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[GAME] 360 - Fable 2


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  • 8 months later...

Yes...I'm reviving this thread because the game was released yesterday, and I got to play it for a while last night.  Unfortunately, since I have another member of my household that was ready to kill to play it, I only got about 2 hours of time in before it was his turn, so I didn't get very far.  What I did see though, I liked a lot.  You can definitely tell it's next gen, which makes me quite happy visually, even though it's a little cartoony. 


LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact that there is no 'Will' limit in this one either.  You can repetitively fire off spells at enemies without pause.  I read a review on Gamespot and it wasn't the kindest, but since I haven't played through the whole thing yet, I'll stay open-minded:



I'm still trying to find out how to bring in the money I won on the pub games, and will probably be able to actually do it when I get home from work today. 


Anyone else been able to give this game a whirl yet?  What do you think so far?

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I played for about 2 hours before my friends got online and wanted to revive some GOW MP. 


I think you can import your gold once you are able to visit some pubs. 


I hear MP sucks as you don't import your character when you join their game.  So playing with them does nothing for your character.  No biggie, but that would have been worthwhile in my opinion.


So far I am excited to keep playing.  I plan to play for a few more hours tonight so should have more to report.

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Alf - Go to the pub games arcade and merge sparrow with your pub character.  I imported my gold that way.. but didn't get my items.  Still looking into that.


Played for another few hours last night. 


The Map sucks.  It is tiny and I can't enlarge it.  I want to find that damn bookstore so I can buy some dog books but the  map is basically useless.  "Oh look... that white arrow is me... and the blue dots are... I don't know..."


I really dislike the menu system for checking for your items and switching weapons.  It could be a little better.


I am still getting used to the combat system.  It is a little wonky to me. 


I keep having unprotected sex with all the women in the towns.  I want to see if I can create little Empies without being married.  I label all my conquests with a number... which seems wrong... but helps me keep track.  I mean who wants to double up?





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I don't get all the sliders on the character screen.  I noticed that I scared someone enough they would give me a present.  Well I don't know which action to use to make that slider get more negative.  It is the bottom one if someone has the answer for me.  The booklet in the game was useless covering this.

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Thanks for the info Emp.  I think I'm gonna end up being a weekend warrior come this Saturday.  Dale gets to play after I go to bed at night...but I have to keep a close eye on Zoe until Dale comes home and then we have a shit ton of DVR stuff to watch, so I'm SOL till Saturday morning :'(

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Ok so I played this game much more over the weekend.  Here are my further obersvations.




Ok I had someone play in my game and I played in someone's game.  First off - When you are near someone's orb and they talk you can hear them.  I discovered this when a friend was chatting with his family and I was like... how are you talking to me?  But I figured it out. 


You do share exp and gold in another's game.  I am an exp whore so I will play in anyone's game as long as they are not doing something boring... like in the spire.  I hung out as a ghost in the spire for about 20 minutes. 


The camera work in the coop is awful.  I heard a gargoyle and was trying to shoot it but couldn't look up. 




Umm... this game is bacially the first game... with a dog.  I admit I haven't played the original in years... but it really seems I am following the same story line as well as the same sidequests. 


I can not figure out where Bloodstone is.  I want to create a family there but can't find it.  I think it is where the Skill hero lives and I am just not far enough yet.


I married my first whore.  Hey, my character is evil so that made sense to me.  She is my second wife.  I plan to eventually have one in every town.


The maps still suck. 


The cut scenes remind me of FF7 which is a positive.


I wish there were a way to set up a hot key for potions.  I mean the game will eventually give you a health potion on the left D pad but sometimes that is too late.  So you have to pause and find the potion you want. 


The menus still suck.  Would prefer each section accessible using the bumpers instead of having to scroll down.


I am still addicted to this game.  Really I am addicted to any RPG game that I can level up in.  I think after one play through though I am trading it in.  I will wait on a final verdict once I beat the game.  I will also tell you have the evil ending goes.


OH!  and why can't I sacrafice children to the Shadow?  I figured that would give me big evil points. 

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I'm getting very little game time because of my home schedule and the needs of the puppy...so I'm hoping to get more time in this weekend.  This past weekend I did get to play for about 4 hours, and then last night I got in about 2, and what I've experienced so far I'm super happy with. 


LOVE the new magic system as far as not being limited by a pre-set amount of will power that needs to be re-built after depletion. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

And just in time for Gears of War 2, I am done with this game.  I didn't do all the side quests but I bought all the houses, beat the game and do not know what else could possibly keep me interested in the game.  So I am returning it tonight for money towards GOW2.

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