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The Ageless Look


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How does one successfully portray or depict the ageless look of Aes Sedai in art? I always have such a hard time imagining the ageless look of older AS, especially the ones with white hair because the first thing that comes to mind are the terrible portrayals of old women by not-so-old actresses in cheap Chinese dramas.


Like, when they just put on a white/grey wig tied in a bun and some makeup to make their complexions look more weathered/old but somehow they're lacking real wrinkles of any sort. >_> I don't have a picture of that unfortunately, but let's just say it looks very incongruous and not at all attractive or convincing.


Have you ever seen someone who has gon prematurely grey?  I picture the agelessness like that...smooth skin, somewhat young appearing, but with out of place white hair...


When it's described as "smooth", I picture Kabuki-ish looking faces, only with natural skin tones. You know, that smoothed-over, rounded look. I have trouble applying it to AS described as having sharp facial features though.




It has to be an effect that's fairly severe, given that almost everyone in the books can point out an Aes Sadai instantly. After all, their oaths stretch their skin constantly.



I've often wondered if the Oath Rods were actually devices used for cosmetic surgery, pre-AoL, and that the binding of oaths is just a side-effect.  ;)


I just imagine it to be where you literally cannot pin an age on them, basic as that sounds!!


So think of the things that you would look for in order to say "I think they're in their 20s, or their 30s or their 70s".


So perhaps they have a few small lines around the eyes, means they're out of their 20s. But they have smooth, taut skin, means they're not in their 40s. They have a youthful complexion, their skin looks healthy, means they're likely not in their 30s as I always think most people start to look a little tired in their 30s.


Think... Judi Dench crossed with Kate Winslet. Judi Dench is probably in her early 70s but she looks very good for her age (no cosmetic surgery) whereas Kate Winslet is pushing 40, but has a very youthful complexion.


I dont think we're meant to be able to imagine it. That's what makes them immediately obvious - they stand out.


It is kind of hard to picture...or to apply to art, in my opinion.  At least, specifically because, like someone else said, if you know the signs you can spot an Aes Sedai on sight, and also because Siuan and Leane looked so different after losing the ageless look that people didn't even recognize them.


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