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Maternity break from the WT division


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Well ladies and gents, it's about that time. I am not sure how much online time I am going to have in the next few days. Csection is on the 12th and my family gets here on the 11th. I will be in the hospital until Saturday or Sunday, unless there are complications. After that I will have 20 to 30 staples up my stomach and so sitting on the comp for any period of time is going to hurt. I will try and get on as much as I can, but it will probably take about 14 days for the staples to be taken out. If anyone needs to contact me, Cleo Sedai has my info, as well as several others. While I am gone Elgee and Avalonshroud are in the charge, they have my number as well and a ways to contact me. *hugs* See you all on the flipside. I am going to try and get as much done as possible before I leave.

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