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Fanasy Movie Mogul


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Not trying to spam here, but there is a cool site called Fantasy Movie Moguls.  You create a studio and pick about 6-8 movies.  You get points depending on how much money each film makes, like if you picked Iron Man or Indiana Jones, you should do well.  Nim's Island....not so much.


Anyways, check it out www.fantasymoguls.com.  Maybe we could create a Seanchan League and post results here instead.  The website itself kinda sucks, but we could use the numbers they gather and spruce them up here in our Org. 


Who is down for this?



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I think I went bankrupt. Damn sub-primes!


I don't know what a sub-prime is, I've just heard it has something to do with the economy... Like the stocke exchange. So I imagine a sub-prime is a Uwe Boll movie. Which reminds me I still haven't rented and watched a Uwe Boll movie, yet. Damn you Eli Manning! *shakes fist*

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Thanks, I just joined and picked up Jaime Pressley for free.  Looks pretty cool. I'm Myndrunner just as I am here.  It asked me who recommended me to join so I told them. 


Now, if the don of a family recommended me to join, I would most certainly give him tribute.  Of course, such a notion is preposterous because there is no bloody family.



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Tin tin is a good buy.  I had it at $11 and I think it is up to $33 now.  I have made about 100K on that stock.


My best stock right now is Get Smart where I have made about 1 mil on it so far. 


I think the derivatives are fun and a fast way to make some money.  I think Forgetting Sarah Marshall Call at $2 is a steal at least comparing it to the box offices of Knocked up and Superbad. 


I can't seem to add you Sinister. 



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Guest Far Dareis Mai

So is there a secret to this or something? I know nothing about stocks really, and I'm not sure if I should be buying stock of movies being released soon, or getting movies that have awhile yet...

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Well you start off with 2 mil... so not good. 


Hint 1: You can get.. I think 50K a week by going to http://www.hsx.com/sweeps/cash.htm.  Choose first choice.  I think it only works near the start of the week.  I used this alot when I first started to get some money.


FDM - Buy Low.  I usually read movie news and see what might be coming out in the future.  If it looks like a winner, I buy 5000 - 10000 shares at first.  If I am slightly interested, I at least buy 1000 shares. 


So some news of movies just announced in production....



Prince of Persia... yeah based on the game... Jake Gyllinhall is rumored to be taking the lead.... and if he does the stock will jump 10 points I bet.


Transformer 2 details are out which pushed the stock way up.  Even at 176 a share... I guarantee it will be over 200 in no time.  A bit pricey for newbies though.


Friday the 13 is being remade and the stock is only at 27.  I am kind of leary of it as I doubt it increases much until they talk about casting but could be a strong buy.


High Moon is a good buy but the movie isnt on the stock exchange yet.  Rumors are it is a 'The Lost Boys' meets 'The Magnificent Seven' and John Woo might be attached.  I will buy it as soon as it is available.


Halo just got a script writer which could push up the stock.


Anyway... I read news and buy early.  Then I sit and wait until the movie is released.  I also watch trailers.  I guarantee the day a trailer comes out and it is good, the stock will sky rocket.  That is how I got into Get Smart and a few others. 


When I am bored, I do searches on movie stocks.  What is 1 - 5$ in post production.  I may buy it if it interests me. 

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well to be fair, I think I lost 400k out of stupidity.. (Aka I bought something, then I some reason or another, sold it at a lower price then I bought it, within the first 5 minutes of buying it...)


Though, I also have Ironman stock that has risen 17% (Its now 18%, yes it increased 1% in 10 minutes) since I bought it. Which was like, a year ago @ $157, its now worth $186 per share. I have 10,288 shares in it, and its increased its networth by nearly 300k. Meaning when I first invested I had 300k less then I do now. ;)

So I can't be doing to bad since I've been inactive since like, last year.

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

Okay, here is what I've got so far:



Are purchasing actors a bad idea? I bought a few that I really like, just in case I should.


And I've only bought 1k shares each, because I didn't have a lot of money to play with. Should I invest more if possible?


I've already sent out some invites for more money, and I'll have to do that questionaire thing you posted Empy, thanks! :D

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If you are pretty sure the movie is going to be big... ala Iron Man or Transformers and the shares are cheaply priced... yes buy big!!! 


It is somewhat a gamble... but as long as you buy at the right time you are mostly guaranteed to make money. 


Yes I have actors as well.  I buy everything Scarlett is in which is where I lose a lot of my money... but someone has to support her! 


I also buy market shares... ala Comic Book fund. 


The weekend box office funds are where you can either lose or make money really fast. 


You can also short stocks which means you buy them high, hoping they lose money.  This is good when you know a movie is about to go into the crapper... like the director just got canned or an actor pulls out.

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Guest Far Dareis Mai

Okay, I think I get it now. Just one more question: When do you (or should you) sell your stocks? Do they automatically cash in after a certain period of time?

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Ok... there are a few things about your question.  Lets say you hold on to the stock well after it hits theatres.... here is what happens...


Cash Out

This occurs when a security is delisted (removed) from the Exchange. MovieStocks of wide release films cash out after four weeks of wide release. MovieStocks of films which stay in limited release cash out after twelve weeks. An Option cashes out after a movie's first weekend of release.


Cash-Out Price

This is the price in which HSX cashes out MovieStocks and options. A MovieStock is cashed out at H$1 to $1 million equal to the movie's domestic box-office gross after the first four weeks of wide release or after the first 12 weeks of limited release. The HSX source for box-office is Exhibitor Relations Co. If ERC does not report box-office for a film, alternate sources may be used. MovieStocks of films which are not released theatrically cash out at zero. Option cash-out prices are equal to the movie's box-office total during its first weekend of release minus the strike price.



So really I only go this route when I forget to log into HSX for a few months.  I tend to sell after I read some bad news about the film or if I see a bad trailer (new Hulk movie) or after the first week after release it tanks at the box office.  You don't want to be stuck with a stock that is going to cash out poorly.

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Empy hints:


Remember to do you survey for free money.


Austin Powers 4 has a possible script and a new leading lady.  If you can afford the $54 price tag it may be worth a pick up as it looks like this project is a go.  I would suspect this stock will be over $100 if this rumor is confirmed.  Of course I say that and since I bought the stock 5 minutes ago I have already lost a grand. *g*


There is a new trailer out for a movie called Quarantine.  Stock is at $29 so if the trailer is any good it could make a jump. 





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