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[360] Three Red Lights!


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Has anyone experienced the three flashing red lights?  I was playing NCAA 2007 and the screen froze.  I rebooted and got the bloody three flashing read lights.


I have submitted a work order to have it fixed, but I wonder if it would be easier just to take it back to Best Buy since I have that 4 year warranty on it.

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Has anyone experienced the three flashing red lights?  I was playing NCAA 2007 and the screen froze.  I rebooted and got the bloody three flashing read lights.


I have submitted a work order to have it fixed, but I wonder if it would be easier just to take it back to Best Buy since I have that 4 year warranty on it.


I've heard alot of this,

You should bring it to best buy, however i'll warn you. Bestbuy changed there policy on things like 360/ps3, when they break down. They used to, take it, give you a new one from the box (possibly switch out Hard Drives) and give you a brand new one). But due to bestbuy becoming 'cheaper', they've basically become a middle man for the 1 standard, 1 year manufacturers warrenty. Meaning, you bring it to them, they send it to microsoft, which then you wait anywhere from 1 week to 3 months, and then you go back to best buy. ;)

Of course, even if they do, do what their 'warrenties' promised (which was if anything goes wrong, they'd replace it with a new one in store) if they don't have your specific model, you'll have to get one that is of an equal or lesser value... Like what happened to someone with the 60gb PS3, theres crapped out on them, they brought it to best buy. They only had 40GBs and 80GBS. They would only trade it in for a 40GB (which is like the 20GB model, only it can't play ps2 games) and he couldn't get it through there heads, that the 60GB was closest in value to the 80gb and not the 40gb specially since the two were at the time the same price. ;) )

But that shouldn't be tooo much of a problem with the 300 types of 360s on the markets. ;)

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If they changed their policy that's fine, but they are going to honor my warranty, because it is a contract that was agreed to at the time of purchase. ;)



If they disagree with me, they can talk to my lawyer friend.  :D

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If they changed their policy that's fine, but they are going to honor my warranty, because it is a contract that was agreed to at the time of purchase. ;)



If they disagree with me, they can talk to my lawyer friend.  :D


Kivam? ;)

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Ummm... I am on Xbox number 4.  I have gotten the Red Rings once and the other two times the box just kept freezing up on me.  I slowly realized it needs to be in a well ventulated space and since have had no problems.  If you want to give your box to Microsoft... well... then you are going to be without it for a few months.  I would exchange it at Best Buy.  I am a fan of gamestops exchange which is basically no questions asked.  Of course it has cost me 70 dollars each time to renew the guarantee.

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Ouch, I have the new 65nm board, and that thing is a tank.  I think the longest I've had it on consecutively is 30 something hours.  I had a halo night with my brothers and a couple friends.  Between the 7 of us we filled a whole weekend with more plasma grenades you can shake a stick at.  Seg, if you have a premium, and you get it back with an HDMI board, chances are you have a Falcon 360.  Teh bonus.


I'm sorry about the Ring of Doom/Death, Seg, I hope it works out for you, quickly. 


SD, what are you talking about the 300 different 360's, theres 3 SKU's and aside from the elite being black the core unit is the same machine.  Unlike the PS3, there are no 20, 40, 60, and 80 gig units each with their own SKU's and features. ;)

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Ouch, I have the new 65nm board, and that thing is a tank.  I think the longest I've had it on consecutively is 30 something hours.  I had a halo night with my brothers and a couple friends.  Between the 7 of us we filled a whole weekend with more plasma grenades you can shake a stick at.  Seg, if you have a premium, and you get it back with an HDMI board, chances are you have a Falcon 360.  Teh bonus.


I'm sorry about the Ring of Doom/Death, Seg, I hope it works out for you, quickly. 


SD, what are you talking about the 300 different 360's, theres 3 SKU's and aside from the elite being black the core unit is the same machine.  Unlike the PS3, there are no 20, 40, 60, and 80 gig units each with their own SKU's and features. ;)


I was reffering to the...

Xbox 360 Core $279, Composite Cables, 20GB HD, 120GB HD upgrade sold seperately?, same with wireless/HD-DVD

Xbox 360 Arcade $279, Compoiste Cables, 256MB membory Unit, wireless controller, everything else sold seperately.

Xbox 360 Premium/Pro $349 20GB HD included, includes component/composite(HD/SD) Everything else sold seperately.

Xbox 360 Elite $449, 120GB HD included, Includes HDMI 1.2(HD), and composite/composite(HD/SD) cables. Everything else sold seperately

+all whatevergamingeditionsofsaidconsoleexist

Including the Halo Special Edition, and the Simpsons Special Edition. (both based on the premium edition) Of course, only 10 of those were made. (the simpsons one.)




20GB PS3 - No SD Card readers, or other fancy stuff; 2 USB Slots, 20GB HD, Ethernet, no Wireless. 98% PS2 Backwards Compatability.

60GB PS3 - SD Card reader & other such fancy stuff; 4 USB Slots, 60GB HD, Ehternet, Wireless. 98% PS2 Backwards Compatability.


80GB PS3 - SD Card reader & other fun stuff; 4 USB Slots, 80GB HD, Ethernet, Wireless. 80% PS2 Backwards Compatability (Reduced PS2 Hardware (from 2 to 1 chips) in PS3 making it mostly Software Emulated).

40GB PS3 - No SD Card Readers, or other fancy stuff; 2 USB Slots, 40GB HD, Ethernet, Wireless. 0% PS2 Backwards Compatable (Contains 0 ps2 chips) meaning any future PS2 backwards compatability will have to be 100% software emulated. (Rumored, that Sony is working on making the ps2 100% emulatable on the PS3.)


Hardware wise, the only differences between the 60GB and 80GB would be 1 less chip.

40GB to 20GB would be adding wireless, and taking out the ps2 hardware backwards compatability.


The differences between the two is, the cheapest 360, contains less hardware, then the most expensive 360, And the only difference in hardware, really between the models of the ps3 (asside from HD space) would be the SD and other card readers, & the ps2 chips. ;) )


Though, it should be noted. The most expensive 360, contains an HDMI cord, where as the 80GB (same price as 60GB now, as it replaced the 60GB, making it similar to you know, how the arcade replaced the core (downgrade?).

But, HDMI cords are very, very overpriced. Go anywhere in stores and you'll find em for around... $40 Minimum. highest i've seen was $150.

But, an HDMI cord is an HDMI cord, (unless the sucker is made out of fricken liquid gold ;) )

I personally bought mine from www.monoprice.com , and its not like that HDMI cord isn't reflected in the cost of your 360. ;)




Also, Tenshin, What I was getting at with all the various models of the 360 is, if they don't sell one, they will only trade in one that they think is of equal or lesser value.

So, if you think the Core > Arcade, and you bring your core in... you'll get an Arcade.

Now, Imagine if you had an Elite, it broke, and all they had were Pros? Would you accept that? Or would you accept your Halo Special Edition 360 for an Arcade? ;)

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I don't think I'll get an Elite, they are hard to get as is.  I do hope I get a Falcon 360 as a replacement.


SD, I don't think there is much of a difference between the Core and the Arcade hardware wise.  Neither has a hard drive (you can purchase those separately).


I just want to game, but this is making want to save up for the PS3 or a Wii.

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I don't think I'll get an Elite, they are hard to get as is.  I do hope I get a Falcon 360 as a replacement.


SD, I don't think there is much of a difference between the Core and the Arcade hardware wise.  Neither has a hard drive (you can purchase those separately).


I just want to game, but this is making want to save up for the PS3 or a Wii.


I didn't think the core had a hard drive, but I also wans't sure. ;)

So that makes the arcade, a slight upgrade since it has 256MB card + the wireless adapter included? :P

Does the arcade, like the core, allow you to put a standard xbox Hard Drive in it?

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The Arcade SKU replaced the Core SKU, so they are supposed to be considered an equal trade, at least in theory.  There are supposed to be 3 active SKU's currently, the Arcade, the Premium and the Elite.  The Halo was a special promotion and some patting oneself on the back IMO, they have a limited run for promotions and giveaways, but in each of those cases it's just a skinned shelf model painted for one promotion or another.  Nothing you can't do with a 15$ face plate and a 20$ set of vinyl decals. 


The core has the wireless adapter, just no wireless controllers that come with.  And yes they accept an HD.  The actual console is identical to the Premium.  Its only the accessories that are different.


In any event in theory if best buy wanted they could crack an Arcade off the shelf, trade it out for a premium and detach the HD from the customer's Premium and everyone would be set.  BB would be out as little inventory money as possible, and the customer has an identical product.  Thats sort of the point of having modular consoles.


The only difference between the Elite and Pro/Arcade console is the color.  If you have a customer who puts fashion and matching over a quicker fix in gaming, you would have to wait until he could get an equal swap.(I probably fit this category)  If someone were so hooked on fragging newbs in Halo3 they might be willing to take the premium, and just retain their HD and accessories, and just swap the console, and they'd have identical hardware to what they had before. 


And for the record, the Arcade > the Core, mostly due to the HDMI upgrade and I think all Arcades are Falcons.  I'm sure there's some extra cost in the Elite for the HDMI cable, but I suspect more of the difference in cost (about 100$) is the HD.  It used to be that the Elite was the only way to get the HDMI port making that the obvious reason for the cost difference, but the upgrade to the Premium and Arcade makes them a much much better deal. 

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