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What happens after AMoL


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I've come to the conclution that most of the predictions made in the later part of this series (from about ACoS to present) will actually accur after the conclution of AMoL. Obviously the extent of Egwene's power will not be reached in the pinical of this series, and neither will Perrin's, Matt's or any other pivital character. Not to mention the fact that we cannot possibly see all of Aviendha's or Elayne's children in the last book.


All of this and too much other stuff to bother listing, has led me to wonder how much of what we are expecting to see in AMoL will actually happen. I know RJ has already said that the ending will not be perfect, but I'm just hoping he doesn't leave too much to our imaginations. :(


What do you guys think?


I think or hope rather that he'll give us clues to as what happens after, such as snippets from loial's book and what people in the 4th age think happened.


I don't think it's really important for us to see the "penical" of these characters power. Egwene is Amrylin, Perrin is king, Mat is also a king, but what do we need to see them do? Rule? There aren't going to be that many GREAT battles after TG. Personally I don't really want to read about my favorite characters sitting behind desks filling out paperwork. And as for Avi and Elayne's kids we might see them be born at the end, and he could toss in a like ominus voice to tell us how they go on.


In LotR Tolkien didn't exactly tell us exactly what Sam did as mayor of Hobbitin, it's not important. Neither did he really get into what Aragorn did as King. These things aren't important for us to know that deeply.


The climax is the battle and what happens to Rand in the battle, that's the important point we have to see, everything after is moot.


Tolkein did a little timeline at the end of Return of the King where he showed us important events in the fellowships lives up until the end of the 3rd age. We may get something like that, though I doubt it.


What I want is a flash into the the fourth age where we see the new Dragon Reborn hearing tales of Rand and his friends. I think that would be AWESOME! Though that probably won't happen.


I apologize for not making myself clearer.


What I meant to ponder, is how much of the prophecies made throughout the book (by Egwene, Perrin, etc.) that we expect to see come true in the book, won't. I honestly think that half of the things people expect to see in aMoL will not occur.


Well we've already seen most of the foretellings, visions, and dreams come true. I would expect us to see the rest of them come to. Considering the amount we've seen in relation to how many there have been, there aren't THAT many left to come about.


I think that RJ will most likely end the story on the final chapter on a particular note, and then go into an extended Epilogue to give us some sort of closure to a lot of things, and some hints (hopefully more than hints) about what happens later in the lives of the key players and nations.


At least this is what I hope happens...but who knows.


might be that rand will do an Arthur or Neo (either go to some ''place'' to heal.... or be absorbed into the pattern?)


what i really wish is that Rand does NOT exchange bodies with moridin or whoever. That'll just suck.


it'll probaly end with the CLEAN wind flying about the place and dieing out somewhere. ''The wheel of time has no endings or beginings..but this was an End!.


Or something about some rumnor spread by word or mouth or whatever.

  • 3 weeks later...

it'll probaly end with the CLEAN wind flying about the place and dieing out somewhere. ''The wheel of time has no endings or beginings..but this was an End!.


Or something about some rumnor spread by word or mouth or whatever.


id lilke that... maybe something like the wiind blowing over Two Rivers, Caemlyn, Malkier, Tar Valon etc. where we see snippets of whats happening like Elayne singing to her children or Faile and Perrin looking through a window at a very much expanded Emonds Field or Egwene being officialy accepted as Amyrlin Seat


Personally, I would love to see what happens after the Last Battle. It would give some closure, and it would be nice getting one last glance into the world that we've all come to love :). Something like what's already been suggested in this thread. Just some sort of glance, to see what's happening after everything has kind of settled down.


After reading this thread, I suppose it sort of hit me that the series will be done after this up coming book. And that kind of makes me sad, to now that there won't be another new book coming out some time in the future. Now I know that this was supposed to be the last book, but I guess that I never really thought about that little fact ;).


And it would be nice to see some books written after the ending of A Memory of Light, by some other authors, so we could see what could possibly happen in the future of the Wheel of Time. But honestly, I don't think it'll happen :(.

And it would be nice to see some books written after the ending of A Memory of Light, by some other authors, so we could see what could possibly happen in the future of the Wheel of Time. But honestly, I don't think it'll happen.




Burn them, burn them, quickly before the contagion spreads...


I say NI, NI, NI.


No new authors, and we must demand in compensation for this slur, a....SHRUBBERY.


Seriously - I feel the same in terms of having a sense of approaching doom with the close of the series approaching, but it will be such a good finale. Remember he wrote the last part first...that is what inspired him to write the whole thing in the first place. I think it is the answer to the riddle - to live, you must die...


Whatever...it is going to have the kind of Janice sized "Oh My God" reaction when it comes...


Then let him move onto his next project. Can you honestly say you won't want to read it, what ever the heck he decides to write about???


If I remember correctly, I read somewhere something along the line "The Last Battle done, but battles isn't done", which I take that once the Last Battle is finished, once Rand is done saving the world, etc, etc, all the alliance will fall apart since they don't have a common cause any more. There will be power struggles that will start the new/4th Age. I don't think RJ will go into that, because I think, as far as I can guess what RJ is thinking, that will be "a story to be told in anoter age".


Let's see, we have Tear >< Chairein, Tear >< Illian, Seachan >< The rest of the Randland, Seachan >< WT, Whitecloak >< anyone who can channel, etc etc. All of them are forced to team up to fight against the DO. Once the DO is defeated (if it is indeed the result in AMOL), all the alliance will break due to power struggle, which basically I say can and will be a bloodbath across Randland.


Where our lovables (and not so lovables) characters will be in this bloodbath? I really have no idea... Maybe Rand, Perrin and Mat will be gone, either die or go somewhere far (maybe transcend? :)) once the Pattern is finished with them.


I don't mind having a long drawn out conclusion like the end to LOTR. Its what I call payoff. Some people find it boring, I like it. I like to see what their sacrifices earned them or didn't earn them.

  \ said:
I don't mind having a long drawn out conclusion like the end to LOTR. Its what I call payoff. Some people find it boring' date=' I like it. I like to see what their sacrifices earned them or didn't earn them.[/quote']


ya i liked the ending of LOTR with Frodo returning to the Shire and Tom Bombadil.... it was nice and it was very realistic in the sense that the story doesnt end when the batttle against good and evil does

  \ said:
I don't mind having a long drawn out conclusion like the end to LOTR. Its what I call payoff. Some people find it boring' date=' I like it. I like to see what their sacrifices earned them or didn't earn them.[/quote']


ya i liked the ending of LOTR with Frodo returning to the Shire and Tom Bombadil.... it was nice and it was very realistic in the sense that the story doesnt end when the batttle against good and evil does


i totally agree.. i would be extremly disapointed if amol ended with the battle.. cause i'd like to know what happens after everything that has to do with the battle is done.. *nods*

  • 4 weeks later...

The single worst ending for any series I have ever read would be the way Stephen King finished his Dark Tower series.As long as RJ doesnt cop out like that I will be happy.


I was angry at first with how the Dark Tower ended, but after awhile i realized that it was perfect, simple, and exactly how a series like that should have ended. But no, I do not belive tWoT is that series,lol.


It better end with telling us what happens to mat/rand/perrin/egwene/thom/loial/nyneve/min/morraine.


And after that it should end something like


A wind went down tra la la la la la repeat begnging of eye of the world with some kid walking and seeing mydraal. There never is a begining or an end...


My feeling is you will have enough information for the lives after TG to be implied, but it will never go into the long boring detail done in LotR. There simply isn't space in the book, and i personally would find it incredibly anti-climatic.


The end of the Dark Tower was brilliantly done, and i suspect the only way of possibly ending it without the Dark Tower being a let down. And he did warn you not to read on.


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