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Just how many ways are there to escape a red?

The winds of Time

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BT > WT cuz us blackcoats are trained from day one to kill


you puny WT-ers have unbreakable Oaths that say you cant kill unless its in the last extreme to defend your life. Or somesuch shtuff.


Well unless you're a warder or black ajah of course


I am both, so I have no issue killing you Rahlian


Who needs to kill, when you can use more ... pleasurable methods to get what you want ?




Yeah, but we also have numbers on our side. I doubt there are equal numbers of Warders/Aes Sedai/Black Ajah...


And dont forget that men are also traditionally stronger in Earth/Fire. I know that all Five Powers are equal, but its easier to mess someone up with Earth and Fire, than say, Wind or Spirit.


Why should I be worried about numbers?

This is DM, you get offed here you come back to life min. later


And honestly Rah, fire and earth do very little when one has a knife in their back


And I disagree, I can imagine ways to mess people up with air, you know, yanking people apart, pleasant stuff


Not dragged, more of a...bludgeoned me over

*hugs talya*

Yes, I willingly choose to hang with them, weird huh? ;)


Anyways, *gives Rah a present*

Courtesy of us puny WT folk ^^


I didnt say there weren't ways Raijin, just that its easier to set someone on fire than rip them apart...


OOhh! a present, what'd you get me?


We've also forgotten about water haven't we ;)

Fire looses out there


But this really really isn't important


And Rah, I got you a puppy :P


I figured a dog could be fun, just don't blow it to bits ok?


There are ways for each Power to beat another. I was just commenting that chaos/destruction/mayhem/etc. are more easily achieved with Fire and Earth. You can destroy with Air and Water, but you have to be more creative.


A puupy! what kind?


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