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Eadon returns to the Tower

Eadon Sedai

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So with my own triumphant return to DM *cue the trumpets* I'm bringing Eadon out of hiding.


Even though I'm an oldie here, I never really did much with Eadon (who is a Green). The only influencing thing in her time line is a feud she had with Jaydena. That was eventually resolved, but I'm not sure when we decided to have our "making up."


So the timeline with this RP is pretty flexible.


What I want to develop is a RP for Eadon to return to the Tower after having been away for 6 months to a year. What I want is for her to have been captured and held prisoner some how.


Any ideas are definitely welcome! Help me plan a RP  :D

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I am open to all suggestions. I'm hoping to build a RP with input from various people :)


I do think that something Shadow captured might be more reasonable than being held ransom. I'm not sure if the Tower would pay to get an AS back. But I suppose that's a question for debate!

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Tigara - are you up for playing the captor and jailer? Perhaps there would be minions actually guarding my cell, but your Dreadlord could be the one behind it all. The question is why? Does your character work for anyone?


Raeyn- I think what I want is for word to get back to the Tower somehow (I'm thinking on how..) and for there to be a small rescue party. Something with a fight would be nice ^^

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Ok here are a few more thoughts that I had:


Eadon would originally leave the Tower to investigate rumors of an angreal stash. What if the rumors were true and amongst the collection was something Moggy was looking for.


When Eadon left the Tower someone could have secretly been following her; someone with their own reasons for keeping tabs on the Greens and what they are up to or maybe just Eadon herself. That's how word makes it back to the Tower.

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i belive mogh is to have a stash of dream angreal or such, could posible asume one of them to be from here? if you guys do it retro...which could fit well no? as i belive tig is one of the people who where to lend one and learn from her?

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Yeah, Tig is supposed to be a part of Moggy's "inner circle" and have a dram ter'angreal. But Moggy hasn't been around to do so yet. *needs to hunt Taea down*


But yes, that would work well, Ata.

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Ok here is what I have written up so far. Let me know if it needs changes. And please help me fill in the blanks! I don't now the time period or Tigara's Dreadlord's name.

Eadon returns to the Tower


Time: I’m not actually sure. When are we placing this?


Cast of Characters:

Eadon-Green Sister

Tigara – Dreadlord

Possible other characters (please jump on board!) – Aes Sedai that intercept her message and come to Eadon’s rescue.

Innkeeper at the Inn Eadon stays in.


Phase 1:

Eadon leaves Tar Valon after reports of a dream ter’angreal surfacing in _________(LOCATION). She travels alone and keeps mainly to herself while on the road.


Phase 2:

Eadon arrives in  _________ and sets up in a room at a local, but pleasant, Inn. She goes out at night to track the ter’angreal. Thinking she has found it, she sends word back to a select few Greens asking them to come out and assist her. Eadon, however, grows impatient from a lack of reply and goes after the ter’angreal herself.


Phase 3:

______ (Tigara’s Dreadlord) finds Eadon sneaking about and captures her. He holds her and sends for his Mistress, Moghedien. While waiting for her arrival (shall we assume she takes her time as one Aes Sedai is not going to be her priority?) Eadon is tortured at the hands of the Dreadlord. She tries to find a way out, but fails.


Phase 4:

Help arrives from the White Tower. Eadon’s message is intercepted before it reaches the intended Greens, and the White Tower sends several Aes Sedai and Warders to assist Eadon, only to come and find out that it is actually a rescue mission. Eadon is freed and they return to the Tower.



Eadon left without informing even her Ajah Head. As such, she is in a world of trouble with Jaydena and the Amyrlin (this can be RPd out later).


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Ok well shall we say it's Illian? Eadon could trace the ter'angreal to an abandoned warehouse that used to house shipping supplies or some such.


If that's ok with you then I'll start the RP (and maybe poke some people on the WT board to see if anyone else wants in).

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moghedien's is in a antique store in tarabon..


also its a stash...mogh found it through the dream and is moving in for it, just buying it, as i had no reports of the rp startin, how about eadon get hold of them, mogh include tig and they hunt her down taking them back...and eadon being a unimportant AS is left in tig's care, he can keep her capture for some time to explain her absent?



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nods...it fits, the reason for the location is that its where mogh is located atm


i'll add you on the special reports board, there is a tread there with the descriptions of the ter'angreals...so you know what they look like

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