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I do apologize


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I thought I'd be able to get on track with the rollers as sooon as I got back home, but since I got really sick, it's gona take a few more days. So, just be patient, it's going to be back... eventually *g*



On other notes, I wasn't able to access the off DM boards and am like lost to the going ons there, how are the reviews doing and how is the spamming going? Where's my storm leader? Why am I still on computer when I can hardly hold my head up? All important questions, to some I may never get an answer to... ah well, such is life... and then you become grass *woot, peace at last!*




- reviews have quietened down

- spamming is still the same, demi is still demi

- Dont know about your SL, but my one is doing fine

- Maybe you should go back to bed

- and if you have the answer to life then please let me in on the secret


think that covers everything



Guest TheDemigod

*head falls down from neatly placed head-holder on roof*


*demi waves hand*


*demi welcomes roka*


*demi sleep now*


About the rollers, get ahold of Dar...I hear he has em.


Where he is though, is a very good question. I'm alive and well so at least the BT has one SL around *grins, and nods*


Welcome back Roka, when you wake up anyways!


Rollers are up. We're missing the Elemental Training Roller though. So big loss there really. We'll be able to get back to the mayhem atleast now.


And Dar didnt ditch us. Hero just got him hooked on WoW. He sent me the rollers though. (minus the Elemental Training, as I said).


But you'd best get better, Roka! We miss you dude!


okie dokie then, I couldn't get to them till valestorm was back up anyway, so this is good *nods*



I'll send you the updated ones in due time...

Guest TheDemigod

poor fellow :P


*goes to kalimdor*


Yes... Poor fellow indeed....


*transfers his 60 rogue to Kargath and runs him over to Kalimdor!*

Guest TheDemigod

i only got a 53 priest :P

Guest TheDemigod



holy cow :P


Lvl72 RDM on FFXI, White Mage and Black Mage aviailable as levelled subjobs, at 74 i'm gonna need to level Dark Knight to 37 and then i'm finished with necessities, and i can be one of the best and well rewarded people in my endgame linkshell, seeing as i'm pretty much the main Red Mage right now. ^^

Guest TheDemigod

sounds great :P

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