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Aviendha's Talent


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I dont think i've got to this bit yet this time 'round and cant remember it from last time.


What is Aviendha's Talent? Is it for 'reading' ter'angreal? That she knows what they do when she touches them?


I think RJ was very clever in hiding Avi's talent, she spent most of her page time denying she could channel. Then when she accepted that she was too busy doing training and I don't think the Aiel even carry any Ter'Angeral for her to touch in the first place. So it does come as a surprise in the end but a cool one I think.  8)


Picking apart a weave is something most every Aes Sedia can do.  For example, when Elayne picked apart her gateway after using the Bowl of Winds the other sisters saw what she was doing and totaly freaked out, implying that they knew what she was doing, and didn't want to be around when it blew up in her face.




I don't know. I personally would tend to think so because of how difficult it is, but she tells .... Elayne? (I believe it's in A Crown Of Swords, very soon after they use the Bowl of the Winds) that picking apart weaves was something that was taught to her by the Wise Ones.


I think they call her talent "Deus Ex Machina"... as in:


Elayne: "Goodness, we found all these TA and have no idea what any of them can do! How ever will we use them?"

Deus Ex: "Don't worry, one of your established and plot-tied secondary characters who you're with at this very instant can simply touch them and tell you just what they're for!"

Aviendha: "Hey, Elayne, need anything?"


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