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Hello, fellow fans!


I was first bitten by the WoT bug around 2002/2003, but just recently I picked up tEotW again, intent on reading through the whole series once more in honor of RJ's memory.  Reading them again has started my WoT fever burning as hot as ever!  I hope to participate in this community, particularly the roleplaying (if I can figure out how!)




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Welcome! Feel free to bug me anytime!! As of today I am a free woman and have tons of free time! You should check out the RP side when you get a chance  :D


Here is a link that should give you lots of good information, but if you have any other questions feel free to PM me :)







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The WoT bug.... a rare specimen indeed.  Did it imbue you with superhero powers? 


Fever eh?  Do you need a doctor?  If so the Seanchan org is the place for you to visit.  No no... we dont have doctors there... but...err...


we do talk about movies and tv shows with doctors in them! 


See what I did just there?  You can touch me if you want.  Oogga Boogaa!





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Hello and welcome on DM!


The RP section is huge and I'm sure you will find it entertaining. Orgs are worth checking too. Come and visit The Band Of The Red Hand Org. We're music and travel group which like brew and brawls, competitions and games. We have 3 great regiments always waiting for new members!


But whatever you do, have fun!

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Welcome to DM! It's a great place, which you are probbaly finding out!


But the question on your lips is "what can I do?". One thing you can do is take up Arrandion's kind offer of visiting the Band of the Red Hand ORG, DM's very own music and travel ORG. Discussions abound, and there is much fun to be had, whether posting, gambling, brawling or just simply making friends! We even give you the chance to become an Infantry Blademaster, a Knight of the Cavalry or an Assassin of the Archers - your name will be become great!


But whatever you do, have fun at DM! :)

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