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LOST - season 4 *Possible Spoilers*


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“They can make arrangement to get all of us off this island!!”


“What if these people are here to hurt us??”


“I’ll keep you safe!!”


“This is one of the most recognizable faces in America!!”


“We got a secret agenda, huh??”


We’re three for three on season four. Of tonight’s installment, titled “Eggtown,” ABC says:


Kate's need to get information out of the hostage may jeopardize her standing with Locke -- as well as with Sawyer. Guest starring are Ken Leung as Miles, Jeremy Davies as Daniel Faraday, Rebecca Mader as Charlotte, Shawn Doyle as Duncan Forrester, Susan Gibney as Melissa Dunbrook, Traber Burns as judge, Fred Q. Collins as bailiff, Beth Broderick as Diane Jansen, Tania Kahale as nanny and William Blanchette as child.




* This week’s flash-forwards belong to (a maternal) Kate Austen.


* We’ll learn why Kate’s hinder isn’t languishing in stir.


* Beardless Jack Shephard turns up in Los Angeles.


* These are the last flash-forwards until 4.7, said to be the last episode before the multi-week break.


* John Locke will release Ben Linus from the rec room.


* The captive Miles will make a deal with the less-captive Kate.


* Over a box of Dharma vino, Kate will make a eyebrow-raising proposal to James Ford.


* Jack, Juliet, Dan and C.S. Lewis will be informed that the helicopter carrying Sayid, Desmond, Frank and Naomi did not get where it was going.


* We may learn how a major cast member – one introduced in the series pilot – meets his or her untimely demise. (Hint: It’s not Rose.)



ABC confirmed Wednesday that “Lost” is indeed moving to 10 p.m. Thursdays starting April 24. New episodes of “Grey’s Anatomy” will reclaim the current “Lost” timeslot, namely:


9 p.m. Thursday. ABC.


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Very good episode, but a bit confusing. The plane wreckage was found in the Indian Ocean but Jack said they crashed in the South Pacific and everyone accepted it. Huh? And how can Kate pass off Aaron as her son? She could have claimed to have been 3-4 months pregnant at the most before the crash, but they've barely been on the Island for 3 months at the moment. How can she plauisbly say Aaron is hers? Jack could cover but...it's a bit head-scratching, unless they're still stuck on the Island for another few months before the O6 get off, but that doesn't seem to be the implication from this season. The idea seems to be that they get off a lot sooner than that, at the end of this season perhaps.


So Kate is raising Aaron. Based on her mother's illness and Aaron's size, the flashforward happens in late 2006/early 2007, a few months before Jack decides to go back to the Island. Obviously big questions arise, like what happened to Claire?


Finally, Jin and Sun's intriguing conversation when Sun says, "My baby," and Jin says, "Our baby," and Sun looks a bit horrified. Another tick for my personal theory that Sun and Michael had an off-screen liaison in Season 1 and he's the father (the recent mobisode indicates that there was more going on with their relationship then we first saw as well).

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I actually thought we would see Claire bite it this episode.


So... is the prosecuter working for Dharma or whatever organization is behind finding out about the survivors?  10 years and no leaving the state seemed important, like the most important thing to the attorney was ensuring Kate does not get back to the island.

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It would seem that from Jack not yet being crazy, and assuming they prosecuted her more or less immediately after her return they were on  the island for about a year and a half, or two years.  Aaron looked to be about that old in the scene, though I'd have to double check with my wife, she's an ace with kids ages.


I think the newcomers will end up dicking around with the Losties for a while, not to mention the possibility of a new purge.  Also don't forget the helicopter has gone AWOL, and this will likely lead to a delay in 'rescue'.


Empy, I kinda wondered about that too.  I think that she was getting some pressure from someone behind the scenes about that issue.  Along that avenue, they won't want anyone looking too closely into Aaron, because they will try to pretend that there was nothing mysterious about the island, and that the survivors stories are all legit, to avoid loose ends.

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Empy brings lost spoilers.... mmmmm.....so good...


Carrie in Columbus, Ohio: After that awful Kate-Sawyer fight in last week's Lost, I felt like I did when Ross and Rachel broke up for the first time in Friends. Angst is great, especially between Kate and Sawyer, but can you tell us if there's any chance they'll make up or at least share some scenes in upcoming episodes?

Sawyer and Kate are totally on a break for at least episodes five and six. No word yet on if during said break Sawyer sleeps with the girl from the copy place. That said, Skaters, don't tune out yet. From what I've heard, even sans Skate, eps five and six are absolute barn burners.


Diana in Phoenix: Anything on Juliet from Lost?

Her upcoming flashback ep is entirely located on the Island. And yet it guest stars Alan Dale as Charles Widmore. That's what Arsenio would call a thing that makes you go hmmm...


David in Dallas: Do you have anything on my favorite Other: Juliet?

She's going on a little field trip to the Orchid Station. As in the station unveiled this summer at Comic-Con, with the "highly volatile and potentially dangerous" research—and them creepy numbered bunnies. I'm also hearing something about a field of skeletons...



Benny in El Paso, Texas: Do you have any scoop on Jacket in Juliet's episode? Thanks!

I'm told she's the one who initiates the kiss. Tramp! Kidding. Love her.


Keeping Awake in Montclair, New Jersey: How will Ken Leung's New York stage commitment affect Lost? Is he already off the show?

I suspect an understudy for that play might be getting his big shot sometime soon. Ken's people didn't have an official restart date for Lost, so they've been going ahead with other jobs, but Ken's contracted through the season to play regular character Miles, so don't assume Locke's breakfast of champions did him in, at least not yet. Meanwhile, our girl Gina Serpe hit the Independent Spirit Awards on Saturday, and Fisher Stevens (Minkowski, the guy tied to the bed in this week's Lost previews) said he would be returning to Hawaii next week to resume filming his role on Lost. (Join me in a Snoopy dance joy at the news that Lost is back in front of the cameras soon!)


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Ok.. as you know I like posting the odd bits that people overlook.  And here are those bits..


Penny lives at 423 Cheyne Walk.  I will investigate this later in the day.


The Freighter is from Dec 24 2004.  What day is it in Lostie world?


The Freighter is named the Kahana... Is this significant?


Did the polar bear have the same problem as Eloise?


Does anyone else think this is really close to the Dark Tower series by King and that the island is somewhat like a 'thinny'?


Is Jacob trapped in some kind of time slip?


What a great episode.











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Penny's phone number is 7946 0893 in London.

020 7946 0893 was a Season 4 bonus clue in the Find 815 ARG (Find 815 clues/January 9)

Although this looks to be a UK telephone number in London, it is an unassigned number (Ofcom specifies that numbers beginning with 020 7946 0 are for drama purposes [1]).



Penny's address is 423 Cheyne Walk in London.

423 Cheyne Walk was a Season 4 bonus clue in the Find 815 ARG (Find 815 clues/January 9)

It is near where Desmond's photograph with Penny was taken. In addition, Widmore Industries has its offices in the same neighbourhood. ("Flashes Before Your Eyes").

Cheyne Walk is a famous street in London known for its famous inhabitants. Residents have included Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, George Eliot, Dante Rossetti, and Henry James (who wrote The Turn of the Screw).


According to the calendar on the wall, as well as Desmond, the real-time events of this episode take place on Day 94 (Christmas Eve) when Sayid, Desmond and Frank left the island. This means that while it is Day 94 on the Freighter, it is actually Day 96 on the Island.


Some other things....


Desmond moves back and forth between 1996 and 2004 — 8 years apart. (The Numbers)

Penny lives at 423 Cheyne Walk (4-23 or 42-3) (The Numbers)

The frequency that Faraday gives Desmond is 2.342 (23, 42) (The Numbers)

The auction lot number of the Black Rock diary is 2342. (The Numbers)

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The Hanso's were connected to the black rock, and to Dharma.


Widmore is now connected to the black rock/Hanso Family.


Could widmore be the funding for Dharma, or perhaps a front man for them?


Eggtown was day 93, so if they waited 24 hours to call the freighter that would make this episode day 94.  Perhaps it's just the helocopter that experiences time delay, and the freighter and island are in synch, as long as you remain stationary.


I think the time effects are localized around but not actually on the island.  Like there is a band around the island, and if you cross the band things go wonky, but if you remain on the island or stay away from the band things are fine. 


The phrase to be unstuck from time is REALLY familiar, its was the terminoogy used in a book I've read, maybe SD will know, if not I will look around.

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My friend was housesitting and invited me over to watch this in HD with fancy surround sound. I couldn't tell if I thought this episode was so much better because of that, or because it actually WAS a really good episode. From the looks of your posts, my excitement was based on the show and not just the medium! I loved this ep.  ;D


Good catch on the polar bear situation, Empy. That would defintely be an interesting tie in.


When the auctioneer was describing the journal of the first mate of the Black Rock, I kept sort of expecting him to say the mate's name, and name either Jacob or Richard, but alas, he went nameless!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I must say the episode had me confused for a while.  Since they had already revealed five of the six, I was wondering how Jin and Sun could have survived. 


Great episode though.  On a side note I was jumping up and down when I saw the toy store Jin went into to buy the Panda.  It was Toy's N Joy's!  One of my favorite places to shop in Hawaii =)

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And here come Empy's thoughts and observations...


Year of the Dragon was 2000:  This was the year Jin was flashbacking to.


Jin's Tombstone has his DOD as 9-22-04, the day of the 815 crash.


The book the suicide girl was reading is Survivor of Chancellor by Jules Verne.  It is is an 1875 novel written by Jules Verne about the final voyage of a British sailing vessel, the Chancellor, told from the perspective of one of its passengers (in the form of a diary). At the beginning of its voyage, the Chancellor carried eight passengers and twenty crew members. By the end, only eleven people (five passengers and six crew) remained alive.  Makes me think the people on the boat are suffering the same illness Roussaeu's party did.





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Empy that makes quite a bit of sense.  I hadn't thought that Rousseau's party died before getting to the island, I just assumed either smokey or the others killed them.


I wonder if the book forshadows 5 others and the oceanic six survivors, or perhaps 5 of the boats' crew and the oceanic six surviving. 


I hope we get to hear some more of the story the survivors are telling the world at large about the crash, or would Kate's testimony be the main source of info?

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I do think we'll hear more about it, but I think it'll be by learning about how and why the wreckage was faked, and inferring from that what was told to the public.



I'm wondering if Widmore learned about the island first, and then bought the diary to help him find it, or if he bought the diary on a whim, which then gave him a clue about the island's existence, and then went searching for it.

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  • 1 month later...

First things first.


Lost is on at 10pm tonight.  Grey's is on at 9pm.


Spoilers will be hidden.....  I am not hiding the abc discription.  Looks like a great episode tonight... with answers....


Six new hours of “Lost” unfurl over five Thursdays:


4.9 (tonight) The Shape of Things To Come (Linus-centric).

4.10 May 1 Something Nice Back Home (Shephard-centric).

4.11 May 8 Cabin Fever (Locke-centric).

4.12 May 15 There’s No Place Like Home I (non-centric).

4.13 May 29 There’s No Place Like Home II (non-centric).

4.14 May 29 There’s No Place Like Home III (non-centric).


ABC says of tonight’s installent:


Locke's camp comes under attack, and Jack tries to discover the identity of a body that has washed ashore. Guest starring are Ken Leung as Miles, Jeremy Davies as Daniel Faraday, Rebecca Mader as Charlotte, Sam Anderson as Bernard, Tania Raymonde as Alex, Alan Dale as Charles Widmore, Marc Vann as doctor, Kevin Durand as Keamy, Yetide Badaki as desk clerk, Kaveh Kardan as merchant, Faran Tahir as Ishmael Bakir and Sean Douglas Hoban as Doug.



* We return this week to flash-forwards.


* There’s a major battle between Widmore Corps and Othertown.


* We will learn a major thing about Smokezilla.


* Jacob returns.


* Jack will complain of a tummy ache.


* Kate will wonder why they haven’t heard from Sayid.


* A doc (not Jack or Christian) will be found in the ocean.


* Locke will get a mysterious phone call.


* Claire does not get killed this week.


* Rousseau’s fate won’t be revealed till next week.






* What would you think if we learned in 4.11 that Richard Alpert was lurking about the site of John Locke’s birth in 1952?


10 p.m. Thursday. ABC.



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