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Wouldn't it be wonderful if...

Bob T Dwarf

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... the whole Moridin-swaps-his-soul-into -Rand's-body thing happens only to have Fain leap out of the shadows and plunge his dagger through "Rand's" spine while Moridin is still trying to settle in?


We haven't seen the last of Padan Fain yet.  He'll play a part at TG and my guess is that it'll prove to be more harmful to the Dark than to the Light.


He may even survive TG and become the new embodiment of evil once the Forsaken are dead and the DO is safely sealed away.


To be completely honest, i'm looking forward to Fain's demise and how that scene will play out more than anything else, barring 2 things:


Moiraine's return and the Final Moments of TG


LOVE the theory on this thread......especially because i'm a huge supporter of the body swap theory.



I have had Fain as the one to kill SH for years.

I would be very disappointed if there was any bodyswapping going on, that would take away some of the greatness of he story. But I do not think it will happen, since there is not really anything indicating it.


There's also the problem of Fain being able to 'sense' Rand, and thus have his attention focus on Moridin's body, which would be where Rand's soul would be located.


He may be insane, but he's not stupid.


That's another puzzling thing.


Fain somehow tracks Rand to Far Madding.  Nearly kills him there.  But is - curses - foiled again.


Rand jaunts off to Shadar Logoth, cleanses saidin and then Cadsuane zips him back to a Manor not that far from Far Madding ( if I've got the map right ).


So, you'd think that Fain with his 'bloodhound' sense wouldn't have that much trouble finding him again.  But, nope.


100,000 Trollocs from all the way up in the Blight can find Rand at that Manor.  But Padan Fain with all his augmentation and enhancements, from ( relatively ) down the block ( geographically speaking, in comparison to the Blight anyway ) seems to have totally lost the 'scent' yet again.


'Tis a puzzlement.


I dont think its Fain losing the scent as much as not wanting to attack right at the moment. Fain is smart enough not to go launch himself at Rand when he is surrounded by Ashaman, Aes Sedai, soldiers, etc. His style is baiting and attacking Rand with a good chance of killing him. But i believe Fain will play a HUGE part in TG. And Im with Maj, that he is going to take out SH.


I know a lot of people like Fain but I myself don't like him all that much. Even I can't put a finger on exactly why. He just pops up randomly in different parts of the story and then disappears entirely during some books. Also, why did he want to draw Rand to the Two Rivers in book 4, when he has the ability to locate Rand by himself? Maybe because he had whitecloak support? But that doesn't make much sense. That is not a strong enough reason.


If Fain had played a more active role, he would have been more interesting. His presence in AMOL is one of the things I am LEAST looking forward to.


And I too don't support the body-swap theory. It would be disappointing. I expect something far more ingenious and completely unexpected at TG.


At least 1.5 yrs left for aMOL!


Also, why did he want to draw Rand to the Two Rivers in book 4, when he has the ability to locate Rand by himself? Maybe because he had whitecloak support? 


Fain used the Whitecloaks to ravage the Two Rivers to hurt Rand for not showing up on Toman Head in book 2. Like I said his style is to bait him in and thats exactly what he wanted to do. Rand didnt give in because he didnt want to show any emotion towards his home because it could be used against him. Thankfully Perrin showed up and pwned him.  ;) 


Also people forgot that Fain also has the ability to locate Perrin and Mat, though not as strong. And he doesnt care much for them, but that could be a way to really bait Rand in to coming to him. Just a thought.


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