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I need to make another male character, so that my female-male character ratio is balanced. (One of my proposed bio's fizzled out ;)) I'm thinking a male channeler, perhaps with a big disabilty, like a mute. Any idea's or any idea what Div to go for? I'm having my typical indecisive phase. :D

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Awe, bless!


I take that if you're considering making a male channeler and haven't decided, you're not really sold on doing another BT or CotS bio... you could always make him a Freelander mercenary or something that happens to have some rough control of the Power, or something like that.


And I dig on the idea of mute, but that does make dialog sort of hard to write out, doesn't it?  At least, it would prove an interesting challenge!  You could always RP the text out as thoughts in italics, and have the actual character gesturing to try and get the point across :)

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