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GTA IV Review & Lasting Impressions


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The week GTA IV came out, I gave a friend who works at walmart, $$ to pick me up GTA IV with their employee discount. (FYI, you still pay full price, they basically just don't have to pay taxes!) I then patiently waited about 2 days before I could lay my hands on.


I fired up my PS3 and greased a few gears and sprockets, and like most everyone, was entranced by the games graphics, gameplay, and best of all, driving 90 mph into a tree and flying out of the windshield. Seriously, who ever designed that, should get some kinda empy or something, or at least a cheap prostitute. (NO DON'T kill the hooker!)


The first 6 hours lived up to the hype I'd have to say, the story was definately something a person could get into, unlike the previous GTA game known as San Andreas. Theirs just something not wrong about a game where you kill people, with out even TRYING to kill people. In GTA: SA, I could be driving down the road, 20 mph under the limit, and someone would litterally, Jump INTO traffic, and I'd kill them, and get chased half way across town by the cops! /bah


Anyways I digress.


The overall story/plot of GTA IV, I really, really enjoyed, It wasn't your 'I want power, I'll work for you, stab you in the back and become boss of the city, than die 2 months later' type of story, but it definately wasn't one of those "I'm an undercover brotha!", Instead it was exactly as the trailers said it was, 'everyones a rat'. It lived up to that theme very, very well. Plus it was full of your classic Mafia, and your Russian kick ass slit your throat and shuv a pickle down your throat hole just cause I can Mafia. While the ending of the game felt a bit 'short' and cut off. It really couldn't have ended any other way, given the format it went. And with the games strong theme of 'everyones a rat' and 'Revenge' I think they pulled it off pretty damned well. I can't say whether GTA I, II, III, VC, SA had a better story, As I've never been able to beat thoses games. The mindless killing just bore me, it didn't really seem to have a purpose other than the main character being a prick.


When it comes to gameplay, compared to GTA: SA, I definately, 100% liked GTA IV's gameplay better than SA's, I've played both the PS2 and the PC version, and the Auto Aim lock on feature + free aim, makes my life so much easier and less annoying on the console version of the game. While I wish their were a fps gameplay element vs a 3rd person out of prefrence, it did work, specially since it has a duck and cover system. I don't know about you, but Duck and Cover systems never seem to 'work right' in FPS mode, its the 'tilt' in F.E.A.R all over again imo.

Driving in the game, was alot funner/easier? than in SA, if only because it made use of the triggers for acceleration instead of the X, and Square buttons. Though its interesting that their are 3 brakes in GTA IV. L2, R1, And X. Even though the L2 and R1 are supposed to be the same one. ;)

The only complaint I have about driving is its Far to easy to spin out of control, other than that, It definately surpasses that of GTA:SA. (FYI, I hate that 'filter' when you go fast in SA, its not as bad in GTA IV, but its still annoying) Though, I guess nothing will never compare to the orginal GTA when it comes to driving mayham, and machine guns mounted to your car and your guy carrying a rocket launcher. But hey, I still love sniping Pilots out of helicopters on liberty island!


One of the biggest aspects of the games is the graphics, and I'm not just talking about how good the characters, cars, or even the city looks. When it comes down to it, none of them are spectactularilly awesome. But the shere size of the city alone makes the graphics awesome. Doing one of the first missions involving you sniping a guy of of a sky scraper, is probably one of the most visually awesome things I've seen in a while!


In the end though, the game suffers one major fatal flaw, while it does have multi-player aspects (I haven't gotten to them yet!) what it lacks, is Extra Content, Bonus missions, easter Eggs, the whole 9 yards! Basically everyone you meet in the main story missions from beginninng to end, are all your 'mission' providers, Their are only 5 girls you can become 'aquinted with', 2 in story mode, and 3 online. And all the friends, are fairly easy to 'max out your friendship' with. once you beat the game, I think you'll be hard press to find much motiviation to try and obtain 100% completion. I already have about 87% completion, just beating the story missions! (Mind you, I did a few friend 'dates' between missions just so I wouldn't get 'needy phone calls' every 5 minutes)

What the game is missing is exactly as said, extra content, It has no real Side missions of any great Varriety, You'll complete those in no time. I completed the main mission in 39 hours, and 42 minutes. I could probably get 100% completion in about another 20 hours. To me, this seems like laziness, but I have this hunch that Rockstar was being pressured by M$ and Sony to release the game sooner, and 'scrapped' the whole 'side missions' and are going to make that into 'DLC' for the 360.


If I were to apply an arbitary value to any game play aspect, I'd probably do the following


Graphics: 10

Gameplay: 9

Story: 9.5

Lasting Apeal: 5

Total: 8.375


Hard Core GTA fans will probably say it isn't the best GTA ever made, but of all the GTA's I've played (1, Vice City, and San Andreas) I think GTA IV is the only GTA game I've actually ENJOYED playing, that didn't feel like a chore. The story mode was direct, and to the point. It never felt like I was 'missing' something, like I was doing all the side missions and none of the story missions (Vice City). Nor did it feel like the story missions were full of fluff, and ultimately pointless. (San Andreas) Finally the one thing I liked the most about the game, is even though it's considered Ultra Violent, it wasn't completely pointless and unrealistic like that of San Andreas. Their comes a point, just like in nudity, where to much = boring and pointless. You can only bash someones skull in with a baseball bat, or watch so many hours of Girls Gone Wild, before its just 'more of the same', and becomes a bore-fest of 'seen it before', 'been their done that'.


Killing people and bewbs get old in Video Games and TV? I must be getting old...

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I think I am 38% through with the game.  I am currently doing the Brucie Racing sidequests and trying to keep up with the sidequests as I am to get as close to 100% as possible before I finish the main quest.  Also it helps that 360 has achievements that motivate me to finish them.


Did you kill Dwayne of Playboy?  I killed Playboy but wondering if I made a mistake as Dwayne is quite needy with the phonecalls. 


I think I  have hit all the girls up on the dating site and no hits as of yet. 

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I played a bit of GTA4 on my housemate's PS3 and it was fun, although having played the previous games on PC the controls did drive me up the wall. Missions that would have taken five minutes with mouse+keyboard ended up taking several attempts.


Still, good stuff. I note that the heavier feel to the cars, the more emotionally intense storyline, the highlighting of the moral complexities of the world and the combat system are all pretty heavily ripped from Mafia. But that's okay as, until GTA4, Mafia was by far the best sandbox/freeform game out there (and Mafia 2 is due next year, so it'll be interesting to see how it competes).

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  • Community Administrator

I think I am 38% through with the game.  I am currently doing the Brucie Racing sidequests and trying to keep up with the sidequests as I am to get as close to 100% as possible before I finish the main quest.  Also it helps that 360 has achievements that motivate me to finish them.


Did you kill Dwayne of Playboy?  I killed Playboy but wondering if I made a mistake as Dwayne is quite needy with the phonecalls. 


I think I  have hit all the girls up on the dating site and no hits as of yet. 


Even with achievements, I don't see how that could motivate anyone to get 100% completion.

They are 'points' that mean nothing! You can't even spend them on stuff!


PS3, has the same thing as 360 in terms of 'achievements' and what you do to get 100% completion. (Basically, though it probably lacks something like 'head shot master + 250 head shots)


Anyways, I killed Playboy X, Killing Dawyne would have net you like 10K, Killing Playboy, nets you playboy X's House.


You may want to get Dawyne high on your friend list, as doing so gives you access to some 'gangstas' to help you on your mission.. I could name a few that would be handy to have had.

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Also, I nearly forgot, when it comes to the internet dating, only 2 will respond to you in a postive way.


They will only do so, AFTER you go on an internet date via the main story missions. And its not the kind of internet date you want, but in reality, its the most likely of dates. ;)


The people you want to hit up, are Lawyer Chick, and the one with 'russia' in their name. I think its 'from russia with love'.


Lawyer Chick, or rather, Kiki, is a lawyer who once you become good friends with her, she can take 3 stars off of you while your running around.

The Russian lady, who's actually Latino, is named something or another thats not really important, but her 'ability' is she gives you a health boost over the phone.


Theirs a 3rd lady, you can find on a website called craplist. Her 'ability' lets you get 50% or somethign off of clothing...

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I've already been on that special date so I will retry those two this week.


Your best bet is to simply click the 'date' box on them both, do a few missions until its been 24 hours, and wait for a reply. That 'special date' seems to be the trigger for those online dates...


btw, Kiki = psycho bitch. Anytime your with another 'woman' she somehow 'knows' and you suspect she's watching you. ;)

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God damn it, I killed Dwayne and then X is all "We can't hang no mo" and I was like "Why you gotta treat a playa like that?". And then he said "Bros before hos, biatch!" and I asked "What? I ain't yo bro no mo?"


I don't know how much of that actually happened, but point is that X gotta die. And Dwayne would have helped me out with homies on my missions? Bah, X sucks. Sure you get some cash, but after the bank robbery (awesome mission btw) you don't have much need for monay.

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I already have like 1 Mil in cash! :P


I have the majority of the game finished, I just haven't found all the flying rats, did all the races, and have nearly finished all the assassination mission. Other than that, I've pretty much done all the 'missions'.


I just don't feel the incentive, to get 100% completion, when for instance, all the races is either 2.5% or 0.5% completion...

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Well I am on the U and P missions.  I am about to unlock the helicopter.  Who unlocks the bank robbery mission... or how much further do I need to go to get to that.  I imagine it will be one of those missions that piss me off trying to get away from the cops. 

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  • Community Administrator

Well I am on the U and P missions.  I am about to unlock the helicopter.  Who unlocks the bank robbery mission... or how much further do I need to go to get to that.  I imagine it will be one of those missions that piss me off trying to get away from the cops. 


Are you talking about unlocking the bank robbery, or the helicopters?


The bank robbery is going to be a fun one to escape the cops in, BRING LOTS OF AMMO.


If your talking about the internet dating, all I can say is be patient. ;)

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All I did was pretty much non-stop missions. I had well over 250K by the time I opened up the 2nd island. (The one to the west, not the one to the north with the strip club that empy spends all his money at)


Another thing, is try not to die so much.


You can get most of your weapons via missions, and off of enemies, as the weapon dealers often have 'shit' to sell at the beginning of the game, or they aren't 'open'. Their really isn't that much to 'spend' all your hard earned cash on.


And of course, if you get bored, or frustrated on a mission, you could just enter a cheat code into your cell phone, and get all the weaopons, health, and armor you'll ever need. ;) Of course, I only put a cheat code in, after I beat the game.  ::)

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Not dying would be a lot easier if Dwayne was alive and able to hook me up with some help on the missions. Also I tend to get a little bit mental when people run me over, so I just start shooting and throwing grenades. Wasting RPGs that cost $ 5000 each might be the reason why I'm stuck at $ 300k.

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I don't go balistic when people run me over, However when you've had 'bad date' after 'bad date', and finally get a 'good date', and some jack ass runs over your date, I then decide to assassinate everyone in the city, Twice. ;)


I tend not to use RPG's, but rather Gernades, they are funner. Specially when you toss them out of your car, NOW THAT is fun! (Ps3 version, you press square, while in a vehicle to pull out yer nade, but you may not be able to do it, until the 'tutorial' for it, in that one mission comes up.)


I don't use RPG's generally speaking, because they are A) expensive, and B) have a tendency to kill me.


I do however, love using them on missions where you have to chase some guy down and kill him.

Aka, before you get in the car, you pull out your rpg, and shoot em dead...


however, for some reason, in Rockstars ultimate wisdom, descided to make most of the 'cars' and 'people' you chase, invincible, until you get to a certain point, like by all their friends.


One such example is when you kidnap some person, and have to go kill all the people in this car place. You have to chase them all the way across town till they get to their 'base'. I decided to pull out my RPG and make quick work of them.


Another example is when you have to 'follow a car' and 'take em out at the most oppurtune time', which happens to be a gas station.


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I've noticed that as well. Now I just aim for their tires so they'll get out and start running faster. Grenades are nasty. I tend to get alot of stars very quickly when throwing them out of a car.


I tried an assassin mission yesterday that I thought was really hard. There's a bunch of bikers having a meating you have to take out. You have to launch a grenade perfectly in there so you take out most of 'em, because they'll start driving in separate directions. I think I got it on the 6th try.


And how do you get bad dates? I think I've had one, when I accidentally left in the middle of a show, so the girl got pissed.

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well, you get a bad date, if you blow someones head off, and she happens to see it, If only after the 300th time you've done it, hitting cops sometimes does it to. Hitting her by accident can do it to.

But the most easy way to get a 'bad date' in GTA IV is her getting run over.

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I have to admit that I was waiting for over a year for this game to be released.  It was single handedly the most anticipated game that has ever come out in my life time.  I was however a little disappointed, after the awe of the graphics and improvement of the controls wore off the simple fact was that I stopped playing it within the first week.  I cannot remember ever being so bored so quickly nor being so let down.  I actually find it hard to believe that any time I hear people talking about this game that no one is ever complaining about it.  Did I play the same game as everyone? Oh, and don't get me started with the online play.  The only thing that annoys me more than the game is the little kids playing it.


Thank you all for hearing my rant, it felt good to express my disappointments  ;D

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Well see... I think I rented GTA2 or something... but that is my only exposure to the games.  Therefore I have no meter to compare this against.  Is it the best game I have played... certainly not.  Is it enjoyable?  I think so.  I am not a big fan of the game but will continue to play though it until something good comes out. 

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  • Community Administrator

Well see... I think I rented GTA2 or something... but that is my only exposure to the games.  Therefore I have no meter to compare this against.  Is it the best game I have played... certainly not.  Is it enjoyable?  I think so.  I am not a big fan of the game but will continue to play though it until something good comes out. 


You mean like, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots in 20 days?

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I heard MGS 4 would have 90 minute cut scenes. Is this true?


No, people are just idiots and can't read, what it said is it would have 90 minutes OF cut scenes. The key word is, OF, meaning all the cutscenes added together = 90 minutes.


However, if this is wrong, and their are actually 90 minute cutscenes, I'll be jumping for joy, as it would be truelly fucking awesome... (and pray they let us pause!)

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  • Community Administrator

Yeah, this is probably the next game I buy.  I already have it on hold.  I might return UT4 as well since I haven't touched it since the first weekend I bought it. 


Its not that bad of a game! Though I have to admit I haven't played it much myself! But then, I haven't played much of anything. >_>


IF you want to find a game for the ps3, but don't want to spend $60 to see if its good or not, just rent some of them, before you buy.


Games to rent & possibly buy

Heavenly Sword


Uncharted: Drakes Fortune



Resistance Fall of Man

Enchanted Arms? (rpg, thats also on 360)

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