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A Note and a New Family Line -


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I think one thing a lot of us here like is seeing established family lines in the RP.  To that end, I wanted to give a head's up that my friend Quisalas should be putting through a relation of mine in the Al'Thorin line, the prima in that line being my Wisdom.  I should add that she has a sister who is Aes Sedai, but I've not written into DM yet named Allriendrae - I haven't decided what I'm going to do with her or what Ajah she'd end up going (probably Blue here; she's been White and Brown elsewhere).


Has anyone else got a family line they want more relatives in?  It's probably going to be a bit before I write any new wetlanders (the next new character in the pipeline will be a Wise One once I've got Rendra up to snuff), but I'd love to tie in to other peoples' families some point down the road :)

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I love family lines - the best rp's I had over at the other site was with "family". You're all welcome to look at my bio's and see if you can work something out  :D

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Well, mine are always open for more people, provided of course i haven't written them down as being an only child.


As for non-wetlanders... My damane has an older sister, and i didn't go into detail for my sul'dam. My Aiel twins are basically just the two of them, though as far as cousins, nephews, aunts etc. go i don't mind a relative or two. :)


My wetlander chars have enough relatives to fill a small village XD




  • Calaun Ontrix Seyr (Myrddraal), Western Blight (Ahf'frait Tribe)
  • Kizuna Morinagare (Seanchan damane), Seanchan (Shon Kifar)
  • Amyante Tojimaru (Seanchan sul'dam), Seanchan (Shon Kifar)
  • Jelana, Chareen Aiel of the White Mountain Sept
  • Jehaine, Chareen Aiel of the White Mountain Sept
  • Masura Kurenin / Zaralyn (Member of the Kin), Malkier (Jenaan)
  • Tavon Zaralyn (alias Martyn Stonebridge) (Black Tower), Malkier (Jenaan)
  • Rebecca Célentin (Dreadlady), Cairhien (Cairhien)
  • Melenis Stormgate (Warder), Far Madding (Far Madding)
  • Sharina Val'Danath (Child of the Light), Amadicia (Sienda)
  • Mara Novares Freebooter (Freelander), Tear (Godan)
  • Arienna de Orasaigh (Wolfkin), Murandy (Mindea)
  • Saira Fujimura (Band of the Red Hand), Kandor (Ravinda)
  • Jerinia Zaralyn (White Tower Novice), Malkier (Jenaan)


If there's anyone from 'your area' that's interested in setting up relatives, feel free to drop me a PM and see what we can arrange ^_^

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Hrm... when I make my Wise One (this'll be after we've got our Dreadies up to full member level at a minimum), I'll reference between your characters and Eqwina's and see what the best place to put my future Wise One in will be :D

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Heh k.


I should mention that Jehaine's going to be aopprenticed at some point during the course of the RP, so that'll likely be when your Wise One makes her appearance.


If she's looking for a (rather frail) student, that is ^^;

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Oh, now you tell me that there's an Al'Thorin coming in......


I'll have to tell her that she can use it now......


As for family, I have lots of family.


Melianna's half-sister is a damane now.

The Twins ;D

Saeric, my Warder trainee, has a sister who is Wolfkin

Tigara (Dreadlord) and Jagaea (Kin) are brother-sister.

I had made some Domani sisters, but that may change.... >.>

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Gah Tig, I'm sorry >__<


*proffers brownies by way of apology*


I'm thinking I might get off my arse and catalog all the families for reference.  I'll muse on this and present it at the next staff meeting.

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Allow me to chip in and mention that having the same last name as someone doesn't necessarily make you related...


...Though whether or not it needs to be changed depends on the person who had the last name first ^^;

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While that is VERY true, for the most part the rule of thumb seems to be that if you want to use someone elses' last name for your own here, you'll get permission/join their family.  Not that this is superior or worse to anything else, it just seems to be how things have been done.


In this case, Quis wanted to tie in to at least one of my characters, and couldn't see herself going Brown the first time through :)

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*eyes brownies*




She picked a new last name by means of re-arranging family so that her mother is the Al'Thorin, but I told her she could use either now.


And I will not have Domani sisters, unless someone wants the bio I wrote up for her.

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I've always wanted for a character from Rossa's past to be played out.  I had her great niece sketched out (it turns out there were some family members remaining when Rossa thought they had all been killed in a fire) and I had really wanted to write at some point.  The Venye line, and getting it back into a bit more prominence, was something I did want for Rossa's future as she went for so long believing she was the only one. 


However, I'm incredibly caffeinated at the moment and might be babbling where things have already been agreed. ;) 

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