't have any major curves, nor large assets, her inner beauty and truthful and honest nature shines through. Those that have curves, and such would probably view her as fat, this is entirely untrue.

Nationality: Cairhien

Rank IC/Ooc: Red Sitter


Other personality Quirks: She likes to set other people of edge with her odd sense of humor, and make fun of Aes Sedai that complain like Nobles. She has a DEEp respect and aspiration for Muirenn, and other sisters that have achomplished a lot. Although she has a dark past, she feeds more on curiosity than fear.


Thoughts on Male Channelers:


Maegan has a rather dark, unoffical past as far as Male Channelers go. Due to the lask of interest i did not get a 'major R' going (that and i wasn't as active as i wanted to be.. *kicks her computer*) Maegan lost her sight both Mentally and physically due to a cousin male channeler who tried to rape her (but she escapped by killing him) and running out in front of a cart. Later, after a Kidnapping in Mayene, she also killed witht he One Power as an accepted and is not afraid to do the same again. She is wary of male channelers, but her curiosity is too great to give up the chance to work with one to create a new Bond that works both ways than just one. (possibly allowing the both bonded to view both sides of the one power). But this 'thread/weave' has yet to be discussed or approved.. :P


I guess that in a way Mae is a mixed up character. i have yet to give her a really good RP run (cause people either leave or my computer breaks), so this will be a lot of fun and a good trial run for her. ^_^


Oh, and i guess as a Red, i can see her bonding more than one, like Greens' and thier warders... But i doubt that would be approved.. :P


*snuggles all the BT boys*

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Guest Arie Ronshor








oi.. how embaressing......

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Guest Arie Ronshor

*glares and then weaves the man to hand from a tree, shielded*


Careful, young one..

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Guest Arie Ronshor

*shakes her fist at him* it is not wise to make fun of a tired Aes Sedai... she will get you later for this...!!!

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