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Why so much build-up for the forsaken? Dissapointing...


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Asmodean was equal to an exhausted Rand before he was taught. Post-Asmodean's teaching and what he could learn of his own, Rand became considerably stronger. As he was in TSR, probably most of the Forsaken wouldn't have too much trouble with him. But he had an angreal, so...

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Guest Dreadlord

Rand notes they are almost as strong as himself. The angreal only tripped the balance when they were winning due to being more proficient with the Power, not necessarily stronger.

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Some people said in [Demandred's] defence that he isnt a warrior, and I laugh at that comment. HE IS A GENERAL!
Generals lead armies (or, depending on the actual rank of the General, maybe as little as a Brigade. That's still a few thousand men.). Where was Demandred's army at the Cleansing? You don't send a General to do a private's job.
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[quote author=Davian93 link=topic=29123.msg772357#msg772357 date=1207848331


Your ignorance of the American Civil War and the strategies used during the many battles is appalling.  Very rarely did "blind luck" or "inepitude" decide a battle's outcome.  The higher command on both sides of the conflict was extensively trained in strategy and did excellent jobs in using said tactics to kill each other.


Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan, the first commander of the Army of the Potomac was, in point of fact, a completely incompetent,  refusing battle on numerous occasions when he mistakenly felt outnumbered.  His lack of any leadership skill is why he was replaced by Lincoln.


On the topic, Asmodean was never as strong as Rand.  I've brought up before that they only appeared equal because they could draw equal amounts of the power through the Choden Kal.



As for the rest of the forsaken, the 13 who were trapped in the Bore wer a sample of millions of channelers.  As we progress in the plot,  a multitude of extremely powerful third age channelers have been unearthed as the pool from which we can draw increases.


Alivia (Seanchan), Talaan (Sea Folk), Nynaeve, Someryn (Aiel), Sharina, Viendre (Aiel), Tamela (Aiel).  Seven women, all stronger then Egwene.  Not to mention two third age men, Logain and Taim, for which we have a comparison, nearly as strong as Rand and likely stronger than all but a few of the Chosen.


This makes more sense with RJ's explanation.  The breaking of the worlds was so bad, those responsible for it, those for whom we can place a name, well, they must have been truly evil.


Right now, Mesanna controls the Tower, Graendal is systematically destroying everything from the shadow coast to worlds end and Semihrage was an RCH away from taking down the Dragon. Halima was sowing dissention among the rebels and her ouster was nothing but blind luck.  What about these facts is a sign of weakness.



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If he did, he would surely have gotten his hands on at least one angreal. And if he did, what happened to it after he got blasted out of the pattern by Moiraine? Of course no angreal could have helped him against balefire.


And wouldn;t the black sisters also have more angreal with them if he found the cache? ???

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If he did, he would surely have gotten his hands on at least one angreal. And if he did, what happened to it after he got blasted out of the pattern by Moiraine? Of course no angreal could have helped him against balefire.
As you say, no angreal would have helped against balefire and if he was wearing said angreal while being hit with said balefire....


And wouldn;t the black sisters also have more angreal with them if he found the cache? ???
Only if he was willing to share his findings. The Chosen are big fans of sharing, aren't they.
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True,true. But the question still stands: If Be'lal had found the cache then he would certainly have taken some angreal etc...where are those now? And why didn't he take that 'fat little man' angreal that Rand found.


Rand discovered the angreal by accident. I think a Forsaken would have been able to find it much more easily if he was actually looking for an angreal.

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True,true. But the question still stands: If Be'lal had found the cache then he would certainly have taken some angreal etc...where are those now? And why didn't he take that 'fat little man' angreal that Rand found.
As I said, any that he had with him were vapourised with him. Any that he didn't have with him were where he left them - whether that be in his rooms, or in the Great Holding still, or maybe he just left them lying around like a childs toys. He didn't take the fat man maybe (and I know I'm reaching here) because he didn't find it. Maybe he found one before he got to that one that he was satisfied with.


Rand discovered the angreal by accident. I think a Forsaken would have been able to find it much more easily if he was actually looking for an angreal.
Why? And let's say, for the sake of argument, that Be'lal goes looking. He finds a decent angreal, a brooch say, and is wearing that during the fight with Rand. The fight where he gets balefired...you get the picture. He could have had an angreal on him and we probably wouldn't know.
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