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(Moved from Tinker DG) Please welcome a "special" guest speaker!


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Ladies and gentlemen, once again I come humbly before you and extend my sincere thanks for having me as a guest at your fires.


* bows to the audience as they applaud politely *


* gradually lets his smile diminish, replaced by a serious face *

* eyes are intense...focusing inward as if searching for strength *




* blushing slightly *

* obviously having trouble continuing *


Today...is a day most of you will never forget.


I would like to promise you a day filled with happiness...however, I fear that would not be true.  :(


* pausing once again *

* soul searching...seriously *

* deep breath *


As I said, I am honored to be with you today.  I hope that today's events do not prevent you from allowing me to enjoy your hospitality in the future.  I truly do cherish our time together.


* shows signs of realizing that the inevitable must be delayed no longer *


Please believe me when I say that what I do next is done in the very best of intentions.  This was a tough decision for me to make.  I only decided to bring this guest speaker to your fires because I felt that it was absolutely necessary that you hear what he has to say.


* pauses again *

* seems to be searching for the proper words *

* motions to an unseen person off stage to approach center stage *


Ladies and gentlemen of the Tuatha'an...

I present to you Master Rand Al'Thor...

The Dragon Reborn!!!



* gasps from many of the men in the audience *

* some simply stare in shocked disbelief *

* some women run screaming the names of their children *

* others just scream *

* a few faint *



* the tall handsome red-haired young man in fine clothing stands silently at center stage patiently waiting for the clamor to cease *

* his shirt sleeves are rolled up to expose matching tatoos on each forearm...shining, metallic looking things that wrap around his arms...they appear to be some scaled creature with glowing eyes and golden scales...clawed feet...DRAGONS? *

* he appears to be almost nervous about addressing the Travelling People *



I mean you no harm.

I am not mad.

Nor will I ever be...unless it is from normal causes.  ;)

Saidin has been cleansed.

Male channellers are no longer afflicted as they have been for so long.

You have nothing to fear.


* shouts from the audience *


That's impossible!!!

Male Aes Sedai tore the world apart!!!

Leave us alone!!!


* Rand hangs his head sadly *

* long moments pass as the insults continue *

* he absorbs them all with courage and determination *

* at a lull in the chastisements, he continues *


I cannot correct anything that has already happened.

I cannot guarantee that there will never again be any trouble from any male channeller any more than I can guarantee that the High Lords of Tear will never again raise taxes!!!



* some of the audience chuckles unwittingly *

* when they realize what they have done, they resume stone faces *


Please believe me that I would not have imposed upon your Honorary Gleeman to allow me to speak today if I did not believe that it was absolutely vital to the Pattern that you hear my words.

"Death is lighter than a feather...duty is heavier than a mountain."



A friend of mine once visited your wagons.  He told me that you search for a long lost song.  I have heard the song.


* more shocked gasps from the audience *

* excitement gleams in the eyes of most listeners *

* the hum of voices gradually builds from a loud whisper to almost shouting *



Take us to the song!!!

We MUST hear the song!!!

We need to learn the song that it may be sung again!!!

You LIE!!!

How could YOU have found the song when WE have searched so long???


* some of the audience approach the stage only to be met by an invisible impenetrable curtain *


* to be more at ease, Rand sits cross legged *

* when things calm down somewhat, he speaks *


What I am about to tell you is not pleasant...but believe it for true.

It is my sincere hope that this news will help you more than it will hurt.  I have told others...they did not receive the news well.  It changed their society drastically.  What they had believed for so long was suddenly shattered like a mirror on a rock.  They no longer knew who they were as they once had known.  For this reason, it saddens me to be the one who brings you this news.  I do it so that you will learn the song and perhaps regain what has been lost.


* the audience is strangely attentive *

* Rand studies the faces, considering whether to continue or not *

* he nods to himself slightly in the affirmative then inhales deeply *

* after exhaling slowly he continues *


* raising his arms to show the dragons to the audience *

I earned these.

* shows them left and right so that all can see *

In Rhuidean.

* continues showing them *

* notices some audience members showing signs of recognition for the name of the fog city in the Waste *


Your wagons must have travelled near there or none of you would know the name.

* lowers his arms, crosses them with left stub of a hand on right knee, right hand on left knee so dragons are still visible but not on display *

When last you were there, Rhuidean likely was shrouded in a heavy mist of dense fog.  It is no longer.  The fog is gone.  I drew from beneath the ground a vast amount of water such that there now exists a huge lake on the outskirts of the city.  Aiel live there in peace with one another.

* looks of disbelief roll like a wave across the faces of the audience *

I do not expect you to accept the truth of this solely on my word.  In fact, I hope that you doubt my words enough to go there and see it for yourselves.

More importantly, I hope that the bravest among you will hear the song and earn a dragon on your arm.

* gasps from the listeners *

Perhaps, those who do this will be able to remember what they have heard and teach the song to all of you.  I do not remember the song.  When I earned my dragons I was unaware that the Tuatha'an searched for the song so I did not pay close attention.  I do however remember the feeling of joy and peace that the song did bring as well as it's unmatched beauty.  There is also a magic within the song that aids the growing of crops which could be very beneficial if it can be relearned.  When the song was last sung, your ancestors were called Da'shain Aiel.

* more fainting and shouting of "liar" (which is unheard of among the Travelling People) *


When an Aiel man desires to become a leader of his people, he must go to Rhuidean.  He enters a series of glass columns at the center of the city which I believe are actually ter'angreal placed there long ago by Aes Sedai.  The history of the Aiel is revealed within the glass columns.  The true history.  A history going back to the Age of Legends for those who are strong and brave enough to see the truth that far back.  Those who live through the experience emerge with a dragon on one arm.  I survived the glass columns and learned of my ancestry.  Because I am the Dragon Reborn, both of my arms were marked as described in the Prophecies of the Dragon.

* more sighs and gasps *

* some heads shaking sadly *

Now for the news that I have dreaded having to share with you.  :(

During my visit to the glass columns I learned that the Aiel and the Tuatha'an share common ancestors...they used to be one people.  Circumstances lead to them splitting.  Actually, they both split off from the main, orignal group who then called themselves the Jenn Aiel.


* more disbelief from the audience *

That's impossible!!!

We could NEVER be like the LOST ONES!!!


* some reach for stones as if to throw them which is TOTALLY against the Way of the Leaf *

* stones are dropped when realization sets in *  :-[


* Rand rises slowly *

* he stands erect, feeling the mountain trying to crush him *

I do not expect you to believe me.

Were I in your shoes, I would not.

The truth is vile tasting, but nevertheless true.

You have heard the truth.

To really believe it, you must travel to Rhuidean.

Search the souls among you to determine who might survive the visit to the glass columns to learn the song and earn the mark of the dragon.

I caution you...this might not work without an Aiel companion.  I almost believe that if you enter the columns along with an Aielman both of you may emerge as Jenn Aiel...I do not know.  But, I do know that the song that you have searched for all of these many long years does exist within the columns in Rhuidean.


* Rand takes one last long, silent survey of the audience *

* a sliver of light appears next to him *

* it "opens" into a circle just larger than Rand *

* through the circle a lavishly decorated bedroom can be seen where a shapely young woman in tight fitting pants of all things waits patiently...she has been reading some thick book *

* Rand steps through the hole just before it disappears *


* long moments of shocked silence pass *


* GrandpaG sheepishly slithers back to center stage *

* head hanging slightly *

* eyes downcast *

* shoulders slumped *

* kicks at unseen debris on the stage floor *

* hands clasped firmly behind his back *



I did know what Rand would say today.

When first I heard the tale myself I could not believe it.

But, an old friend and fellow gleeman has had many dealings with the Dragon Reborn.  He trusts him and believes what he has said.  I must.

It is only from the love in the bottom of my heart for all of the Tuatha'an that I did bring him to you today.  I intend to spread the news to as many of the People as I can.  The news is sad.  Yet, for the hope of finding the song that Rand has described, the sadness must be tolerated and endured.  I hope that today has not cost me the privilege of being your Honorary Gleeman.  :(


* GrandpaG exits solemnly *


*shakes head*


never *nods*


you are still welcome by our fires, no worries*nods*


oh and....have we ever met before? i seem to be gone long periods of time, i see what you post but i dont think weve had a proper introduction *nods*


i am lord of the dawn, a Tinker and an Asha man of the Black Tower


tis a pleasure to meet you


    That was completly AMAZING!! This might sound almost Sacrilegious but are you Robert Jordan come back in the flesh?  I don't know much about you, but if you are a writer and have anything published, please let me know. I have had the privelege of sitting at the feet of many great story tellers (my scoutmaster for one) and have always been taken with the stories. You, my friend, earn a place alongside!! Most likely at the Head!

Kudos and keep up the stories!


*shakes head*


never *nods*


you are still welcome by our fires, no worries*nods*


oh and....have we ever met before? i seem to be gone long periods of time, i see what you post but i dont think weve had a proper introduction *nods*


i am lord of the dawn, a Tinker and an Asha man of the Black Tower


tis a pleasure to meet you



Nice to "meet" you!

* extends hand for shaking *

No, I'm not a senior citizen quite yet...only 54.

But I am a grandpa 6 times over.

And a crazy, dirty old man (depending upon who you ask).

Anyway, it's always good to meet a member of the Tuatha'an!

And an Ashaman, at that!  Do you carry a sword?  ::)



I, too, took some time off trying to shake my Dragonmount addiction from last summer.  :(  I now find myself "needing" to check for replies to my posts each day...won't be long until I spend every free moment spamming Fiddlesticks again, trying to catch up to Loki Redffern's post count!!!  ;)


This might sound almost Sacrilegious but are you Robert Jordan come back in the flesh?




Just a fan with an overly active imagination who likes to ramble on.  ;D


hehe .with this 3 of raena ..not that ppost count means anything at all of couse, and gwampy i think your quality makes up for any so called lack of quantity, so your well up there :D





If post counts were each one line long, my count would be...





uuuuuhhhmmmm....really big!!!  ;D  8)  ::)  :o


But, I'd still never catch the King of Spam!!!  ;)


you mean Demi? (dunbar)


Hes got the top post count at the black tower *nods*


and everyone there lives on spam *nods*


theres so much of it, its kind of embarrasing lol....


anyways.....yes i carry a sword.....just dont use it much at all.....the OP is ten times more efficient *nods*


Grandpa G, this has turned our world upside down, but you will always be welcome at these fires. News of the Song and of the Dragon returning is both inspiring and frightening. Now we have the daunting task set before us of determining who among us is strong enough to endure the journey set ahead for us.


Grandpa G, this has turned our world upside down, but you will always be welcome at these fires. News of the Song and of the Dragon returning is both inspiring and frightening. Now we have the daunting task set before us of determining who among us is strong enough to endure the journey set ahead for us.


May the Light guide your path.


I envy not the person tasked with this responsibility other than the experience of hearing the beauty of the song first hand...that alone might be worth the sacrifice.


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