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What was with that Xbox Live Update anyway?


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The fall Xbox 360 dashboard update is live right now. Have you downloaded it yet?


Here's what you can expect when you get home from work:


DivX / XviD support: This is a big one, and about time that these video formats get a little 360 love.


Friend List changes: Personally, I hate this one. I don't want YOU to be able to see MY friends... but a lot of people disagree and like it. It's opt-out-able. I will be opting out. I'm a very private person.

Parental Time: This timer allows you to set weekly, daily or monthly limits on Xbox time, and it's easy enough for a parent to use.

Xbox News Live: And in your face.


Overall, though, other than the DIVX support, I'm not super impressed. Not that there's anything wrong with these features, just that they're not the features aimed at me. I'm not a big "Profiles" guy. I don't "research" people I play with so I can read their lame mottoes and see what bands they like.

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I've passworded my Live account for just that reason SD.


I didn't know they added DIVX/Xvid, but they did restructure the marketplace, and added downloads of original Xbox games, of which I am interested in Fable.


Its a bit much to download at 3.2 gigs, but I gotta use that HD space for something.


I have the Patch, and it worked ok for me.  It did take a few minutes though.

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I've passworded my Live account for just that reason SD.



I didn't know they added DIVX/Xvid, but they did restructure the marketplace, and added downloads of original Xbox games, of which I am interested in Fable.


Its a bit much to download at 3.2 gigs, but I gotta use that HD space for something.


I have the Patch, and it worked ok for me.  It did take a few minutes though.


Theres a rumor around that the PS3 is getting Divx 'soon' I just hope its true.  ;D


I'm suprised ya 360 guys aren't pissed you have to buy your orginal xbox games over again, via micrsofts digital distribution system, just to play the games they said they were going to let you play while they added more games to the BC list? :p

(Oh oh, have you heard the rumor from michael bay that, Microsoft if only backing HD-DVD so he can stall both formats, until they 'perfect' digital distribution and 'sweep' the legs from underneath both blu-ray and hd-dvd?) ;)

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SD, I'm not mad because I can still go buy the used games from the store and play them, basically if you download it, it's just playing from a virtual drive, like Daemon. Any game which is on the originals list from marketplace, is automatically added to the list of BC games.


I hadn't heard that rumor, although I have heard a few times that they have a SKU for a Blu-ray drive that they are sitting on to kick the shins of the folks at sony.  In either case I doub't that download media will compete well enough against hard copies to kick the legs out from under it.  The gaming market just isn't that large.

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SD, I'm not mad because I can still go buy the used games from the store and play them, basically if you download it, it's just playing from a virtual drive, like Daemon. Any game which is on the originals list from marketplace, is automatically added to the list of BC games.


I hadn't heard that rumor, although I have heard a few times that they have a SKU for a Blu-ray drive that they are sitting on to kick the shins of the folks at sony.  In either case I doub't that download media will compete well enough against hard copies to kick the legs out from under it.  The gaming market just isn't that large.


Even if Microsoft went with blu-ray, even on there 360 it wouldn't make a difference, it just mean they could watch BD movies, not play BD games. :P

You know, that is until Microsoft gives every 360 user the finger and saying 'if you want to play this game, you have to buy the $120 attachment. ;)

I'm not saying microsoft Won't do that, but its far more likely they'll just release a newer console in what.. 3 years? With HD built in for games? and so they can give sony the finger with a superior system?

Sony's on a 10 year time frame.. MS is on what, 5 year time frame?

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I'm fairly sure they're leaving their options open as far as timeline. 


I mean at least with 360 I'd be able to hold out until one format wins, unlike the PS3 where I got shafted with an extra couple hundred dollars of cost for the 'privilege' of being stuck with a format that isn't a sure thing of being the standard.  If that means that in 3-4 years I have to buy a 120$ attachment to get games with more textures, I'm all for it, it'd still be cheaper than the 600$ I would have spent on a P$3. :D ;)


You mentioned HD, why bother buying/renting a movie or even a tv show when I can buy them in HD from MSFT, and be ready to watch it in about 2 minutes.  It takes me at least 10x longer to actually go get one from the store. ;) 



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I mean at least with 360 I'd be able to hold out until one format wins, unlike the PS3 where I got shafted with an extra couple hundred dollars of cost for the 'privilege' of being stuck with a format that isn't a sure thing of being the standard.  If that means that in 3-4 years I have to buy a 120$ attachment to get games with more textures, I'm all for it, it'd still be cheaper than the 600$ I would have spent on a P$3. :D ;)


Uhh, 2 holes in that.

1) The games are on BD disks, meaning, unlike the 9gig max of DVDs that 360 has, ps3 disks, even if BD doesn't win the format war, will still allow the ps3 to use 25GBs per layer (ps3 can read up to 2 layers, or 50gbs) so even with out the 'hd movie' aspect, the games them selves can put more data on one disk then the 360 or others can in 3 dvds... :P


2) you know as well as I do the new PS3 is selling at $399!

Of course a $279, Arcade 360 + the $120 attachment only eqauals what now? O Wait.. 399!


awww yea. :P

Thats not even including the more expensive versions of the 360. ;)



Hmm, according to gamestop, the HD-DVD adon is $179. ;)


You mentioned HD, why bother buying/renting a movie or even a tv show when I can buy them in HD from MSFT, and be ready to watch it in about 2 minutes.  It takes me at least 10x longer to actually go get one from the store. ;)



Because, not everyone has a good enough connection to download a 18-25GB 'dvd' in 2 minutes? ;)

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addressing point 2, so you bought your PS3 for 399?  Now the 399 version is the 40gig right?  The one that doesn't feature the emotion engine back-compatibility(read PS2)?  Not to mention half the USB ports, and no memory card slots, not to mention, No way to upgrade it without purchasing a whole new PS3...  Yeah, smokin' deal. *smirk*


Sorry about the pricing mix up, I don't pay what everyone else does, and I tend to forget it from time to time. ;)


Finally, its called STRREEEEEEMING.  Its great, cause I can download something AND watch it while it downloads.  :P

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addressing point 2, so you bought your PS3 for 399?  Now the 399 version is the 40gig right?  The one that doesn't feature the emotion engine back-compatibility(read PS2)?  Not to mention half the USB ports, and no memory card slots, not to mention, No way to upgrade it without purchasing a whole new PS3...  Yeah, smokin' deal. *smirk*


Sorry about the pricing mix up, I don't pay what everyone else does, and I tend to forget it from time to time. ;)


Finally, its called STRREEEEEEMING.  Its great, cause I can download something AND watch it while it downloads.  :P


Well, half the usb ports leaves you with 2.

The 40gig can still play PS1 Games. Which is still a larger library then anything the xbox has. ;)

An extra houndred = 80gig which can play 80% of all ps2/psx games. That extra houndred, still puts ya below the other 360s, cause you know, that Arcade 360? Thats not exactly 'top of the line' model ya know... Now I could compare the Elite or whatever 360 that costs what, $479? $349? Either way, Add +179 +279 = $458. ($179 is the real price of the Hd-DVD adon at least, according to gamestop.) ps3, 80 gig, = $499. More expensive 360's are above the $279 somewhere between 300-479. (theres like, 3 other models.)

The price gap is closing rapidly. ;)



Oh snap, I grammar corrected you! mark your calander! :P

Streaming still, only works if you have a good internet connection. Streaming HD is not equal to streaming 480p movies...

Man, could you imagine trying to stream an HD movie on dial up?!

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Word Silver, not to mention that if you can't afford broadband, you have no right to complain about how much the internet features 'suck'.



I'm not denying that the pricepoint isn't closing SD.  I'm saying flat out that the value isn't there.  I mean, at least with msft, the central console is the same, and they don't gut the machine to make it cheaper...  All they do is include less peripherals, which you can purchase later, when you realise how awesome they are.  Does the PS3 allow you to do that?  Buy bigger HD's that have the Sony Seal of Approval etc.


And really, using PS1 back compatibility to sell a system?!?  Thats worse than Nintendo's use of NES/Famicom games to sell consoles... It only works out of pure nostalgia, and not for new gamers.

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Word Silver, not to mention that if you can't afford broadband, you have no right to complain about how much the internet features 'suck'.



I'm not denying that the pricepoint isn't closing SD.  I'm saying flat out that the value isn't there.  I mean, at least with msft, the central console is the same, and they don't gut the machine to make it cheaper...  All they do is include less peripherals, which you can purchase later, when you realise how awesome they are.  Does the PS3 allow you to do that?  Buy bigger HD's that have the Sony Seal of Approval etc.


And really, using PS1 back compatibility to sell a system?!?  Thats worse than Nintendo's use of NES/Famicom games to sell consoles... It only works out of pure nostalgia, and not for new gamers.


You can buy and use ANY hard drive, not just one with 'sony's seal' Infact, the HD in sony isn't even a Sony Hard Drive. Any standard notebook HD will work in the PS3.

And I was just saying that while the 40gb isn't BC with the ps2, it is with the psx, and the psx does have some awesome games on it...

Also, didn't the arcade version not have a 'hard drive' in it? (well, like a 5gb one or a flash HD?)

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*sigh* The 360 uses a modular semi-external HD design.  It requires no tools, and my wife has actually swapped our HD with our friend's HD to enable playing his licensed content.  To give you an idea of her technical capability, I had to show her how to transfer material onto a jump drive.


So I want to hear you say that to replace the PS3's hard drive all you need is a finger, thumb, and a second HD?  And no, I'm not talking about an external device, although any(that I've used) HD USB driven works well with the 360.


  The arcade has what amounts to a memory card, proprietary, and I don't know how big, I think its either 64 or 256mb.  Hence its cheap, as in nearly as cheap as the wii.   

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*sigh* The 360 uses a modular semi-external HD design.  It requires no tools, and my wife has actually swapped our HD with our friend's HD to enable playing his licensed content.  To give you an idea of her technical capability, I had to show her how to transfer material onto a jump drive.


So I want to hear you say that to replace the PS3's hard drive all you need is a finger, thumb, and a second HD?  And no, I'm not talking about an external device, although any(that I've used) HD USB driven works well with the 360.


  The arcade has what amounts to a memory card, proprietary, and I don't know how big, I think its either 64 or 256mb.  Hence its cheap, as in nearly as cheap as the wii.   



Umm, so you critcize the PS3 40gbs BC, when the Arcade version basically has no HD? You know, gutted it. (exactly the same thing), the 360 also has 'limited' BC, PS3 40gb, has no PS2 BC, but PSX BC. (still a larger library then 360.) However, the 80GB uses Software emulation, so assuming sony can 'perfect' there software, 40GB users 'might' be able to download the emulator (or via firmware update) to play ps2 games. But since the 80GB has 1 of the 2 'hardware' pieces (60/20GB have both 'hardware' pieces. (Did you know that?) The 80GB is basically running the games 90% on software emulation.. I think the only 'hardware' emulation is from the ps2 graphics chip thing?


Anyways, as for the hard drive...

Since you probably don't believe me, I'll link it to you.



Not 100% tooless, but not that hard either.

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OK SD, here's something I learned about women, that applies to video games, especially libraries...


Quantity does not equal Quality.


Congrats the PSX library is larger than the 360, but how many consoles will PSX BC sell?  None, because anyone who got a PS3 to play those must have titles for the PSX already had one 2 weeks after it came out.  I don't know about you, but I'm not worried about playing my uber cool Ace Combat 1 when I can play Ace Combat 6.  About the only game I have any interest in from the PSX era is FFVII and why spend 399 on a ps3 when I can get out the door for 20$ for a PSOne.


As far as the BC Hardware vs Software, I just copied Sony's press release, which was distributed a few months ago.  There's probably a link to the pdf in the wiki entry for the PS3.


Hey, look at it this way, get the arcade for 280, but a HD for 60 at gamestop and you get out the door for 340.  So you basically get one major release, and a half dozen arcade/live games for free compared to the PS3 entry level.  Or you could go with the pro, for 350, get 2 major releases for free and spend that extra 50 on your buddy who dropped 600 on a ps3 when it came out and can't afford to buy any new games now, or you could not be a snot, and just buy a second controller so he can come over for Halo night. ;)  :P

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However, the 80GB uses Software emulation, so assuming sony can 'perfect' there software, 40GB users 'might' be able to download the emulator (or via firmware update) to play ps2 games.


No, they have two totally different firmware engines, their hardware is wildly different as evidenced by the different devices each one has.


By Hardware peices are you talking about the emotion engine?  I don't understand what you are saying.  When you say that they have two hardware pieces do you mean it has two motherboards, cause that would be news to me...  I thought they just included the emotion engine hardware on the same motherboard as the cell.



To reiterate, Sure thing I criticize the 40GB vs the arcade, look at the price, 400 or 280.  I still maintain that 280 buys you more bang for your buck.

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There are two pieces of PS2 hardware in the 60gig, the emotion chip and some graphics chip for the ps2. (or processor not sure which)

the 80gb has no emotion chip. (or the other chip)

They then use that chip + software to be BC.

the 40GB is 100% software emulation (for psx).

If sony ever 'perfects' the software emulation we may see it on the 40gb..

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However, the 80GB uses Software emulation, so assuming sony can 'perfect' there software, 40GB users 'might' be able to download the emulator (or via firmware update) to play ps2 games.


No, they have two totally different firmware engines, their hardware is wildly different as evidenced by the different devices each one has.


By Hardware peices are you talking about the emotion engine?  I don't understand what you are saying.  When you say that they have two hardware pieces do you mean it has two motherboards, cause that would be news to me...  I thought they just included the emotion engine hardware on the same motherboard as the cell.



To reiterate, Sure thing I criticize the 40GB vs the arcade, look at the price, 400 or 280.  I still maintain that 280 buys you more bang for your buck.


To add, the idea sony had about the 40GB was basically this.

40gb = starter system, For people who just want to buy a ps3, for ps3 games.

It costs $399, and you get..

40GB hard drive,

PS3 games,


Blu-Ray movies

Media Storage/viewing,

PSN (like xbox live, just no achievements yet, and free but with a smaller selection of games/demos/movies.)

basically everything the box has.


Look at it this way, Arcades disadvantage = No real Hard Drive.

PS3 40G Disadvantage, no ps2 BC.

The 2 less usb slots and no memory card slots are negligable. Simply because very few people actually 'use' them. (Mind you, those aren't PS2/PSX memory cards, the other kind, for things like video cams or cameras or whatever those things are. But you can still use flash drives.)

Of course, there are still 'store' deals out there that sell em for $50 or more less. Hell there was that best buy? Or target 20% off deal...


The $399 price is only about $50 less then 2 of the other boxes, And you DO get more. If you were to buy the equivolent in Xbox terms in accessories. (wireless, Hd-DVD) just to get everything the ps3 has stuffed in it, yoru spending almost 50% more. (Ie, Even the 80GB $499,  you'd still be spending more on all the accessories to equal that on the Ps3.)

Now sure, you may say, what if I don't want HD-DVD? Well then your getting a deal.

But if Box ever decides to encorporate Hd-DVD in its games (more storage = less compression, true 1080p.)

They will effectively be giving everyone that owns a box, the shaft.


PS3 you automatically get everything stuffed into one box, price wise it is a 'steal'. And even if you have no interest in watching BD movies, and even if the 'format dies', you can still play the games, and the games will still have huge 'capacity'.



As for games, vs price. You do have a point, sure if I spent $280 on an arcade, and the additional $140 on games, you'd defiantely get more 'bang' for your buck.

But if you spent the rest of the money on all the accessories to 'equal' everything thats in the ps3, you may as well be spending $600. :P

That was my point, and its still true. Of course, if you just want games and no HD-DVD, or wireless or any of that other fun stuff, then of course, your going to get more games, and it is a game console first, and a media station first. Sony seems to be taking the other approach, Media Station first, game second. ;)


Theres a rumor afloat that we may see another price drop within the next 6 months. further closeing the gap. Hopefully by then, Sony will make 100% PS2 Software emulation, with out Ps2 hardware. (aka bringing the one thing the 40gb lacks back up to par.)



On an aside, if you ever used a Ps2 Emulator on the PC, you should know how SLOW it runs compared to the ps2, and just how much power it takes to actually emulate anything! Hence why the 80Gb and 60GB are so much more expensive.... (because they basically have the 2 main ps2 'chips' in it that run ps2 games..)


Speaking of the 60GB, some stores are selling it at the same price as the 80GB, others are selling it between $399, and $499.


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Guess I spoke to soon!


PS3 one ups Xbox 360 with its DivX support


The Xbox 360 may have beaten Sony to to the punch with regards to supporting the DivX format but it seems that the PS3 will have the last laugh on the matter. First of all, unlike the Xbox 360, the PS3 is DivX certified meaning it will get full DivX functionality. This even allows for developers to utilize the solid form of compression for various in-game cut scenes.






Last month, DivX announced that the PS3 will soon support DivX, and, this month, Gizmodo met with the company, which shared some interesting details on the big move.


First of all, unlike the Xbox 360, the PS3 is DivX certified. While Microsoft’s console can only playback some DivX files, the PS3 will get full DivX functionality. This includes the ability for game developers to use the very efficient compression format for in-game cut-scenes.


This means DivX video cut scenes will reduce stress on the machine, theoretically allowing for better load times, less power consumption, and less heat output.






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And despite all that, current customers are buying xbox 360's 1.6 times more often than PS3s.  Bad customer, shame on you.  ;D :P


Yet the PS1 is out selling the 360 10 to 1 in japan. ;)

combining ps2/ps3, and psp sales, sony is pwning MS. :P


But we don't go into the whole

SNES,N64,GC,WII, GBA, DS, DSlite thing, cause no one cares about nintendo. ;)

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Sorry bucko, but days where 90% of the developers being in japan, and japan being the center of the gaming world are also long gone.  We own the market now, well actually developers are almost global but the point is the same.  The US is THE market for consoles.  Go ahead, cling to your good old days, I've embraced the future. ;D

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Sorry bucko, but days where 90% of the developers being in japan, and japan being the center of the gaming world are also long gone.  We own the market now, well actually developers are almost global but the point is the same.  The US is THE market for consoles.  Go ahead, cling to your good old days, I've embraced the future. ;D


Last I checked, Japan still drives the market for Video Games & Consoles. You know, with the whole, thing about, everyone in japan having to own a wii/or any nintendo product, its the law there aparently. They sell more consoles there per week then we do in america! ;)

Apparently everyone there needs to own 3 wii's..  :o


And hey, where else can you go to play some games you'll never see in america?

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