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Inactivity and Open Hall Positions

Guest Arie Ronshor

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Guest Arie Ronshor



This is a topic that I brought up in the Hall and am now moving to the Hall boards for all Ajah Heads to take a look at. :)


We have Ata asking to step down as Black Ajah Head, and I have Christine who is very inactive despite a few messages and having RP Idea's going back and forth on the Yellow boards with no movement.


Now, I know that some of you are in your position because there is no one else. (It's how I got HoA as well.:P :)) But despite having that 'lack of an option' I'd like to make being HoA a little better for those that have the position as well as in attempts to fill these positions so that way we have a fuller Hall and Division.


It was my thought to start a thread on the Public Board for any that wish to apply for access to the Ajahs (Either as Sitter or HoA). This way we know who is filling which positions and where the need is. And with the ability for having more than one PC Aes Sedai, having NSW's or no one in that position does not feel good enough for me.



Other Options that Crista suggested are :

What about a perk for being Ajah Head?  Some ideas: (Maybe they could pick one, not give them all )


-Added strength points

-powerful ter'angreals

-make it a permanent NSW that the person could play as if it were another persona (really giving them 4 characters in the WT though if they went inactive as AH the character would be taken)

-Giving them the rights to IC considerations, like being able to make a wilder, or seafolk novice


Just some thought on things that would be a way to make the Ajah Head something you WANTED to do, not that you felt you had to do.  And I think if we do that, we need to extend the same thing to current Ajah Heads as well.



Other options that are being explored:


-  "Cook up one Major/Minor Ajah RP in an X number of days"

- Ajah Reports (notice I stopped demanding them.. :P)

- Ajah Weeks (Have an Ajah sponsored for one-2 weeks that promotes that specific Ajah)

- Ooc/IC competitions (I think that the Green Ajah Battle competition would be great fun Division Wide. :))



Thoughts, Comments, Suggestions?

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Guest Arie Ronshor

Side Note- I fully intent to leave any 'hall applications' to the Ajah members and Heads unless there are no members or the whole Ajah is completely inactive.

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It is very good that you are looking for ways to make AH positions more desireable but I disagree with some of the suggestions you made.


For example the strenght points. Female channelers are supposed to be more skillful whereas male channelers are strong. We already get +3 skill points up to the maximum of 38 and males get +3 strenght points up to 38.


If we gave the AH automatically +3 skill points, that would be fine but strenght points are a no no.


Permanent NSWs go a bit against the original idea but that is pretty much how they are played anyway :P So allowing a kind of 'fourth' character in WT is fine. Although I don't think that many older members can take anymore characters than they already have.


Also some extra concessions when making other characters sounds good to me and ditto to having access to a ter'angreal as long as the AH is actively played.


I also like the ideas for promotion and bolstering Ajah activity.

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A Green Ajah Tournament would own. Can Green Aspirants sign up too? :P I agree with Arette's ideas and would like to build on them with a few suggestions-


-Perhaps it's possible for different Ajah Heads to choose the concessions they're given, the privileges becoming unique to different Ajahs?

-I like the idea of Ajah weeks! It could be a spotlight for each Ajah to show us what they're made of. Perhaps it doesn't necessarily need to be a RP, but could even for instance, be an OOC discussion or a competition like you mentioned. That for one could promote more active usage of the OOC boards.


I'm afraid if I go on any more, I'd be going off on a greater tangent than I already am. Will stop and wait to see other people's suggestions. :D

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-Perhaps it's possible for different Ajah Heads to choose the concessions they're given, the privileges becoming unique to different Ajahs?


I happen to like this idea, and makes me wonder in my fuzzy brain - did we ever set up Ajah unique weaves? 


I would prefer to see the Ajah head be a player character, but as we are fairly short on members... do what we can to keep the RP alive.  Plus, having the Ajah Heads as Perm NSWs would give more people a chance to play the character if (perhaps) an Ajah wanted to rotate around the writing duties for said character.


Just musing slightly; totally sleepy and cold after a big lunch and a day attempting to do business in town... the week before Christmas >__<

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Guest Arie Ronshor

I'm open to all idea's at this point. I'm not catering one way or anouther.


Even the silliest ideas are good ideas at this point.. :P


Because i'm about to have all the inactive ones drowned in 1 foot ponds...

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK.. back from leave and chiming in.  The first i'll say is... sorry.  The original adding points thing was supposed to be skill, not strength.  That was just bad typing on my part... sorry :P  Because I agree that we should only be adding skill and not strength points for the WT.


On the Ajah thing... I don't think they should necessarily be Ajah specific.  I like the idea of keeping it open.  Giving the Ajah Head their choice of what 'benefit' they should get out of it.  IE: Maybe i've always wanted to have a wilder but never was able to have one... so that would be my benefit... or someone else always wanted a really strong Sedai and so they get to add that +3 skill to their strongest character... whatever they want.


Also... as for the Ajah activity ... we've asked all the Ajah Heads to come up with Ajah specific rps to get something like this going and i've posted on all the boards as well to try to get things going there as well, but you can only do so much without the members jumping in.  I think of the Ajah's and the ideas they had currently ... um ... none of them have started the rps we began to talk about during Nano.  I know its a hard time of year, but before everyone jumps in and says how nifty some Ajah specific stuff would be ... we should recognize that what we're trying to get started should be addressed first.  Maybe if we can get these going it would drum up some interest in the Ajahs and let us all have some rp fun :P  Also, some inter-Ajah stuff might work here as well.  If an Ajah isn't showing enough active members to get something rolling, how about drumming up your nearest allies and trying to work something out with them? 



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Rather than Ajah specific why not something White Tower specific. Because when you have a smaller ajah it leaves all the work on just a couple of people and that can be disheartening.  I'm leaning toward something like a competition or even a celebration.  I suppose the competition could be IC or OOC.  Sometimes celebration RPs going very well as long as novices, accepted and trainees are involved.


Anyone remember the RP idea Rayne had back a couple of years ago where each person was allotted an hour of the day in the spirit of the show "24"?  Like 6:00 am to 7:00 am is Shaneevae's slot, she passes, comes in contact with or is seen doing something by the person with the next slot?


As far as what to give the Ajah heads to entice them? I don't know.  Perks are nice for those that have stuck around and are active, but my opinion is that if someone is not interested they just aren't interested and no amount of perks will get them to do any differently.  Know what I mean?

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I think the idea of perks works for the people that are active but aren't sure they want to take it on.  An enticement to get them to step up.  But you're right if someone takes it just because no one else will, it still won't work.  But for the WT wide Rp.. there is one up currently.  The Bubble of Light and I haven't seen much activity on that one.  Can everyone throw out an announcement to your ajahs about this?  Maybe if we all promote it just a little we'll get some action going there.


The person to person rp is a good idea too, one i've sent along to the Green Ajah and White Ajah's recently.  The White Ajah Head (at least) seemed interested in it, but I think they were waiting for the holiday madness to try to hit it up again.

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i aint so sure, i think positions like this should be taken on in the interest of doing something good, as it is volountear work...


at least there should be some restrictions upon such perks to see that they are earned...and not easily achived through short periods as HoA


ter'angreals could be hoa specific passed from one to the next


but skill points, and even more sea folk origin or wilder state, is more permanent things that you can not switch on and off, they affect the chars


as for taking it cause there is none else, i did that in green ajah as sitter to fill it out ic, and help the ajah, on the term i could escape ajah duties and preferably access to this board as well


a positive thing i have observed after becoming HoA and have to be back on here, is that this board is not anylonger the pit i did remember it as when i was yellow sitter


so among people who has in the past served there could be hesitancy if they saw the board as i did back in the day, dunno...just a thougth..as in my eyes this board used to be a lot more time taking, and contain a lot more discusing into endlessness it seemed before mathers where resolved...the way it function now i dont mind though..

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