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Switching Sides


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It would be great theater if one of the major good guys and one of the major bad guys changed sides before the fateful end.  If that were to be the case, which major member (or mid-level major) of the Light, and which major member of the Dark would be most likely?  I keep looking at Perrin, since he is so enmeshed with a family that I dislike enough that they seem to be dark friends, and would probably drive me crazy if I had married into them.  For the Dark, it's tough - it wold have to be like Asmodean, someone who is convinced of self-interest or probable defeat, and just wants to win.  Graendel?  Taim doesn't count - and I think he was just really ticked off that he didn't become the DR, is very jealous of Rand and his power, and will do anything to hinder or kill him.  Maybe he thinks that the pattern will weave out a replacemnet DR if Rand is gone.  He seems totally amoral.  Thoughts?


Do you remember the game Moridin playes called Sha'ra? The Fisher, which now closely resembles Rand, switched sides constantly throughout the game. I think that in light of the link between Moridin and Rand, I would have to say that both Moridin and Rand switch sides, with either them both switching bodies several times and therefore appearing to switch sides or the both of them struggling for control of the others mind, like with Rand and LTT, so Rand controls both himself and Moridin for a time then Moridin controls both bodies for awhile. Heck maybe LTT takes over Moridins body or Rands body when Rand controls Moridins. I don't see Perrin switching sides, though I hate Faile, he believes his family was killed by trollocs, I think that will put a stop to any switching for him. Though I would like to see Faile come out as a Darkfriend, Perrin finds out, kills her in a brutal confrontation, and viola we have our old Perrin back (the one that looked at a Fade and said "Fade ... Neverborn" then proceeded with one of the coolest fight scenes in the book in my opinion, in TDR).

Guest Dreadlord

Lews Therin will stay with Rand; after all, its Rands mind that has been corrupted by the Taint. If Moridin was to hear voices from any insanity he has accumulated from the True Power it would be Lews Therins, so if Lews Therin was to take control of anyone I would guess he could ony take over Rand as he has tried so many times.


    PLEASE understand that I would never want this to happen. But you get extremely few Aeil as darkfriends, so Aviendah or Rhuarc for the light.

For the Dark, I could see Moghedien switching just to be freed from the thing that holds her.


Guest Dreadlord

I made an error in my last post here, I meant to say that any voice Moridin would hear from True Power madness would NOT be Lews Therins


     PLEASE understand that I would never want this to happen. But you get extremely few Aeil as darkfriends, so Aviendah or Rhuarc for the light.

For the Dark, I could see Moghedien switching just to be freed from the thing that holds her.



Considering that every single Aile male channeler goes to the Blight, there might be a few DF Aiel around, waiting to be unleashed.


I'm with the idea that Graendal might switch sides to save her own skin. If not actively fighting for the Light, she might just skulk quietly away to a corner and avoid attention. Apart from anything else, given that RJ never got around to properly killing off any of the female Forsaken, there's quite a few left to be 'mopped up' in AMOL, so it wouldn't surprise me too much if one managed to avoid capture altogether. Just to leave some loose threads dangling. It might be Moghedien, of course, as someone else mentioned, but given her history with Nynaeve, I think her days are numbered.


In terms of defections from the Light, though - nah, can't really see that happening at this stage, certainly not for a character as major as Perrin. That just doesn't seem RJ's style.


Its always been my personal pet theory that someone extremely close to Rand would end up being a DF.  My guess used to be Bashere but Rhuarc would be quite the betrayal or even Amys.  I would think that somebody will try to take him down from the inside.


I'm too far entrenched in DnD lore for my own good, but I'm still holding out a grain of hope that something like this happens in AMoL:


...the Dark One's near-infinite amount of cannon fodder is just too great for the forces of the Dragon to combat. Like a deathknell to the world, Shaidar Haran commands Mazrim Taim to strike now at the heart of the Dragon's forces. Taim takes a few steps forward, the remnants of his own personal army at his side, and looks the great Myddraal in the eye, or where it's eyes WOULD be if it had any, and calmly smirks. The only word that leaves Taim's mouth is an emphatic "No.", as Taim (along with his faithful) raise their arms in unison, and unleash a wave of power that makes the Dark One himself shake. Taim's forces proceed to cut a swath through the army of the Dark One, as Taim makes his way towards Rand al'Thor. If the Dragon had any amount of innocence left, he would have laughed out of joy.


No? Didn't think so. I'm totally resigned to seeing Logain whip Taim's ass, then.


No, I really don't see it being Perrin, either.  I've just grown very frustrated with his whole story line.  In fact, I can't make a logical case for any major (or mid-major) character going over; but I also would be surprised if RJ never planned some variations from the prophecies and foreshadowed events.  Moiraine thought she knew what Rand had to do, but his visit to the Waste caught her totally by surprise.  What'll it be?


I think Herad Fel was on the right track, right before he died (hey, it's why i liked his character so much). Remember what he said about the DO's prison?


That it was Sealed by the Dragon. Yet, the Creator made the Seal, so if the Wheel were to come full circle the entire Seal would have to be made whole again -- unless it had been patched to begin with.


I think Moiraine was following the Proplecies of the Dragon closely. The problem is, i agree with Fel that the Pattern has TWO Dragons. One to create the Seal, and one to patch it. The Prophecies Moiraine has studied were of the one patching the Seal, but Rand is not quite LTT.


I think he'll get to pull some more surprises on her in AMoL.




As for the actual topic, i think Nynaeve is going to be the most likely to turn. Why? AS live much longer, and Lan is already a good deal older than her. He dies, and she'll be unable to heal him. With a little bit of timing on the DO's behalf, she could be turned then, in her moment of emotional instability.


She's as strong as a Forsaken now, and the DO knows this after she solo'd Moghedien. He'll definitely be keeping an eye on her, of that i'm sure, and she's the most likely one to be one of the Forsaken in the next Karaethon Cycle...



I think Moiraine was following the Proplecies of the Dragon closely. The problem is, i agree with Fel that the Pattern has TWO Dragons. One to create the Seal, and one to patch it. The Prophecies Moiraine has studied were of the one patching the Seal, but Rand is not quite LTT.


I think he'll get to pull some more surprises on her in AMoL.



what did Fel say about there being 2 Dragons? Could it be possible if that IS the case, that some of the prophecies are referring to LTT, and not Rand at all? Perhaps the 'to live, you must die' - LTT died, but now seems to be alive again within Rand's mind, much to his chagrin.


He didn't actually say that, but it was hinted at strongly when he said that the DO's prison was made, but the Bore (and the Seals that are now breaking) weren't there until a few Ages later. Which meant, that in order to return 'full cycle', perhaps there were two Dragons. One to Seal the Bore (LTT) and one to remake the DO's prison whole (Rand?)


Rand never gave it much thought afterwards, but if i recall correctly the Gholam pretty much dived on him before the chapter was over, strengthening my belief that Fel was on to something.


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