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Sign ups Inter-Div RP BT- Answering the call


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Answering the Call

Phase 1: The Black Tower gets wind of the events in the borderlands, particularly along Arafel’s border. Knowing that this is exactly what the Dragon created them to do, they mobilize. Sending a force of Asha’man and Dedicated to aid the armies of the light, they claim early victories. The onslaught of the power tears through the ranks of shadowspawn and darkfriend alike, and it seems that this will be an easy victory for the light.


Phase 2: As the Asha’man destroy ranks of shadowspawn, the shadow quickly regroups, forming a team of dreadlords and dreadladies, with batteries from the lower ranks of their elite order. When they enter the fray, a stalemate ensues. Neither side being able to take any land from the other, it seems that the battle will come down to endurance over tactics.


Phase 3: Of course, that is all changed when the Chosen hear of the stalemate. The new alliance of Sammael and Semirhage comes to the aid of their minions. Quickly they take the strongest of both sexes, and form a circle in order to overwhelm the Asha’man, while other lords and ladies of dread group together to add support to the chosen that have come to their aid. The Blacktower is quickly pushed back, and travels to safety. The shadow reclaims the lands, while the Light nurses battle wounds, and worse, hurt pride.


As you can tell, this is mostly for dreadies, but hey, if there are any DFs around who want to play, go ahead and sign up. ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

bump, the bt is resurecting this


due lack of full players and whatnot, if any intiates want to do a timeloop i'll allow it for this rp in the best interest of staging an active interdiv rp, that means you get to pretend your char was already raised for this rp and play them in it at full rank if you want to attend it



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

m'bela will be there eventualy as well...i am just using some time to play it out realisticly with how info would spread, and to let the main phase 1 pass, a battle hardly ever play out in just an hours time, it takes time rallying forces ;), and spreading message...so to allow like jehaine among others to play some first with her fade for phase 1 ;) i am stalling


which brings on another thing, feel free to engage in battle with the BT, you can also observe other fades and companies of trollocs then yours...seeing as the bt side is rather large so attacking with 10 trollocs is senceless, likelyhood you probably would controll something like a claw or a few at best if you controlled the claw leaders, which isnt overly much (claw = 10), so maybe you could see a few other fades with some claws, and posible a berserker (a berserker controll several fist leaders, fists consists of several claws, and normaly range between 1-2'000 trolloc, so a minor one would maybe be around 1000 or a little bellow, maybe bellow if hurt by the war already happened)


so that is enter the field togheter with a berserker and some other fades, togheter with fist and claw leaders under your controll you would then controll the armies (and this wise even if we dont have any PC trollocs we can honor their rank system as well and use some of the stuff we have on them all)

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  • 1 month later...

I got word from Arath that the dreadies should begin their full assault. Tig is leading a circle from on the battlefield, Terra is with Sammaeal, and I'd like to bring Raven in if that's alright. ;)


So, jump in a circle, make your own small circle, or just attack, but go have fun, my crazies!

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