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The Channeler "Ladder"


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Hmm, first post after a while. Anyway.


I recently read in more than one occasion something about all female channelers fitting in a 21-tier ladder according to strength in the One Power. From what I've read, Robert Jordan himself explained this.


Can someone confirm this? Also, is there any more information, such as an actual list of the channelers (or at least the most important ones - there are way too many female channelers to list them all, probably) ordered by their strength in the Power? Official or unofficial? Or is it merely a theoretical system? What about men who can channel?


I'd appreciate it if someone could help me out here.


There was another thread about exactly this a few weeks ago.


Jordan had his 21 step ranking system.  It was something he kept to help him work out who would defer to whom when AS met or interacted.  Never published.  We have only our own weird and wonderful ideas about where any of the characters ranked on his ladder.


Ah, I see. I didn't know that. If someone could be as kind as to post a link to the original topic as well as one of those unofficial "lists", that'd be greatly appreciated.


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