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Okay someone give me a swift kick in the butt.....I haven't been to the gym at all in Feb.  Granted there was the week I was sick.....the week the kids were sick.....the 2 weeks I was working 60 hours a week, and the 2 weeks I have been working 50 hours a week, but I need to get back there, before I lose all interest.  :(

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*gives Sam a swift kick in the butt* now get back to the gym!  ;)


about me.. I *think* I *might* have lost a few kg  :P I dont know cause I dont have a weight! so I'm gonna have to buy one..


oh, and i've applied for jobs!! and no silly cashier jobs or anything! just fun jobs! so I hope i'll get one!

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I don't think I'm doing so well on my plans.  :(  About the only thing going well is the baby-weaning. The rest? Blah. I've gained weight, since I can only be motivated to exercise first thing in the morning but since both of my younger kids are early-birds it just doesn't happen very often. Money saving has stalled out. And I took a notion last week to learn to knit socks, so my sister took me to the yarn store to get sock yarn and teen-tiny needles. Twenty four dollars later, I started making a sock and realized last night that I was supposed to FINISH something first.


Oh, well. Thus do Grand Plans go into the toilet, just like my son who wasn't paying attention and fell in (again!) the other night.


But. The year is young, and I'm not giving up on any of it. I just hope March is a better month, because February has sucked mightily.

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Well, I've been sick.....  So my resolutions aren't coming to fruition.  :-\


But on Friday, I received my...rejection letter....I guess you could say that.  The official thing came to me today....  I'm not positive why I was rejected, but my mom and I have a few suspicions:


I'm only gonna be 17 in the fall, and I'm not a consistent student.  My grades are all over the place and my ACT scores were very different from each other (first one was a 30, then a 26, and that's just not consistent enough).  I'm just not ready, I guess, and I'm not too disappointed, although my mom for some reason doesn't believe me.  I'm glad I don't have to grow up all the way just yet.


Anyway, other than that, nothing's happening.  That's something that occurs quite often with me.

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Aww Meesh *huggles her* I know you're not feeling disappointed persay, but I remember my ACT/SAT woes. Everyone was breathing down my neck to take them, and I took the ACT. I don't even remember what I got on it, but I never took the SAT.


As far as my resolution goes, my scarf nearly unravelled when I discovered that the yarn had snapped half way through the skein. I realized this of course when I only had half an inch left in my hand and the rest on the floor. Took be a bit to fix it with a nasty looking knot, but it's very close to completion.


And I actually used the sewing machine last weekend  ;D finally got some hemming done with two pairs of pants that were way too long at the bottoms. it's a little messy looking since I couldn't keep the stitch straight  :-\ but it's better than nothing, I suppose.

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Thanks, Sor! *huggles right back*  Good job on almost being done with that scarf; you made me laugh with your mini story about the snapped yarn.....


I hate sewing machines with a passion; can't figure out how to use them....

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RESOLUTION CHECK IN TIME!!!!!  *bounces and grins*


Hi everyone!!  Was just looking back over our combined list of goals and resolutions and things to get done this year...man we are doing pretty good!!


Sienna applied and was accepted to college!!  Sor has been knitting and got her dime!  Nephi has been doing well with school!  mmeesh says she is getting healthier...Tay I think has been taking some time for herself and cross stitching!!!    I have been finishing up some projects!  so what about the rest of them and each of you?  LOL here it is already March!!  How are we doing out there?


Esp..how's the weaning going?  Hmm?  and the money saving for the serger?  Kell..how is Lent and not smoking going?  Danya...*hugs and grins*  I'd say being nicer to the BF so he sticks around another year has worked..Congrats on the engagement!!  But how about the school and wieght loss?  Zarine...how about the excercising and place to work this summer?  Pol..how many chapters have you gottten written?


Sor and Nephi..this is Craft month!!  A great time to go say howdy to that sewing machine!  Lor..have you got back to dance yet?  How about the organizing?  Ursuala my sweet...finished any projects?  Did I forget anyone?  I hope not..if I did though..you just pop on in here and poke me and let me know how you are doing!!!!!


Well?  hows it going....

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Well, the baby (who really isn't so much a baby anymore... she'll be two in April) is nearly weaned. We've had four nursing-free days so far!


And I finished a crafty project tonight! I finished re-hairing my eldest daughter's rag doll, and it's not only a finished project, but I won't be getting nagged about it anymore. Now, to finish my nephew's baby quilt... he only turned one in January.


I've even exercised four times in the past week. March is definitely looking promising!

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Guest Stefania Sedai

Well, we weigh in on Friday the 14th. Everybody hold your breath for me and join me on the treadmill!!!!

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WEll DONE!!! 


*grins*  Pretty soon we'll have the DM studs here with Tig and Sam!!  And of course our natural beauties....now are going to be goddesses!!  Way to go Esp!!  Glad March is taking off like a lion!  I know you are going to see a loss Stef!!  In a very good way!!


*sighs* Ok...I am a mess!  My schedule is so screwy!  i am up all night..and sleep in little naps off and on all day...I do a lot of sitting doing crafts..but I really need to get back on a schedule...soooo...this next week I've promised my Bill to go to bed by midnight everynight..AND to go swimming at least three days..which means i will have to be at the pool by 9am.  Both things to help me get regularized!  Wish me luck!

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Chin up, ya'll! You're all doing great!


My room is still mostly clean at school, but I swear I feel like I can't get caught up, lately. I'm going to. Spring Break is coming and we have 29 school days 'til we hit our state tests. *sighs* I'm not at all comfortable with that test...*mutters about kids who just won't shut up*

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  • 2 weeks later...

*grins*  from the sound of it...most of our kin men are going to be having real good "bums"  and other body parts!!


Welldone on the gym work..and the akido Dae!!  I know you've been wanting to dive into that for quite a while!!!


OK time to give Twinnie a big WOOHOO and good job and well done...*nods*  I finished an afaghan I started a year ago on Easter!!  It turned out to be a Queen size afaghan..and changed color in every row!!  But it is lovely and I can't wait for the friend I am sending it to get it!!


Time for a check in y'all!!!  How are you doing?  Tay..havn't heard from you for awhile about your resolutions/goals....yes I"m picking on you!!  *smiles sweetly*  Lor?  Ursula?  and you new folks...


this is where we tell what kind of resolutions, goals or projects we have for the year..and check in with each other on how we are doing..giving encouragement, congrats..and the occaisional scolding...*grins*  for those of us who have forgotten about some of the them..*clears throat*  like quitting smoking...


Kell?  how did that work out for you?

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