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3 questions


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1. I just reread The Eye Of The World and while Lan was talking to Lord Agelmar Jagad he's telling a poem. Could somebody tell me it? I read the books in dutch so i know it but I would like to have the original (english) one.


2. Who talked against Rand when he channeled Saidin for the first time?


3. So the Forsaken and the Dark One are immortal. Right? But they can be killed with balefire. What if Rand balefired the Dark One? Would he be killed to? Would that mean that the whole balance of good and evil is disrupted and resulting the Wheel of Time to be destroyed? Or does the Dark One life outside the Wheel?


Sorry for the bad grammar but I'm not used to talking/typing English.


1. "The rose petal floats on water. The Kingfisher flashes above the pond.  Life and beauty swirl in the midst of death."


2. Not sure waht you mean exactly, but the first time Rand channels is during their flight form Emond's Filed, he channels to make Bela be able to keep up with the other horses.


3. Balefire destroys a thread in the pattern, I don't think the DO has a thread, because if he did he wouldn't want to destroy the partern.....


Just before the stairs to Ba'alzamon appear.


So the Dark One can't be destroyed? But how did he exist? Did the Creator 'made' him or what? Or was he just there like the Creator?


Just before the stairs to Ba'alzamon appear.


So the Dark One can't be destroyed? But how did he exist? Did the Creator 'made' him or what? Or was he just there like the Creator?


Don´t make the mistake of thinking the creator is the cristian god and the dark one Lucifer. There not ;)


As for the other part. We don´t know. Based on what we know, the dark one is a god, not just a more powerful immortal channeler.

According to myth, the creator bound the dark one when he created the world. so obviously he already existed then. There isnt much info on that.




Well, I think what your talking about Saidar is when Rand draws on the Eye and that voice (noticeably in all capitals) screams in his head that its his job to defeat the DO? It's presumed to be the creator, but really, we don't know. (Or at least I don't ;))


As for the Forsaken immortality, an arrow could kill them just as easy as a dog or an Aes Sedai, they just have that annoying habit of coming back to life. Balefire has simply proved most effective. Though I'm not sure if it'd work on the DO, we know the OP can hurt him, but I seriously doubt he has a thread in the pattern, just influences those he can. He does seem to exist outside the pattern entirely. Also, this is a personal beleif, but I doubt that the DO was ever really intended to be a 'balance' in the pattern, as he is the 'Lord of Chaos'. I try to think of the Creator and DO as 'good' and 'evil', but as 'balance/law' and 'chaos'.


Hope this helps.


I assume you mean Aginor?




The common line of thinking seems to be that it's the Creator, which is possible, but no one can say for certain at this time.


im almost embarrassed to say so, but in the amount of times that ive read this story, I cant believe that ive never taken note of that one line at TEOTW....is that generally accepted theory that RA actually hears the creator? are there any other theories. What is "it" that is not there???


Rnad had just said "This has to end!" or something to that effect.  When the Creator (many of us assume) says "IT IS NOT HERE", I presume that he was talking about the "end" that Rand sought.  The "end" was not at that time and place (for someone outside of time, like we might assume the Creator is, "here" could refer to both time and place).


Rnad had just said "This has to end!" or something to that effect.  When the Creator (many of us assume) says "IT IS NOT HERE", I presume that he was talking about the "end" that Rand sought.  The "end" was not at that time and place (for someone outside of time, like we might assume the Creator is, "here" could refer to both time and place).


Indeed, and while I haven't read the book in awhile, isn't that right after Rand zots himself to Tarwin's Gap, where the Borderlanders are fighting off the Trolloc horde coming down from the Blight? If so, then the "IT IS NOT HERE" could also be interpreted more specifically--the battle of Tarwin's Gap is not the true battle of light vs. dark. I seem to recall that's the order of operations, but my memory is admittedly foggy.


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