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Any Reds Home?


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Hi ladies and gents, I am trying to figure out of I have any Sitters or Ajah Heads left. If you are a Red and play either of those functions please post here. If you left DM please step in here and say you were ajah head or Sitter and won't be anymore. I can use all the help I can get, so I need to know who's around still. Thanks everyone.

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I need to talk it over with Lara again, but I think the idea I had in mind was thus:


Raeyn gets on well with both the Reds and the Blues.  She plans on using her influence with the Blues to twist their arms to vote for the Red Amyrlin candidate, which will probably damage the Brown/Blue relationship to some degree.  It's not totally figured out yet, though :)

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Well, I figured Zarinen would get on well with the Browns, having almost chosen to go that route.  She hates the Greens, though. Maybe we can work together on something?

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