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What on EARTH is happening to this world???????


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Oh for goodness sake!

Is it not simple?

Is there really need for everything to be so complex that one has to learn about politics to understand a tenth of what goes on in this world?


Get a few people to rule a country.

Moral people.

Teach everyone morals.

Provide them with a good education and of course food, water, housing, etc.

Do this with every country.




Then, traditions can be kept, people can get through life without complete confusion...things could be..well, not simple; life will never be simple, but at least simple enough for stupid people like me to understand?


See, when I was younger, it really did seem simple. There was right and wrong.

. Don't steal

. Don't hurt people

. Don't be mean


But, no, that's just not the way the world works is it?


OH no, there has to be wars...know how terrifying it is for a ten-year-old to learn there's about to be another war? My first thought was, oh my god, we're all going to die. That's it, we're dead. I kept that up for quite a while and you know what, it's partly true. I bet many, many children felt the same way. Of course, when you're that young..well, you don't really understand that maybe there's a reason for this war..but to be honest, I never saw the point in killing people because they killed people. It seemed rather illogical.


And then, I find out all this other stuff, that makes everything even worse. Something going on with..Tibet, is it?..and China. I never knew about that up until now, and it's starting to seem that EVERYWHERE in the world there's all this suffering, and it doesn't make much sense.

Can people not just get along??


But this world just isn't simple, is it?

And we've made it so.








Sorry about that, this whole thing is just driving me mad.

Nothing to see, nothing to see, move along.  ;) :D


my advice, jelly:  take care of yourself and those close to you and don't worry about the rest.  the rest of the world's gonna take care of itself one way or the other, and if it all goes down the crapper in a nuclear catastrophe, well, you can't do anything about it, so don't bother worrying about it.  que sera, man.  ;)


Get a few people to rule a country.

Moral people.

Teach everyone morals.


And who would decide what "moral" means?


Moral people.

It's obvious who is moral and who is not. They are either nice, or not nice. It is SO simple. Or could be. 


:P :D ;)


Moral people.

It's obvious who is moral and who is not. They are either nice, or not nice. It is SO simple. Or could be. 


Unfortunatly, it is not simple at all. Religious people will claim their religion is the only true morality. Politicians will attach the definition of morality to whatever -ism they happen to belong to. Etc...


And unfortunatly, the more interested someone is in running a nation, the more of an own agenda they will have. So unless we manage to find Zaphod Beeblebrox, we are screwed.


B*gger religion, then!  :D Disregard it. It has nothing to do with morality.


In fact, no offense meant to those religious but, wouldn't that get rid of half the problems in the world?


jelly does have a point, people are generally crap, and the worst seem to be in power, thought i can see where the dude is coming from but i disagree i still think you should look after the other if you can, even if they dont look after you


and yes geting rid of religions would probably solve alot of problems, but then in the end people are still people, religion is usually only just a justification


religion is a thing so ingrained in the human psyche that it will probably never go away, like, ever.  even non-religious people will construct for themselves some system of beliefs.


myself, i follow the gospel of james hetfield, for example.


and red, i'm all for helping folks out, but i'm still much more concerned with my own friends and family; the rest of the world can manage without me (it did for several thousand years before i was born, and odds are decent that it will after i'm dead).  while i'm here, i'm gonna take care of the people i give a crap about, and the rest are on their own.


and i don't think people all in all are so bad, even if i do spend a lot of time complaining about them.

myself, i follow the gospel of james hetfield, for example.


Talent is a sin, and cheap rip-offs is the way to achieve success? ;D


In the name of the Guinness, the Jäger, and the Holy Single Malt ;D


i'm gonna let this slide because i know how much you enjoy trying to break my composure over liking the greatest band to ever exist and that will ever exist.


and stop persecuting me for my religion!!!!




As a member of the Church of Morrissey, it is my duty to purge the world of bad music, and metallica will be among the first to go, together with Celine Dion. ;D


maj, maj, maj.  i don't go around badmouthing...  er, whatever it is you like.  i don't give you a hard time, why you gotta be a playa hata?  ;)


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